August 16, 2014

The Mike Brown Shooting What You're Not Being Told
*jewish drive behind development of American police state


  1. What I find so infuriating is the jewsmedia and all their presstitutes pretend that blacks are responsible human beings who have been victimized -- by Whites, of course. They interview family members, all with different last names. They interview alleged witnesses, local black preachers; they interview black experts, experts of what, I have no clue. But in all cases, they never ask the right questions. A White cop shoots a black involved in some crime, the jewsmedia twists the facts, questions the shooting, and the blacks use it as an excuse to attack any and all Whites they come in contact with. Whites have no say in what the cops do. We are even more vulnerable to cop malfeasance than blacks are. The PO-lice are not afraid of us. Generally, we are law abiding, and don't have any NAACP, jewsmedia, or free everything to protect us.

    Meanwhile, the jewsmedia pretends the yard apes are all law abiding, hard working, and caring people when only a blind man couldn't see that the total opposite is the truth. There isn't an American city in which they live that isn't being totally destroyed and ghettoized. There isn't an area in all the world where blacks live in substantial numbers that doesn't look like Detroit and have crime statistics to match. It's in their DNA. It's in their genetically low IQs. Blacks, what ever percentage of the population, are portrayed by the jews as victims of White oppression while they commit a full 75% of the crime. Yet, not one of those very obvious topics of interest to the White community are ever discussed by their panels made up of niggers and jews. What are the average, dumbed down, unawakened Whites to think? They think, let's go watch niggerball and praise niggers and allow our daughters to breed with them. Unless your agenda was working to destroy a society, and that is the agenda of the jews and their media, why would anyone who is responsible sympathize with these black yard apes? The amount of crime they commit is overwhelming. If the jewsmedia displayed only a minimum of honesty, the only thing they'd have time to report would be murder, rape, and robbery committed by blacks but instead they confuse and enable the apes' criminality and make them believe they're equal.

  2. New York City, once America’s greatest and most famous metropolis, is now a crime-ridden hell where nonwhites commit 95% of all murders, 90% of all rapes, 90% of Felony Sex Crimes, 96% of all robberies, 91% of all Felonious Assaults, 90% of all Grand Larceny offenses, 86% of all Misdemeanor Sex Crimes, 90% of all Misdemeanor Assault and Related offenses, 87% of all Petit Larceny offenses, 84% of all Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief offenses, 96.6% of all Shooting offenses, and constitute 90.8% of all firearm arrests, 86.3% of all Drug Felony arrests, 82.3% of all Felony Stolen Property arrests, and 94.5% of all Felony and Misdemeanor Complaint Records with Identified Juvenile Victims, Suspects and Arrestees—all this according to official figures released by the New York City Police Department.

    The Philadelphia Homicide Report: Blacks & Hispanics Commit More than 96% of the Murders in Philadelphia

    The Philadelphia police published a report on homicides in Philadelphia in 2013 and 2012.There data shows that the black murder rate is astronomical. Black black commit murder in extreme disproportion to their percentage of the population. What is more, white are disproportionately likely to be victims compared to their murder rate. This shows that many black murderers are killing white people.

    Philadelphia is 37% white, 44% black, 6% Asian, and 13% Latino and other.

    Of known perpetrators, blacks committed 83% of murders in 2012 and 80% of murders in 2013. Whites committed 3.4% of murders in 2012 and 4.3% of murders in 2013. However, white people were 5.2% of murder victims in 2012 and 8.5% of murder victims in 2013. This website has noted several racially charged hate crime/thrill kill style murders of white people in Philadelphia over the past few years.

    In 2013, the list of homicide victims was twice as white as the list of perpetrators.

    The website has also been one of the only media outlets in America to sound the alarm about racially motivated black on Asian violence in Philadelphia. In 2012 and 2013 put together, there is only one known Asian perpetrator. However, there were 10 Asian murder victims in the same period.

    The evidence suggests that almost all Asian murder victims were killed by a black perpetrator.

    Blacks committed 81% of murders where the perp is known. Black males between the ages of 18-44 committed 64% of all murders in where the perp is known.

  3. I'm no fan of Fox news but this seem very plausible:

    The video speaks for itself.

  4. I meant to say responsible

  5. Christian B. Said it best!

    The fact that white people will post comments in regards to black crime statistics just shows the level of ignorance among white nationalists!

    Furthermore, which people owned the slave ships, and were disproportionally part of the merchant class? Which people raped Africa, and poured liquor, drugs, and guns into the ghettos of America? Which people own the music labels that promote black gangsterism?

    The same corporations and people that pillaged Africa are the ones that are pouring immigrants into western civilization, NOT to get rid of the WHITE RACE, but for fucking PROFIT! Jesus Christ! They could give two shits about the color of your skin!

    They just use race to play you off against each other, whilst they get richer and richer and own more and more of your government! Bravo, white nationalists play the Jew game perfectly!

    The fact that people would come on here and post black crime statistics, and completely ignore the militarization of their police is appalling! Do you also not realize that those same police are being cross-trained in fucking ISRAEL!?

    Take heed what they've done, and continue to do, to the Arabs and Blacks, because you're next!

    Welcome to Palestine is right!

  6. The death of Michael Brown is not known to be an artefact of any police state metastasization. What happened immediately before his death is disputed and unclear.

    What is bloody obvious, is that if he were a White man killed by a Black there'd be no riots in race sympathy, no wall-to-wall media coverage and interrogation of Black conduct, no pressure on the police and criminal justice to prove they are not waycist, no candle-light vigils, no Presidential meddling. JUST SILENCE. AS ALWAYS.

    But how does that square with a supposed media and government agenda to "use race to play you off against each other"?

    It doesn't - obviously. They want Whites to just shut up and take it. Take the rapes, murders, muggings and hatred and like it. And so do some voices here, apparently.

  7. Yes Noor, welcome to Palestine indeed. The same thuggish sociopathic mindset of fear based compliance used in occupied Palestine is creeping forward ever so steadily in North America.

    There was a rally a few days back in Israel demanding that the Israeli government finish the job in Gaza.

    Psychopathy has definitely taken root in Israel. Most of the Jews and their Christian Zionist lackeys (The cult of Pastor John 'Hogee' Hagee) encouraging more attacks on Gaza are truly sick in the head.

    ‘Finish the job!’ Thousands of Israelis rally in support of Gaza offensive

  8. @Nick Dean: Many Jews are 'white' and of European heritage. You obviously have identity problems just like your fellow Jewish comrades...

  9. Nonsense Christian Reuter! Exposing the truth about niggers, the staggering amount of crime they commit does not leave the jews off the hook by any means. Certainly jews are the number 1 problem for Whites and have protected and empowered niggers by virtue of their total control of information and media. The fact you're offended by listing their crime statistics so that unawakened Whites may see the breathtaking immensity of it, is, at the very least, naive.

  10. Its obvious the friend of Brown is reading from a script. But why do they think that its okay to break the law by walking down the middle of the street? I think they were high and didn't give a shit.

    Noor, according to Hesham Tillawi the comparison of Ferguson with Palestine is not even close. That was on his program today.


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