August 15, 2014

Zapoper's After School Special 222

Fuck off

64k CF Download


  1. Come on Zap! We need you to keep posting all this shit. Depressing, it sure is.
    Was wondering if the blood spilled in Gaza by murdering Israeli Jews, US weapons and connivance was enough to tip Robin Williams over the edge?

    I mean really, if you're going to commit suicide and you're a famous person, I mean, why the fuck didn't you say something like "reject what the MSM has told us about 9/11". You could have said reject Hollywood and Zionism and tune into Mami's Shit everyday, but you didn't. Perhaps you were going to say all of these things and more but the goons got to you first. I suppose We'll never know?

  2. 7312I stand with you zapoper, all this fake stuff made me lose my heart. Its so divisive, almost seems planned. And then the Ebola thing, I think conspiracy theorists are extremely paranoid and give themselves a bad name by making everything into a conspiracy. On the surface the average people see many of these theories as absolutely retarded. Alex Jone$ has turned everything into a conspiracy except jews and the jewish issue. It's all about money for him of course. Anyway, good show. I wouldn't blame you for taking a break it will do you much good. Just forget about this shit for a time and you will have much clarity. One thing I will say is we still have to fight the 'chosen' ones, they are the major problem.

  3. OK Zap I'll bite. It seems to me that the Jews are race mixing partly to breed out whiteness (and their characteristics which are inimicable to Jewish supremacy, namely a tendency to invention, discovery, chivalry, creativity and lower sex drive) pushing SEX as the be all... turning girls into sluts and roadblocking the pathway to family..

    And to set up a nice balance of whites and others in white countries so that the fuse can be lit for a sustainable civil war.

    Perhaps most of all the malevolent desire is to get "revenge" for centuries of holding back their schemes and deeds...

    Yes it is the Jews at the head, but we also have to deal with the problem they have set us...

    England rapidly degenerating into an Asiatic culture of backsheesh and litterbugging, not to mention the gang rape and grooming of young girls all over Northern Europe by Muslim gangs.

    Got any ideas for defusing the situation?

    Scotland BTW is still relatively untouched by all of this, the politically correct and degenerate Edinburgh International Festival and Fringe currently tripling the population of my home city notwithstanding.

    This lot are regulars BTW

    We have a vote for independence in a month, my warning to my people...

    Take time out as required, give WHOOLI the reins and let MAMIs continue to build... my advice. That and watch the sauce!

    Anyway you have my best wishes


  4. -
    PART 1 of 2

    Hello Zapoper,
    Sorry to hear that you’re in a blue funk.  Like you, I get down sometimes, thinking about the sick and depraved nature of what we’re trying to combat here.
    Firstly, a sincere thanks for all the work you and Mami’s Admin have been doing in compiling all this crucial and educational information.  It’s valued beyond measure, as it keeps ‘sane’ those of us who have questions...  questions which are not being answered by the now-discredited press, the media shills and our compromised institutions.
    In your podcast, while pouring out your heart, you asked us, the listeners, the following question:
    “How are you people still keeping it together?”
    Now I promise not to ‘bible-bash’, because I am well aware that you, Charles G and others here at Mami’s are highly critical of any notion of God, especially anything with a Jewish connection.  And I get that, because let’s face it, both the Old and New Testaments have been co-opted and misappropriated by World Jewry, the Institutionalised Church and others besides.
    However, whenever I put forward the Bible or God or Christ,  I am not in any way recommending ‘religion’, ‘enlightenment’ or any other subjective experience at the exclusion of reason; nor am I endorsing an association with a congregation or cult.
    Rather, what I am advocating is an objective -- even sceptical – inquiry into the writings of wiser men than me, independent of any outside input (be it pro or con).
    With that in mind, I want to contend (yet again!) that the antidote to all this ‘Bad News’ -- which suffocates you, me and everyone else on this path of discovery --  is  ‘The Good News’,  which breathes Life.
    If and when you take a break from Mami’s, during those times you’re not tuned into Charles G radio show, give the bible a look-see.  Granted, it was written by Jews, for Jews, about a Jew -- but that’s the sublime irony of it all!  In spite of this pedigree, it turns out to be an ‘all inclusive’ balm, making sense of things which are nonsensical.  It is: ‘the Good News, for the Jew first, but equally for the Gentile’, as Paul once put it in his letter to the Romans.
    In fact, for me at least, it all ‘clicked’ when I approached Paul’s letters – not as lofty, theological prose (‘epistles’) – but rather as practical, earthy, personal correspondence to a real and imperfect audience.  These letters  shed light on how all peoples, from all tribes and tongues, educated and uneducated, of high social standing and low, are being reconciled to God and to one another – in Christ.
    If you are open to reading it, you may come to discover that the Good Book is a remedy to the Talmudist-Kabbalist matrix in which we find ourselves ensnared;  whereas the Talmud and Kabbalah fuel hostility, spite, hatred and wars between a self-perceived superior tribe and ‘the goyim’, the Bible puts forward an entirely different picture:

    "For he himself is our shalom — he has made us both one and has broken down the wall of hostility which divided us by destroying in his own body the enmity occasioned by the Torah, with its commands set forth in the form of ordinances. He did this in order to create in union with himself -- from the two groups -- a single new humanity and thus make shalom, and in order to reconcile to God both in a single body by being executed on as a criminal and thus in himself killing that enmity". (Ephesians 2:14-16)

    PART 2 to follow

  5. -
    PART 2 
    Even those difficult passages in the Old Testament, which, in their own right might appear to condone violent force, racial exclusivity and collective punishment, can, I believe,  be properly understood when seen ‘through Christ’ and in the context of his atoning death and resurrection.

    Paul put it this way:

    "Brothers, my heart’s deepest desire and my prayer to God for Israel is for their salvation; for I can testify to their zeal for God. But it is not based on correct understanding; for, since they are unaware of God’s way of making people righteous and instead seek to set up their own, they have not resigned themselves to God’s way of making people righteous. For the final goal at which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts" (Romans 10:1-4)

    Zapoper, in your podcast, you pondered the option of  “giving up”. 

    If life is a meaningless, unintended collision of atoms, plasma, enzymes and electrons (as a God-less existence could perhaps imply) then one might be driven to give up.  Atheism, pantheism and Gnosticism (Enlightenment, Illumination) all have their roots in the same Babylonian zeitgeist which energises the psychopaths who are running the world.  It is the glorification of self, instead of God.

    Paul, again:

    "So are we Jews better off? Not at all; for I have already made the charge that all people, Jews and Gentiles alike, are controlled by sin. As the Torah puts it, “There is no one righteous, not even one! No one understands, no one seeks God, all have turned away" " (Romans 3:10)


    "They have exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, by worshipping and serving created things, rather than the Creator — praised be he for ever. Amen". (Romans 1:25)

    In reading the psalms of King David, the 'warts and all' history of the nation of Israel (consistently disobedient -- yet beloved), the promises of the prophets, their fulfilment in the gospels... in viewing the bible as a whole, one can see that there is after all a meaning to life. This 'Meaning to Life' does not hinge of how we reach out for the truth, but rather how The Truth has reached down to us.

    Although I always look forward to seeing what has been posted up as Mami's, my concern is that our disagreements and differences invariably end up in gutter-sniping, name-calling, cursing, belittling and dismissing each other. It appears everyone, with the exception of the Judaists, are incapable of maintaining a united front, which is to our disadvantage. To be honest, I find myself wondering: is this a comment written by a fellow-soldier, or is it the handiwork of an infiltrator employing the motto of Mossad: 'through deception, we will conquer"

    On that note, Zapoper, I agree with you that 'White identity', or any national / race identity (‘Christian Identity’ as well), will always fall short of ‘attaining the goal’.      I think it’s worth considering what Paul has to say in regards to what and whom we ought to align our identify:

    "Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation — the old has passed. Look! what has come is fresh and new!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
    "For it was by one Spirit that we were all immersed into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free; and we were all given the one Spirit to drink". (1 Corinthians 12:13)

    "For in union with the Messiah, you are all children of God through this trusting faithfulness; because as many of you as were immersed into the Messiah have clothed yourselves with the Messiah, in whom there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor freeman, neither male nor female; for in union with the Messiah Jesus, you are all one. " (Galatians 3:26, 27)

    Anyway Zap, I hope this mega-note hasn’t further aggravated your low mood !!  It is meant to be an encouragement.

  6. This is exactly when and how that bible craps sinks its fangs in you. Take a week off. Clear your head. Your efforts at this blog are appreciated. Jew dont stop and neither can we no matter what obstacles they set up. If your ancestors gave up when it got tough, you wouldnt be here or have a land to call home. Keep the fight, the enemy never sleeps....

  7. hey zapoper shill out man, listen to some doomcast radio to cheer ya up. LOL


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