November 11, 2014

Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts


  1. Great video... I've ignored Chemtrails to long... I've imagined it as a possible but know I'm convinced its an for real... Alex Jones got me on the subject but won't believe anything coming out of that thing. So I doubted the Chemtrail theory... My educated conclusion was its air pollution coming out of china mixed with toxic Lead airplane gasoline... Anyways I'm convinced that this is for real... But what can in do? I loved the fact that an army of educated people got together and did something about it... We need a united force in every community instead I've got alcoholics and pot smokers not to mention the sport fanatics...

  2. and DW is bechtels cointel pro mouthpiece,,,


  3. this is all bullshit,,our government is only theatre,,,these guys ARE the effing ENEMY,,!!
    Wake Up,,,they will not do a thing to stop this insane UN agenda,,,
    also DW works for bechtel as cointelpro...........
    search for the truth,,,sofia smallstorm,weatherwar101,,,,
    peace to all peoples
    chemtrail city,
    planet earth

  4. @robert- as youre no doubt aware the nwo connection to all things ancient egyptian /mystery babylon , i found that lent credence to this article on CNN back in 2007 regarding a geoengineering/aerosol/chemtrail project labelled 'The Shield of Ra'
    Perhaps the solar reflection is one facet of what i have no doubt is ostensibly a military project.


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