September 25, 2014

Zionist Canada is the new trend



  2. This makes me sick. The worst thing is that all 3 parties are whores of zion. The Conservatives are just the most shameless of the whores.

  3. Mulcair is a Zionist whore as much as the next Canadian politico but the shamelessly pro-Israeli responses to his questions are sickening nonetheless.

    Israel has its grip on our nation, courtesy of years of inept Canadian politicians and the usual Judaic persistence that broke them down one by one.

    Will Canadians ever shake off their apathy and make changes? Sadly, this is doubtful in the near future.

  4. There isn't a big Christian Zionist vote in Canada like there is in the U.S., so it's pure pandering to Jewish support and money, which traditionally went to the Liberal Party, but the Conservatives have gradually been able to peel off support since 2006.

    And Harper, Baird and other top Conservatives are rabid Christian Zionists, so they truly believe in Jewish Israeli supremacism in the Middle East.

  5. Harper has been to several CNP meetings over the years

  6. The MP apologized in the House today.

    But the fact that he preemptively denied the back room party hacks having anything to do with his apology makes me think they were behind both.


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