April 22, 2015

Paedophiles in Westminster Push UK Foreign Policy toward Supporting Israel to Stay in Power

In order to start unravelling this conundrum, one has to first ascertain who owns and controls the media. It should be no secret Zionists almost exclusively control the flow of information but then is it not the case the same people control our politicians? Seriously, can anyone really deny this? Why else does the UK, indeed most of the Western world unconditionally support Israel? No country displays such a wanton disregard for international law. The poor Palestinian people are being treated atrociously yet maniacs like Netanyahu are given the red carpet treatment. Recently the US Congress had the temerity to embarrass and shame their own President in favor of this lunatic. What more evidence does one need to concede Zionists control Western politicians?
Now we have reached the crux of the problem. It's inconceivable so many child molesters have by hook or by crook, found their way to positions of influence and power. So let's for argument sake say there's 1 pervert per 1000 people. That would mean there would be around 60,000 of these sickos in the UK. Now with 600 odd MP's; how many judges - by my reckoning, 1 or 2 bad eggs would be par for the course for this mob combined ......... but we know this is anything but the case. Over 20 key figures? One can hardly refer to this as a trivial anomaly. This is an outrageous disproportion, one that cannot and must not be ignored for it's unequivocal - there has to be a definitive reason why there are so many Paedophiles in positions of high authority.     ***Read full article here***

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