February 03, 2015

Canada Unveils New Anti-Terrorism Bill That Moves for 'Unprecedented Expansion of Powers'

"This radical expansion of national security powers is not sound security policy and presents a real danger to Canadians," says civil liberties advocate.

***Read full article here***

*Much more information found here


  1. And they blatantly introduced the bill three days before the start of two "terror plot trials," to ramp up media attention and public support for it.



    And here's a picture of the head of Canada's civilian spy agency, CSIS, standing next to an RCMP officer with a semiautomatic rifle, with a poster that says "A symbol of Canadian democracy since 1867."


    Get ready for it, the Jewish Zionist supremacists have decreed that Canadians' 10 years of reprieve from 2001 until the 2011 Libyan NATO bombings and now a full out declaration of war against Canadians since 2014 has come to an end, and our lives, livelihoods and relative freedom from their boot right on our throats are now being tested.

  2. The Canada-Israel Strategic Partnership: Baird’s Pre-Resignation Gift to Stephen Harper


  3. And for completeness sake, they also charged two Canadians said to be jihadis four days after the bill.


    And today, they announced that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will take over security at Parliament Hill.

    They've always got something new in the "news" to get people's tongues wagging about this big supposed threat to us.



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