January 09, 2015

Pedophiles in Parliament - NewWorldNextWeek


1 comment:

  1. that bit at the end about ignoring the news cycles is just a little bit chickenshit.

    one could say the same thing about the mother of all current hoaxes: 9/11. 9/11 spawned all of the wars and anti-terror legislation. Should we ignore the hoaxery that was 9/11?

    the other advantage of "ignoring" the hoaxery, is that one can still pretend to be an "alternative" media, and yet not be considered as a "kook" by the mainstream, and can go make speeches at TED.

    [BTW, more and more it seems that fatboy Jones' game plan is to: 1) draw in all the people who suspect MSM hoaxes; 2) lead them nowhere (away from israel/Jews) while making them powerless and afraid; 3) appear on MSM as a nutcase.]


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