April 22, 2015

David Duke Show 2015.04.22

Dr. Duke revealed the amazing results of an international survey that shows that Israel, despite being a "Jewish state," is actually one of the LEAST religious countries on Earth. This demonstrates that Jewishness in Israel is determined not by religion by rather by ethnicity. Dr. Duke then goes on to explain that even as a religion, Judaism is an ethnically based religion that advocates a dual morality, one for relations among Jews and another for how Jews are allowed to treat non-Jews.
Dr. Duke gives examples from the Old Testament of how the term "love thy neighbor as thyself" refers only to Jewish neighbors, which is why Jews were allowed by the same scripture to wage war on neighboring tribes and even enslave or genocide them. Dr. Slattery joined the show and pointed out that so many of the leading "atheists" in society are in fact Jewish: people like Sam Harris or Christopher Hitchens or John Stossel or Bill Maher. He noted that they are vigorous in condemning Christianity and Islam, but actually hide the aspects of Judaism that reveal its racist nature. He also said that these Jewish Atheists along with the Zio media sow the seeds of discord between Christian and non-religious Europeans as yet another aspect of the divide and conquer strategy for dominating society.

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1 comment:

  1. I thought it was over for Christianity when I saw Maher's movie, Religulous, but not many people saw it, out of the whole population of the U.S. and Canada, and it was targeted for a particular audience.

    It was basically a religious version of Borat's movie, to make Christians look like idiots. If a similar movie had been made just about Jews and the Old Testament, there would've been a big outcry, but Christianity is an easy and useful target for those who control the media and culture.


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