February 02, 2015

Spingola and Friends 2/2/2015

Deanna talks about the deceptions, the cover-ups and the operatives surrounding Sandy Hook.          

The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. Regardless of what Sandy Hook theory you want to believe in, you have to include Gene Rosen. That guy knew something was going to happen and had his story all planned out down to the jewiest detail... except what he said never happened and he got caught.

  2. 18 minutes in, Ed Chiariani was mentioned as introducing the crisis actors meme.

    Indeed, he did, and he then spun it to the truly bizarre, in claiming that Betty White and Queen Elizabeth are the same person, among other claims.

    But who actually thinks Chiarini is just teasing us, as opposed to acting as a deliberate disinfo agent in order to discredit the use of crisis actors in certain situations?

    Jeff Bauman has been outed as a crisis actor in the Boston Marathon bombings by a 35-year orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Stan Monteith.

    I know of a prominent alternative media personality who thinks that NoDisinfo.com is controlled opposition yet oddly doesn't question Chiarini's sincerity as being controlled opposition, and that leaves me still scratching my head, since both promote hyper fakery, yet Chiarini is massively discrediting the crisis actor meme with claims like Jerry Sandusky and Kevin Costner are the same person, and he doesn't point his finger at Zionists like NoDisinfo.com does, despite the biggest benefactor of purported terrorist attacks like the Boston Marathon bombings, Paris shootings, etc., being the Jewish Zionist supremacists who want to put Gentile countries in the same boat of having to regularly live with the threat of terrorism.

  3. Indeed, why would the big-pharma-sponsored corporate-controlled Faux News, CNN and other networks interview Gene Rosen, a media whore, who quite obviously has some memory issues, perhaps even other mental considerations chose to interview him. Why would Faux News interview him in front of a blinking sign that says, “Everyone must check in,” when the most appropriate place to conduct such an interview would have been in his front yard? Gosh, would the corporate media really try to deceive, manipulate and influence the public in such a manner? Was he the best/worst person in Newtown that the big-pharma-controlled corporate media could have selected to cast doubts about Sandy Hook? He should have been the last person that any responsible journalist would have interviewed.

  4. People think crisis acting is all about controlling the narrative. I think it is about the pretend killing of Jews and internet hate crime, Jewish police forces and preferential arming of Jews.


    Pretend killing same old same old

    1. It's both the 2 idea are not incompatible
      And the fact that ed charini even exists proves that SH and these other evens are staged. They always put out their disinfo agents before these events they always have them already set up and ready to go just like with 911 and Alex
      Jones and the truth movement

  5. Deanna,

    The fundamental problem with this Sandy Hook Hoax is the absolutely non-credible victims relatives and parent. Without credible family members, we simply cannot have credible victims.

    Here are some interviews with the reported victims parents, a few days after their little princesses and princes were shot in the head - absolutely not credible performance (which one should that be?):


    Gene Rosen is basically a distraction. With or without him, the victim part of the story cannot be concluded based on his psycho performance. Same goes for Carver and all these other terrible actors.

    But again, the reported parents behavior is very telling and significant.

  6. Anyone wasting 5 sec on the agent DS on Hook might as well take your dog for a walk.

  7. As I mentioned in the program, Carver concealed vital information about Lanza as many coroners do in order to protect doctors whose treatment or medications kill their patients. The parent's behavior was questionable as presented in the videos that El Buggo noted, something that I have covered in my book. Ed Chiarini's existence is only proof that there are people who disseminate propaganda. This has always been the case whether one considers this method of influencing public opinion during the Civil War, World War I and II or currently, in the government's continuing war against every citizen. There has always been people in place, but more especially following World War II with the establishment of the Psychological Strategy Board and the increase in CIA operations in this country, a nation in which CIA psychological operations was previously unlawful. There is a tendency to look at each event that provokes additional tyrannical legislation as a separate event with specialized operatives for each occurrence rather than a series of events. Government officials exploit such events by adding more regulations, each new prohibition or imposition building on previous laws. That does not mean that the government always creates the events. Bad things do happen especially when one considers the disastrous effects of psychiatric treatments which have affected so many people in so many families, statistics that the MSM never talks about. Certainly, there are cover-ups surrounding Sandy Hook, most of which are much greater than most people have perceived.

  8. And speaking of "opinion leaders," the anti-crisis-actor meme wouldn't have gotten much strength were it not for the early influence of the counter opinion leaders of Mark Glenn and Michael Collins Piper.

    Glenn repeatedly engaged in ad hominem attacks and provided a base of operations for other hosts to go on the attack, and Piper refused to specifically refute any points for at least half a year up until December 2013.

    But Piper did uncover something very interesting, all while casting aspersions on various people as being Cass Sunstein agents (such as Jim Fetzer, without actually coming out and naming him -- though Keith Johnson later did).

    And that was how Cass Sunstein was specifically concerned about conspiracy theories concerning Israel.

    The ironic thing is, Glenn and Piper's take on it that Adam Lanza shot all those kids and then killed himself and was affected by psychotropic drugs lets Israel off the hook completely.

  9. Thanks Deanna,

    Ok, I made a mistake (or several?) in my previous post. I should have written; the reported parents behavior is very telling and crucial - not just significant.

    Re: Carver concealed vital information about Lanza

    As I see it, you are here discussing the question; if a pig sprout wings, could it fly?

    Again, we do not have any credible parents (not even 1 tear anywhere) , hence, we do not have any credible victims.

    Why did they promote all these silly actors? Because they don’t have the real thing of course.

    If not even the victim part of the story is the slightest credible (unfounded), why go on with it? Lanza, the gunman? What about him? We do not even have credible victims! The story is obviously just a Hollywood movie script on "live news"!

    Ed Chiarini is less credible than a jewish lolohoax historian. The 911 operation management didn't retire that day. Among other things, they are still running the HUGE controlled opposition.

    Re: That does not mean that the government always creates the events.

    I think I can detect a major fundamental flaw in your reasoning. It is not the Gov that is running these operations, but the MSM itself. The media is totally controlled by the tribe, and when they control the media, they can also control the election process, and are always able to PULL TO THE TOP their own controllable puppets and hand him the keys to the White House. Then they can place their agents wherever they want or need in the Gov, whether it is in the CIA, FDA, Pentagon, etc. That way, the MSM always have some Gov officials (or REPORTS) to back up their lies too big to be believed.

    The most valuable tool they have in these operations, is the very welled paid national news reporters. Study my 3 videos again and notice who they are. These people are always involved in all these operations, and is the common denominator.

    The Gov officials are basically only agents for the MSM in these media operations.

    My guess is that these operations are planned primary by the members if the tribe who reside in the MSM, the Gov, Hollywood and everywhere else you can find them If they should have relevant skills.

    1. Yes pretty much this ,even though he was a scum bag Nixon admitted the truth to billy graham
      Thanks for the videos I thought Lenny pozner had scrubbed the "funeral" video with the CLOSED casket
      I was looking for it awhile ago but the raw original footage has been scrubbed
      And speaking of Lenny we can see how this tribe is desperately trying to suppress any information reguarding this event ,he and his fellow tribe members have successfully had many many YT channels that were exposing this event terminated
      Also I had forgotten about the sotos relative in those interviews who is a CT cop just another coincidence I suppose though right
      The interviews with him are priceless look at his shifty eyes in all the media footage
      Like the interview of him by Chris cuomo the crypto shlomo

  10. The same people who believe in David Icke’s ridiculous claims about lizard people probably accept Ed Chiarini’s nonsense about ears and actors. I have never been reticent about naming the jew as a culprit and did so in my three books, each of which is about 700 pages in length. I had to self-publish as the long-time “alternative” publisher wanted me to remove the word jew.

    The jews, like some in the “alternative” media, want to silence people. They do not want people to find out about their evil deeds. The jews would like to inoculate the entire population with vaccines (protocol 10) and they would also like to drug everyone with mind-controlling, suicidal and homicidal ideation psych drugs. They were the first to introduce the idea of a profit-producing holocaust.

    Forget the ridiculous side-tracking, distracting gimmicky theories and follow the money. As increasing numbers of people believe that Sandy Hook was a hoax, just as increasing numbers of people believe in the holocaust, who benefits? Who do you think runs the drug and chemical companies, those companies that are poisoning our minds, our bodies and our food?

    Within two months of my starting to talk about Sandy Hook, Ben Swann, a former Faux News anchor replaced me at RBN. That was a few months after John Stadtmiller told me that my numbers (listeners) were higher than Alex Jones, who is his biggest opponent. Mike Piper was fired from AFP at about the same time, after working for the Cartos for 30+ years.

    If people believe that Sandy Hook was a hoax, they will not evaluate the dangers of psych drugs. If they accept the idea that Adam Lanza, damaged by vaccines and psych drugs, really did murder twenty-seven innocent people then thousands upon thousands of people who have lost relatives to suicide or violence because of psych drugs will start asking questions and filing law suits. There were 200 law suits within two years after Prozac came on the market in January 1988. Eli Lilly, working with the FDA, concealed the fact that Prozac caused suicide, among other things. Eli Lilly settled out of court with the stipulation that the plaintiffs keep their mouths shut. These out-of-court settlements also kept the media from discovering all of the internal documentation showing the selective clinical trials and the suicide ideation that the drug caused.

    The triple alliance of the jewish-controlled Big Pharma/government/media would go to great lengths to protect an industry that generates billions of dollars a year.

    In 2001, the United States spent $85 billion just on mental health care. In 2008, that sales figure had increased to $170 billion. By 2015, experts expect that this spending will increase to $280 billion. The taxpayer, through Medicaid and Medicare, pays almost sixty percent of the nation’s costs for mental health care.

    As of April 2014, the number of people taking psychiatric drugs in the United States is as follows:
    ADHD drugs: 10,291,860
    Antidepressants: 41,226,394
    Antipsychotics: 6,845,303
    Anti-anxiety 36,472,663
    All Psychiatric drugs: 78,694,222 total

    It is absolutely irresponsible to ignore the influence that psych drugs have in the thousands of individual suicides and the mass shootings that have occurred in the last three decades. Authorities who refuse to investigate drugs as a factor are either intensely indoctrinated or are duplicitous with the corporate media and the campaign-fund-seeking congressional cabal in Washington. People on psych drugs can commit terrible, atrocious, evil acts whether they are actively taking these chemical lobotomizing drugs or whether they are withdrawing from them. It is more evil for those authorities who are aware of the dangers and yet do nothing.

  11. Yeah we all know about icke and goldbug , and feck it deanna we even know about big pharma .... still no reason why sandy hook was not an elaborate psy op .... i suppose we'll have to wait for your new book , i hope it will be made available to all of us here at mami's for our edification ? :-) .......

  12. Thanks again Deanna,

    I could have commented on a lot of points here, but that would made my post way to long.

    Re: Who do you think runs the drug and chemical companies, those companies that are poisoning our minds, our bodies and our food?

    A flock of jews? Poisoning our minds? Just stay away from that stuff. It is normally voluntary if you will take the drugs. Poisoning our bodies and food? "Poisoning" is a very misunderstood concept. Its a scare word like natsi or rassist or witch, etc. Many have absolutely no real understand of the concept at all, and may be suffering from Chemophobia, an totally unfounded fear of anything chemical, even if absolutely no adverse health effects have been demonstrated at all.

    It is the dose that make the poison, not the name of the substance. 3 tablespoons of salt may kill you, and vitamin D is quite toxic, but we need these toxins to survive - it is all about dose. Absolutely all food are chemicals. And toxins are in most foods (including purified water?). What do you think plants use for defense against insects and creeps? Toxins of course. >99% of all toxins we eat are natural and not synthetic.

    How about some more exercise instead? I see disgusting fat people everywhere.

    Re: If people believe that Sandy Hook was a hoax, they will not evaluate the dangers of psych drugs

    This is absolutely not true at all. We should use a script created fiction character like Lanza as poster boy for the adverse health effects of drugs? We could just as well use James Bond for this. He is obviously drugged with some inferiority complex drugs since he always have to show off these nice cars and babes and the cool gadgets. How about using that fiction figure as a poster boy instead? Sounds really silly and desperate to me, and I'm not for it at all. Let’s keep it real instead.

  13. El Buggo, You have accepted the premise that Adam Lanza was a fictional person.

    Many of the hoaxologists claim that Sandy Hook was a hoax perpetrated by the government, using actors. Here are the some possible scenarios:
    1. The events occurred as reported—Adam Lanza killed twenty-seven people.
    2. The government, in a false-flag operation, created a Manchurian candidate(s) who perpetrated the killings.
    3. According to the hoaxologists, the government hired actors: forty to play the parents of the twenty children, one hundred sixty to play the grandparents, hundreds of others to play the aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and friends. The government then indoctrinated the other Sandy Hook students so that they would remember and tell the story for the rest of their life. The government convinced, paid off or threatened the bus drivers and the parents of surviving students and persuaded the nurses, the ER doctors, the piano teachers, the police, the morticians, the religious leaders, the friends, the family dentists and doctors who no longer have a patient, the eyewitnesses and Sandy Hook neighbors, in fact all the citizens on Newtown to go along with the drill/hoax.

  14. Delcroix, I usually make my books available to radio hosts.

  15. I am still waiting for Mr. Halbig, who believes that America does not do enough for Israel, to answer those questions that I asked almost a month ago - on January 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQu-YxAtA9A&feature=youtu.be In my interview of him in March 2014, he conceded that he talked with Daniel Honan of the Daniel Honan Mortuary and that Honan handled eleven of the bodies. That was right after he said that if "they" could answer the sixteen questions then he would believe that children died at Sandy Hook.

  16. Who even cares about Dullus GoldBag and that Halbig character (former kwap). Why you keep steering the conversation in that direction is beyond me. They are both totally irrelevant and many other people (who are actually credible) have done a great job in dissecting this obvious hoax/psy-op.

  17. Scorpio, please enlighten me. Mr. Halbig seems to be very visible or at least he was. Who are the "credible" people who "have done a great job in dissecting this obvious hoax/psy-op?"

  18. Deanna, spare me the sarcasm. Mr. Halbig came out of nowhere to suddenly become the 'go to guy' on Sandy Hook.That alone is suspicious. Mix in his police background and his undying support for Israel and you've got someone not to be trusted, at least in my eyes.

    As if that's not enough, Halbig goes to Sandy Hook with a group of other clowns and acts like a typical agent provocateur, stirring up as much trouble as possible with the locals. He may be 'visible' but he certainly is not credible. As for a list of credible people, try a google search or go on YouTube.There is so much information already available (for free I might add). I am not here to promote anyone but merely to point out that Halbig and Goldbag are both a couple of clowns and nobody with any sense takes them the least bit seriously.

    How much money is your new book going to cost?

  19. Scorpio, I was not being sarcastic. Yes, of course I know that Halpig came out of nowhere and is a phony who has appeared on numerous radio programs. He was a liar from the beginning but managed to collect thousands of dollars from a lot of very gullible people. I would really like to know who the credible people are that have uncovered all of this evidence you refer to.

  20. As for the seeming unbelievability presented in option 3 of the government getting hundreds of actors involved in a hoax, I didn't think anything of it until an orthopedic surgeon outed Jeff Bauman as an actor at the Boston Marathon bombings.

    And, then, as I delved more into 9/11, that in addition to the Harley t-shirt guy actor who you may think was just working for the perps, there became the question of why they would only use one, and how could he live with himself so nonchalantly knowing he was complicit in the murder of nearly 3000 after the fact, and what about the 2500+ purported victims apparently not accounted for in the Social Security Death Index, despite a purported 75-80% accuracy rate (I personally verified dozens of arbitrarily selected ones from the list as not being in there).

    Then I was pointed to the appearances of Bob McIlvaine who says he lost his son on 9/11 (despite him also not being in the SSDI), and back in the day, I thought it was great that he was the head of the largest victims group and that he was a 9/11 Truther, but as I found out how unlikely it is for anyone to get really organized against big powers these days, I started finding that more unlikely and highly suspicious.

    Then when I considered the hazy skies on the "live" coverage on 9/11 that looked like the surface of Mars -- as compared to the purported amateur footage that almost always shows clear blue skies -- I started to wonder more.

    And then when I considered Robbie Parker's reaction and going back to Bauman being an actor and the likelihood that the others were actors if one was, and then that "firefighter" on 9/11 who was said to have been at Ground Zero for hours, sifting through the debris, with nary any dust on him, and then thinking about Aaron Brown and Paula Zahn starting their first day on the job at CNN coincidentally on 9/11, or the birds that suddenly uniformly flew faster on the second half of the screen in a "live shot," I started thinking, could these all be related and follow a similar pattern, and that those who are saying that the mass media was directly complicit in 9/11 and that there were large numbers of faked deaths and actors started sounding more credible. If that's the case, it's not at all difficult to believe that Sandy Hook had hundreds of actors.

    The one thing that I think Jim Fetzer and Sofia Smallstorm can correctly be accused of, is not applying the same standards to judging 9/11 as they do with Sandy Hook and Boston, as they are still promoting the nearly 3000 deaths line and that the images we were shown on 9/11 are to be trusted as authentic.

  21. Deanna, Sandy Hook was not a hoax perpetrated by the government, but by the MSM and the gang who control the MSM.

    Their biggest stars on the MSM team for Special Operations are Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos. Slightly lesser stars are Megan Kelly, Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett, among many others.

    These people are well paid for being able to perform scripted interviews with other actors, and make them look credible.

    After 18 December 2012, it wasn't possible for me to believe anything TV reported on this event. They had then aired 4 absolutely non credible interviews with some of the reported parents of these little princes and princess who were reported shot in the head a few days earlier. After watching these interviews on the news networks websites, it simply wasn't possible to believe anything else they reported on the story - just not possible! Again, you will find some parts of these interviews in the 3 videos I linked to.

    We really don't need any real investigators to tell us this. We only have to watch the videos and trust our own eyeballs.

    Halbig is about as credible as a jewish lolohoax historian. He is inserted on the stage to create confusion, talk about irrelevant nonsense and waste time for everyone. He will not talk about the absolutely non credible parents interviews on national TV, and the medias complicity in this operation. He will instead blame the Gov, the illuminati & Jesuits, Washington and every other distraction he can make up. This is how they are running the controlled opposition. Uncle Fetzer introduced us to Agent Halbig.

    I will nominate Lenon Honor as an credible and sober expert. He his black too btw, and by interviewing him, we can also prove that we are not raisits and stuff - and that is a great bonus point.

  22. El Buggo, I agree about the mass media's participation in the Sandy Hook event and talk about that in my book. I have interviewed Lenon Honor twice, back in 2012, about his film, Media Mind Control and the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I think he is a wonderful researcher. I will approach him and see if he would like to be a guest on my BlogTalk radio program. He will not appear on RBN because of its basic content. Thanks for the suggestion!

  23. Regarding the whole Sandy Hook issue - rational objective people always look at both sides or views of every issue. For instance, the jews who were first to promote their holocaust claims, had the benefit of many years of propaganda dissemination before others had the opportunity to review the other side. The jews wish to silence us and have even instituted laws, using the politicians, to have people incarcerated for countering their claims. One must question anyone who discourages others from evaluating both sides of any issue. Why would such people do that unless there is something to hide or they represent special interests. I think that people should draw their own conclusions rather than accept the claims of others. After all, we are intelligent enough to think for ourselves.

  24. Deanna, I find this Sandy Hook Hoax rather boring, because it is so damn obvious and stupid. The story is a wrack, and we do not need a second opinion or study the other side. If we find a man without a head, we don't need to ask someone if he is alive.

    Re: The jews wish to silence us and have even instituted laws, using the politicians,

    Well, when the media is controlled by the tribe, they also can control the election process, for sure. They will easily pull to the top their own controllable agents and puppets. They can also manufacture new world views when they have to or need it. In a way, they don't have more power than we let them have. So we should train more people to be jew-wise and resist.

    Re: One must question anyone who discourages others from evaluating both sides of any issue.

    To me it is impossible to get past the missing victim problem. And as I see it, it is totally clear that the rest of the story is without significant substance. What you are doing by continuing the research beyond the victim part is that you will end up confusing people even more. This is also the strategy in the Protocols for their operations.

    “10. In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the "goyim" lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political.”

    "NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them."

    "not one of them is ever admitted to practice literature unless his whole past has some disgraceful sore or other"

    I'm pleased as long as it is pointed out that no one died and no one got hurt in this operation, and it is the gang who control the media that is running it, supported by their Gov agents.

    As long as this is included, I'm fine with whatever you say. If these points are missing, I will never be pleased with whatever you say.


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