August 28, 2014

What Are the jews Thinking?
A sampling of threats to public health from jew controlled entities. 


  1. Mike Rivero won't mention the Jew.

  2. I have heard Rivero mention the jew many times over many years.

  3. Rivero will attack or belittle anyone who brings up chemtrails, HAARP, that a plane did not crash at the Pentagon on 9/11, brings up the fact that the JWO is the biggest threat to humanity. He hammers home that it's the "money junkies" and not jews that are destroying the world in between gloating about how he is a sephardic jew and I would guess he is very proud to have "real" jewish lineage as apposed to those pesky imposters to the throne, Kazars, who he blames for all the immoral jewish behavior as if Judaism isn't totally evil disregarding sephardic, mizrahim, ashkenazi or kazar. It's funny how he follows the same play book as other shills by giving code names for jewish criminality like money junkies, white shoe boys, offshore international bankers, shape shifting reptilians..

  4. Rivero has many problems but he hammers the hell out of Israel. He has also hammers the hell out of jewish supremacy, the holohoax, and jewish involvement in 9/11.

  5. Did he say 27 countries have laws that keep GMOs out. I don't think Australia is one of the lucky ones.

    On second thoughts I don't think any country has managed to keep Monsanto and its filthy product out, but I do hope the fight is not over.

    Bill Gates the worlds richest man...Didn't know he was worth more than those Rothschilds?

  6. I wouldn't overtly come out against Jews on my first limited Coast to Coast AM appearance (if I had one), but when he had three hours on his third C2CAM appearance, when he was asked at least twice to talk about what some of the biggest issues of concern for him in the world were, he NEVER even mentioned Israel once.

    He still continues to ridicule those who say a plane didn't hit the Pentagon (re-posting his "pod people" article after one of his C2CAM shows), and he keeps deliberately putting out false monetary quotes after being warned about it and even attacked for it by some after me warning him that could happen.

    Charlie Giuliani came out against him for his Pentagon stance when he was on WARN, and Dennis Cimino also rightly called him out on his most recent John Friend appearance, as well.


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