December 20, 2014

Why I'm a White Nationalist (14 Reasons)
*Many information links found here 


  1. The only issue I have with this video is bringing up John Lennon. John was sympathetic towards the Germans and Japanese. Plus he was murdered by ZOG.

    Read Salavdor Astucia's accounting of his death.

  2. THIS is a great video. I applaud the Duke of Durham.

  3. all supermodels in the video....where do all the girl's next door fit in here? the ones with normal body fat levels? those are the women who might see this flick, not the paid actresses portrayed here...those white women in this video are too busy with their modeling and acting careers to bother with saving their genes..

  4. photoshopping(badly edited too) a dead white guy into the picture with the black kid standing in front of a spray painted lamp post saying "kill whitey" doesnt add the authenticity this idea for the movie deserves. you dont need to photoshop shit, theres enough authentic antiwhite stuff out there to pick from!!! wtf, im sorry but this movie's shite as usual more shite to turn off people who arent already on the david duke kkk pro white renegade bandwagon... good job guys, good goy! i mean good job guys!

  5. @Paul T
    You have problems that a man is sympathetic towards Germans but obviously have no problem that he was a commie? Whats your problem with Germans that your ancestors, the red army have mass murdered,plundered,raped,expelled, tortured and carped bombed civilians of over 800 German cities?


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