October 15, 2014

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.10.15

The Game Is Rigged; Learning To Play With Dignity and Grace

-What is Andrew’s opinion on Chinese coins? And are Gold & Silver Panda coins solid personal investments?
-From a listener: My sister in law watches came across a news item about the planned too-big-too-fail banking war games, seems like the U.S. and UK want to stress test the banking system. She thinks its like a setup for some kind of a false flag system to mess things up. I, myself am not so worried, like you said “if they wanna crash the system, they can easily do it and would have done already”. Do you know about this and what do you think about it ?
-30 Year Bonds went from yesterday’s close of 142 -22 with a spike to 148-00 ( a 5 full point pop in a day) today before the fall to 144-30 where it’s trading now. At the same time as this spike in Bonds, the US Dollar went from 86.13 down to 84.52 before the recovery to 85.325. That’s a 161 point spread … As these events occurred the S&P/Dow/NASDAQ went down hard …
Movements like these have not been seen in years. Does Andrew think there is a possibility there may be a crisis on the way?
-Dollar down, oil down, stocks down, Greece Down, EU stocks down, our first question to Andy is What’s up?
-Andy gives his analysis of FOMC meeting’s notes…not what they said.
-Legend Harvey Organ says the Shanghai Gold Exchange will force gold and silver prices very high by years end. What does Andy think?
-What is the Russia/Ukraine issue really about.
-Saudi’s continued love/hate relationship with U.S. gets more dramatic
-Reading Fed minutes, they say opposite of what they they say.
-The arguments for coin silver vs. bullion silver
-The Swiss Gold Referendum is November 30
-The colonies of the U.S.
-The elections next month and what they may mean to us
-The bubbles the FED is creating and why they will continue to grow
-Listener asks the ins and outs of not having a birth certificate or social security number for your child

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


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  1. The audio is broken, and it doesn't work. Also, when I click on the triangle, there is no sound. Moreover, when I click on either the top player OR the bottom player the little slidey thing doesn't slide across the bar.


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