November 08, 2014

Truthers Beware! Government Now Using Criminal Run Sites to Silence Truth!

A warning from Internut Guru Dahboo7:
"Truthers beware The Government is now using websites like Ripoffreport and Thedirty to make made up slanderous post of truthers they see as a threat."


  1. Yep... Glen - Hellwarz News is the freemason slayer. Pretty righteous of Dahboo to come out with this since i was witness to the battle between him and Glen. It is the truth that matters.

    The enemy within is the freemason. The freemason is the secret government... secret societies.

    Everything in the world is under the control of Freemasonry... that is not an exaggeration, that is fact. Our world could not have been turned into the sh*thole it currently is without Freemasonry. Freemasonry is the recruitment ground for all the a-holes, psychopaths and crooks currently occupying all positions of power. If you think about it, that could not have been accomplished any other way. Masonic lodges are everywhere... even in the tiniest ditch-water town.

    Freemasonry is a secretive and self-policing, hierarchical slave/slave master system. Masons are sworn liars and are required to tell lies and to even perjure themselves to protect other masons. They are also required to obey orders which they know are immoral. You must conceal all the crimes of your brother masons, except murder and treason, and these only at your own option. Prevaricate (falsify), don't tell the whole truth, keep secrets, forget important and key points. A member who falls out of favor with the lodge will have his reputation and ability to make a living destroyed by his fellow brothers.

    If it ever was a noble protector of occult knowledge, today it is just an exclusive club for the greedy and ambitious. They hog up all good jobs for themselves and parasite off of decent humanity. All cops belong to a "benevolent" society now, and most firemen, if not all. You can't even get a job as dog-catcher anymore unless you are a free-mason.

  2. You are bang on about the masons Wanda. I would only add that masonry is really judaism for gentiles. Same modus operandi, same goals.

  3. exactly, it's the best way for goys to serve Jews, course if they learn to much, they'll have to be taken out

  4. I agree with Wanda, however just because they are a freemason deoen't mean they are all bad, some people just do it to advance in business and politics. Examples of good men in freemasonry were Henry Ford JFK, Omar Torjios. At the very top is totally rotten and corrupt

  5. Christian,

    That's kind of like saying whores just suck dick to make money. Also, I don't think JFK was a mason being a catholic.

  6. yes lol, you are right to certain extent, however I still stand on that not all masons are evil or even bad people. Henry Ford was a Freemason, and broke his oath to his masonic brothers by writing the International Jew. This drastically hurt his business due to the pressure from the Jewish community and their goy lackeys. Regarding Kennedy, I definitely think he was a mason solely because the USA was founded by Freemasons and that there would be no way he could get into such a powerful position seeing how Roosevelt, Truman,and Ike the Kike were all masons and probably every president before and after. HE TOO BETRAYED HIS MASOINIC BROTHERS and payed the price for it

  7. The mere fact you can type your last sentence (In CAPs No Less)as if what they did to Kennedy was in any way justified is a sad commentary on how brainwashed some out there are when it comes to the Masons.
    All things masonic are inherently evil - Freemasonry is a Jewish construct in the first place.
    By accepting any place in the heirachical structure of masonry, you forswear your humanity in favour of a clique of fellow Satanic Synagogue worshippers.All of whom are more interested in the financial,social and business opportunities afforded them once inducted into their ranks.

  8. Or I just accidentally hit the caps lock and was too lazy to write it again which is why the end of the sentence is in lower case. I am not defending the evil masonic institutions in any way, just some of people were not evil. I have no idea why you would think that I would feel the Kennedy assassination was justified in any way. In fact I was saying Kennedy was a good man for betraying hi Masons and paid for it with his life. I understand that Masonry is a kike run institution/society and doesn't belong in any society.


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