September 24, 2014

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.09.24

The FED Tinkers While the U.S. Burns

-The factors influencing silver and gold prices
-Audit The Fed Bill introduced into the House is not going anywhere
-Understanding reverse repos and how the fed is sucking money out of the economy on purpose
-Fed says it is a liquidity crisis to cover up a solvency crisis
-Stocks are being purchased on borrowed money, aka leverage
-Currency raiders – another tool of the FED – Reagan did it with the Ruble
-Dollar is the highest it has been in seven years
-Numismatics have out performed bullion dramatically in the past seven years
-Andy talks cryptocurrencies and happily bows out from owning any. He tells us why
-The mobilization of credit is the issue
-Iraq is getting their political act together. Will they sell their plentiful oil for dollars or Dinar?
-Rockefeller’s divesting out of fossil fuels
-Does Andy think that precious metals prices will behave like they did in 2008-09 when the market crashed, if/when the market crashes again?
-We go through the H41 report during this show. Click on link to follow the bouncing dollar with Andrew

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


1 comment:

  1. Important point:

    "Numismatics have out performed bullion dramatically in the past seven years"

    Yet you have Ted Anderson and had Bob Chapman talking down numismatic gold as being a rip-off overall.

    To his credit, from 2007-2012, when George Whitehurst-Berry had his show on GCN, he was correctly advocating a portion of holdings in "historically non-confiscatable" numismatic gold. That is, in 1933, they seized more than what worked out to 4-5 ounces of regular gold coins, and numismatic (collector) gold was exempt.

    To advocate buying no numismatic gold because of some people being ripped off by slick-talking gold dealers is no reason not to protect yourself as an American from what they may do again in the future. And even if you don't plan on turning your non-numismatic gold in, you won't be able to openly trade with it.

    With myself being in Canada, there hasn't been a historical confiscation, but next time could be different, because of them being more brazen with bankster thefts.


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