October 05, 2014

The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2014.10.05

The Black Death

Kyle has a news and views show, covering: Ebola, ISIS, Zombies, Zogbots, Untermensch, and other related topics.

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Renegade Broadcasting



  1. The first caller had to be a Jew and a retard. Plus, he couldn't even speak clearly or coherently.

  2. Jew and retard? Isn't that an oxymoron? I mean, Jew are uber smart.

  3. At 1h43m, Kyle wouldn't mention the author of the article, ISIS Killers, Nigga Thugs and White Faggots.

    It's Andrew Anglin, the guy who said he wanted the Daily Stormer to be the Infowars of the White nationalist/racialist movement, and in a previous online persona, that the White race should be bred out of existence, which so many people are unaware of, and some have excused.

    And then there was the indirect reference Jones made to Anglin regarding the "Troll Alex Jones' Jewish wife" operation that gave him free publicity, which Nick Spero also mused about the motives of on a past show, just like I did when Mark Dice and Alex Jones gave each other publicity by engaging in a controlled opposition dispute.

    Kyle pointed to lots of problems with the article and Anglin's past. Rodney Martin also rightly called out Anglin indirectly in his recent show, for appealing to the lowest common denominator with his site and writings.

    Good to see other radio hosts seeing these problems and speaking out.

    That's why it was so disheartening to see Lee Rogers enter into a formal working arrangement with Anglin, as Lee had previously condemned the "racial garbage" that Anglin was the poster boy of promoting back in 2012/2013.

    Eventually people like Anglin show their true colours, as Kyle alluded to with some inconsistencies in Anglin's article that he read from.


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