October 20, 2014

1943 Movie Exposes Illuminati Secrets.. Director and Producer Killed Over it!

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This 1943 movie “Occult Forces) exposes the secret Illuminati long before any other movie that I know of.  The film’s writer was imprisoned and the films producer and the director were executed!  Lots of secrets of the satanic Freemasons are exposed here.   If you have anybody in your family in freemasonry I hope you can show them this video where a top freemason admits that he loves Lucifer!


  1. 526http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiMR8LuWcLs

  2. If you actually watch the end of the film it turned out the freemasons were taking orders from the Jews.

  3. Thank you Christian. Good to see *some* people actually bother to watch the whole film-rather than mouth off on something they obviously didn't. Then again, Mr Dean appears to be a bit of a Moaning Minnie at the best of times.
    Nothing is ever *quite* good enough,eh? ;)

  4. oh, and it's 71 years ago. Some people!

  5. Nice to see he finally bothered to watch it to the end - and yes, the star of David at the end is a bloody big pointer to who exactly is behind it all. To dismiss it so cavalierly proves to me Mr dean is a dissembling provocateur at the very least.
    Considering this was made during wartime, it's a miracle the film makers finished the project at all - especially with the obvious dangers involved in making this information available to the public. The Director and producer paid for their bravery with their lives. People like Dean have no concept of what being a "Truther" - even back then - means to some people. And how far they'll go to get the truth out in the face of those who wish to remain in the shadows pulling those strings.He seems to be making it his personal mission to rubbish anyone here who is being proactive when it comes to pointing out the Jew. I wonder why?

  6. Jews, they are the scourge on and of the planet.

  7. Watch this one. Don't read the propaganda comments. All those awakened will get it.

  8. Here is another great intro and movie for reality.

    You might find on youtube but they keep taking it down.

  9. @ Nick Dean

    "It is absurd enough that a supposed dissident would make this film in 1943"

    Huh?? The "Nazi's" made this movie.


    ''The film was commissioned in 1942 by the Propaganda Abteilung, a delegation of Nazi Germany's propaganda ministry within occupied France by the ex-Mason Mamy. It virulently denounces Freemasonry, parliamentarianism and Jews as part of Vichy's drive against them and seeks to prove a Jewish-Masonic plot.''

    The only thing absurd here, is your comment.

  10. Your comments ,as usual, are about as clear as Mud Dean. The only reason you have the chutzpah to come back trying to justify your scripted attack against myself and Christian is to maintain your "Cover" here.
    Nit-Picking over the symbolic significance about *WHO* is being shown to be the real enemy (In this time-period obviously) was just your way to besmirch those who created this movie.And those who seek to spread it's message even today to those who know no better about who really runs this world. The answer shown here is patently true - Governments,Jews and Freemasons all share the blame for the worlds ills. But the reality is that Governments and Freemasons are "Created" power structures. Tools to be used towards a specific purpose. And the Jews have always been the "Hidden Hand" behind both. To push that message into the minds of audiences back in 1943 is nothing short of a miracle. And it's one we need to push into modern day audiences minds today to reawaken them.
    It is understood that the Jews *Created* the modern variant of Freemasonry as another Tool to bring about the NWO/One world Government.
    They took a historically significant name,and made it something they could recruit credulous Goys to join:Believing they were a secret society of Control freaks running the world. Whereas,they were enabling the Jewish families own control of things instead.Links to both groups go back as far a Babylonian times. They have been intertwined for just as long.
    ..And so we finally return to the Numerically-Challenged Mr Dean. What pithy and obviously scripted disinformation will you grace us with next i wonder?

  11. Sigh. There's no reasoning with a Numpty determined to be a Numpty.
    Jews control Freemasonry,yes? Freemasonry controls Governments,yes?
    Ergo - all 3 groups are culpable-as per the films message. If you still refuse to acknowledge that, then we can all see you're a real dis-info shill. I refuse to engage with your obvious trolling anymore. Good day to you sir.


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