December 28, 2014

The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2014.12.28

Year in Review and Prophecies for 2015

Kyle discusses some of the most important stories of 2014, lets the audience know what will happen in the new year, and fields some calls.

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  1. 'Whiteness' and 'blackness' was created by your elites to 'divide and conquer'. Anyone who falls for that nonsense is an absolute imbecile!

    You Americans were duped into destroying the 3rd Reich, and now wish to use it to support your own idiotic concepts of 'race' forced upon you by your own Anglo elites? It was NOT Jews that did that to you, it was your own!

    Fuck your 'whiteness' you American piece of shit!

    Tuskegee Airmen: 'Rock Stars' Of American History
    "... He was strafing German radar stations when his plane was hit. He lost consciousness after the crash, and awakened to a German pointing a gun at him and shouting, 'Naeger! Naeger!'...

    ...I thought, 'Oh, crap — even in Germany!' " Jefferson laughed, shaking his head. "But it turned out he wasn't saying the other word — that was their word for negro."

    In fact, the German soldier's commanding officer saluted Jefferson when he took the pilot into custody. 'I was treated like an officer the whole time I spent in POW camp,' Jefferson said...

    ...Coming back on the boat,' Jefferson recalled, "got to New York Harbor, the flags waving, the Statue of Liberty. Walked down the gangplank, and a little soldier at the bottom said, 'Whites to the right, niggers to the left.'

    Welcome home."

  2. Furthermore, keep Herr Adolf Hitler's name out of your mouths, you obviously know little of the man! Bunch of right-wing American nuts claiming Hitler as their own, when Hitler was a true leftist German Nationalist. Bunch of fucking idiots, but what else can we expect from Anglo-Americans pieces of shit?

  3. krist reuter,

    You need to stop falling for the left/right paradigm.

    Certainly Hitler was left of anarchy/libertarianism believing that government should be involved in German life, but compared to where the United States is going now (Communism), Hitler was undoubtedly to the right. Germans in the 3rd Reich had more freedom than the false sense of freedom that Americans have.

    Also, the morals and ethics that Hitler believed in are closer shared with todays conservatives than liberals.

    But none of that matters as much as it was Hitler who was one of the very few leaders to ever go head to head with international jewry. The jews fear National Socialism so much that it had to be destroyed.

    And for that reason, I believe, National Socialism should be the blue print for us to follow in the future.

    I have more respect for Hitler than just about anyone else that ever lived.

  4. Marxist Socialism/Communism is NOT National Socialism. They are two very different and opposed ideologies.

    Hitler said that we are Nationalists and therefore we must be social.

    National Socialism was created to defend Germany from the Communists.

  5. No shit! Marxism and Liberalism are the FALSE LEFT. National SOCIALISM IS the TRUE LEFT!

    SOCIALISM is NOT of the RIGHT!

    THIS SHOULD BE OBVIOUS to anyone that has two brain cells to rub together!

  6. What people call Socialism today is Marxist Socialism/Communism.

    Nationalists tend to leave off the "Socialism" part because we don't want to be linked with them.

    You need to forget about left/right. You just play into the hands of the jews that way.

    And don't ever say "fuck your Whiteness". Makes you sound like a jew.

    Don't ever tell us that there isn't a difference between Whites and blacks. Makes you sound like a jew.

    Also don't quote NPR in order to prove your point. They are a communist jew organization.

    You never once even mentioned the jews. Why is that?

  7. Hahahahaha! Just chuckling again at krist's "FALSE LEFT/REAL LEFT" comment. BWAHAHAHAHA!

  8. If you do a search on this so called Hitler quote, you'll find this "Chris" "Christopher" "Krist" "Reuter" copying the quote onto many websites as he tries to convince you that Hitler was some sort of leftist.

    This quote, badly taken out of context, comes from the Table Talks which is already known to have problems. However, this is the quote in context:

    "When the Falange imprisons its opponents, it's committing
    the gravest of faults. Wasn't my party, at the time of which I'm
    speaking, composed of 90 per cent of left-wing elements? I
    needed men who could fight. I had no use for the sort of timid
    doctrinaires who whisper subversive plans into your ear. I
    preferred men who didn't mind getting their hands dirty."

    Hitler begins by criticizing the Nationalist party of Spain, Falange, for putting their opponents into prison. Then he recalls back to 1920s when the NSDAP workers party was just getting started at the demonstration at Coburg. He says at that time 90% of the party were left-wingers. These are people he considers to be his opponents but he finds them useful because they are mostly laborers. He needed someone who could fight and get their hands dirty.

    The NSDAP leadership was made up of academics and the industrial middle class.

    By comparing the German left-wingers to the opponents of Falange, Hitler is actually identifying them as his opponents. But instead of locking them up in prison like Falange, he wants to put them to good use.

    No way was Hitler a leftist and this quote actually proves he wasn't.

  9. Just cause Hitler wasn't "racist" towards non whites, didn't mean that he wanted a large group of them living among the German people.

    @ Reuter, why do you get so angry when Whites show racial solidarity?

  10. Race denialism was imported into Europe from Judeo-America in 1945:
    "To illustrate what I talk about. Louis Armstrong visited Sweden in 1933. In all the news papers he was describe as something monkey-like let loose from the jungle. All across the line! And in the reviews by the most serious music critics.

    Who would have imagined in 1933, that twelve years later Western Europe would undergo an America-led cultural revolution which would lead to the common belief that there are no differences between races?

    Translation of two of the quotes:

    Knut Bäck in Göteborgs-Posten, November 1933:
    "This world is strange... No protests are raised against how the jungle is let loose into the society. Armstrong and his band are allowed to freely wreak destruction."

    Sten Broman in Sydsvenskan, November 1933:
    "Dare I say that he at times had something monkey-like about him and sometimes reminded of, according to our perceptions, a mentally disturbed person, when he pouted with his mouth or gaped it to its widest open and roared like a hoarse animal from a primeval forest."

    The third quote compares the concert with a natural disaster, and Armstrong's trumpet with a hell machine. The only good thing coming out of it, he says, is that it solves to old dispute of whether monkeys have a language.

    This is what Europe looked like, up until 1945. And since some people will live under the misconception that this was a phenomenon of the '30s, I here provide a quote from the Swedish Encyclopedia, Nordisk Familjebok, the 1876-1899 edition (here and here).

    "Psychologically the negro can be said be on the level of a child, with vivid fantasy, lack of endurance, ... can be said to lack morality rather than being immoral ... etc."

    Even though the point here has been to illustrate how social paradigms can shift completely in short time (and this is just one out of numerous examples), let me add how up until 1945 all the focus was put on the differences between races, and after that all the focus has been put on what is equal (while ignoring differences)."

  11. What did Kyle keep calling Jane from Baltimore? Psy-girl or something like that? I wanted to check out her facebook she mentioned on the show; but google's not turning up anything. Anyone have her facebook page?

  12. @Blake
    Just Kyle and his NLP ;)


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