December 04, 2014

Grand Jury Findings Reveal Truth of Michael Brown Shooting

The evidence included three separate autopsies, including one independently done by the Brown family, Wilson’s testimony as well as those by scores of witnesses, physical evidence, police reports and hospital reports.

Although Brown has been portrayed by the media as “an unarmed, innocent, black teenager gunned down by a racist white cop” the evidence shows otherwise.

***Read full article here***
*Ferguson officer who shot Michael Brown resigns
*Testimony of the Ferguson Eyewitness That Did Not Perjure Himself
*SEVERAL Michael Brown Witnesses Admitted They Lied


  1. google "st louis encephilitis" this encephelitic zombie won't be the last and they won't all be black either. brains........................................................................................................

  2. The kid had a murder rap under his belt. Not reported because he was underage at the time of the crime.

  3. The only victim here is Officer Wilson, who defended his life against a gangsta.

  4. Brown is, might be a jewish surname..

    "Bran, Braun, or Brown is said to represent Ben Rabbi Naḥman"


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