April 30, 2015

Spingola and Friends 4/30/2015

Keith Johnson of the Newtown Post-Examiner talks about the Sandy Hook hoaxers in general and about his recently-released videos, Wolfgang Halbig's FOIA "Security System" Blunder! and Sandy Hook: Wolfgang Halbig's Far Away Eyes, both part of his WOLFgang Watch series. One might even refer to Wolfgang Halbig as the High Priest of the Hoaxer movement. He is certainly taking the focus off of the real victims.
Adolf Hitler Mega-post
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. Hey SPINGY,

    Again, would you leave your daughter in a pool of blood for 16 hours, GO HOME and watch some TV and wait for the 'authorities' to phone you when they cart the body out?

    Why you been ducking that forever.

    Instead, you bring your cohort HOOK SHILL KJ on here.

    Give it up, you been exposed, no one trusts you that has the power of critical thinking.

  2. This woman is ridiculous. Does anybody still take her seriously?

  3. Well said, both of you.

    Why can't people accept the fact that the jews are such amiable creatures that they would never harm anyone, despite their holy book's commands to do so, and would instead hire hundreds (if not thousands) of actors to create the illusion of dead children as part of some agenda that's still not entirely clear?

  4. It would be NOTHING for them to hire even thousands of actors if they needed them, no more troublesome than getting Cecil B. DeMille thousands of extras in Hollywood and using a few big fat carrots to entice them and the stick in case they get out of line, but they're MUCH smarter than having to resort to those kinds of silly goyish neanderthalisms.

    The question of whether or not to whack people in false-flag PsyOps is purely a PRACTICAL and PRAGMATIC one and never a moral one.

    You would have to be very naive to assume that whacking 28 real people (never mind the rounded '3000' VICSIMS on 9-11) and dealing with the blowback from that (hundreds of relatives and friends) is easier than whacking them ONLY ON PRE-MANUFACTURED "reality style" documentary video, never showing the whackings themselves, but only the reactions to them, making up a big fear-based psychological drama around it, and airing it as "live" in as many pieces and as many million times as necessary through the FULLY COMPLICIT media of the ENTIRE WORLD (90% plus owned by Jews; 155 Central Banks with leaglized usury & counterfeiting controlled by the Rothschilds through the BIS). This way they would have to deal with NO ONE but a few pesky and nosy "investigative reporter" assholes whom they swat away like the flies they are.

    So, they don't need "hundreds" of actors (real people also become actors when they participate in a deliberate fraud under a false name and FBI-Mossad-CIA run witness-protection program), even a few half-assed and terrible ones like Robbie Parker, Gene Rosen (or William Rodriguez, Harley Guy, Howard Lutnick and Bob McIlvane on 9-11 will do), since 99.9% of the people out there, will believe WHATEVER they're told from the "authority" of the mainstream media. And even if they don't believe it, they're too scared to go near the truth. The PsyOp planners have foreseen MOST of their psychological states and moves, what they're likely to do or not do in the face of each traumatizing fear-based PsyOp element of each scenario far ahead of time.

    No "investigative reporter" who dares go near the "relatives" (actors or not; computer simulations on facebook and other social networking sites or real people playing roles) of the presumed dead on Sandy Hoax would last a day at his job and would then have to do all his "exposings" of the fraud with a stupid mega-phone on sidewalks or in remote and marginalized corners of the internet read only by a few thousand "conspiracy nuts," who can easily be dismissed at anytime with much laughter and scorn. As it is, even the so-called "alternative media" sources 90% of its news from the mainstream and only puts a different "whodunnit" spin on it, never "how" it was done, and absolutely never with FULL MEDIA COMPLICITY (they always assume, although they don't openly declare, that most of the mass-media is just being fooled along with the rest of us and only a few BAD APPLES at the top are controlled, which is laughable on its face). Even the most popular leaders in the conspiracy community, such as Alex Jones, only command an audience of about a million people on the entire planet. That's not even a fly on the fly on the elephants ass.

    The bottom line is that MEDIA FAKERY works just fine, even on people like Spingola who should know better, so they have no need to do anything more. They learned this with the ridiculous Moon Landing Hoax which, regardless of how absurdly staged, is still believed by BILLIONS of suckers, including so-called "truthers" like Mike Rivero and Ry "Baba Ram Daws" Dawson.

  5. “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.” ― George Orwell, 1984

    "Fake identities don't have family, friends, ex-colleagues, boyfriends, girlfriends, bosses, schoolmates, local butchers, yoga-instructors, etc.

    They have fake family, fake friends, fake ex-colleagues, fake boyfriends, fake girlfriends, fake bosses, fake schoolmates, fake local butchers and fake yoga-instructors, etc. Thanks to pioneering simulations of entire communities like MySpace, Facebook, et al, it's relatively easy to craft a bunch of names, punch in some scant details, link them together, and slowly inflate your sim with nonsense and bullshit until you have a novelistic backstory for every sim." — Maxeem Konrardy aka hoi polloi, September Clues Forum

    "Let us take just one example of how current technologies could be used for strategic-level information warfare. If, say, the capabilities of already well-known Hollywood technologies to simulate reality were added to our arsenal, a genuinely revolutionary new form of warfare would become possible. Today, the techniques of combining live actors with computer-generated video graphics can easily create a 'virtual' news conference, summit meeting, or perhaps even a battle that would exist in "effect" though not in physical fact. Stored video images can be recombined or 'morphed' endlessly to produce any effect chosen. This moves well beyond traditional military deception, and now, perhaps, 'pictures' will be worth a thousand tanks. The targets of information warfare, remember, are the decisions in the opponent's mind, and the battlespace of the human mind is also the zone of illusion." -- Professor George J. Stein AWC, "Information Warfare," Airpower Journal - Spring 1995


  6. Colin: Are you deliberately dense or what? I have answered that question numerous times including on April 25, 2015. Read the description of the program originally broadcast on 12/14/2014 and rebroadcast on 4/20/2015 which reads: "C. W. Wade of Sandy Hook Facts and journalist, Keith Johnson joined Deanna on December 14, 2014. Today's program is a replay of that very informative RBN program. Read Deanna’s critique of Sofia Smallstorm’s video and notes on Wolfgang Halbig. People can easily ascertain that the Sandy Hook Hoax ~ Walking In Circles Around Sandy Hook Firehouse is a looped video. View the repetitive motion of the silver vehicle in the upper left-hand corner of the video from 1:13-1:32, 2:40-2:50, 4:13-4:23, 4:52-5:02, 5:07-5:18, and 5:27-6:14 minutes. This program was originally aired at RBN and then edited to exclude the commercial breaks resulting in a program that lasted 2 hours and 5 minutes. To listen to the last five minutes which has some very good information about censorship click this link (MP3). Sandy Hook Analysis, Newtown Post-Examiner, Sandy Hook Lighthouse People have asked Deanna if she would have allowed her daughter to lay in a pool of blood for sixteen hours. She answered that question in this show." You are obviously missing something in your "research." Listen to my answer Here: http://grizzom.blogspot.ca/2015/04/spingola-and-friends-4202015.html

  7. Have you ever seen an active school look like this, any school, let alone one in an up-scale affluent community?


  8. RabbiSteinberg and Negentropic: I commend both of you for your brilliant and very subtle way of totally avoiding the topic of the program – the credibility and fabricated history of the Hoaxer’s High Priest, the “school safety expert” and rookie FHP (1974-1975) or as he would have people believe, the “homicide investigator,” Wolfgang Halbig. Your comments demonstrate a very high skill level and/or training in reintroducing the original talking points, the consensus of what people in the “alternative” media are supposed to unquestionably disseminate as true, all of which were devised within six weeks of the incident. A consensus is identifiable by a demonstration of team-spirit, Marxist mentality, group-think, collectivism, herd mentality, collective conscious, and subjectivity instead of objectivity. In a totalitarian, psychologically-driven environment, one is not allowed to hold a different or independent viewpoint.

    Let me list the consensus talking points lest someone forgets exactly what they are supposed to believe/distribute or publicize in available forums:

    January 30, six weeks after Sandy Hook, the following 14 points were introduced:

    1) no children died at the Sandy Hook Elementary School
    2) Sandy Hook was not an operating school
    3) Social Security Death Index record stated that Adam Lanza died on 12/13/2012 (immediately corrected by the reporting entity – funeral home)
    4) Adam Lanza did not exist
    5) Mike Powers (Hollingsworth) on Joyce Riley’s The Power Hour, on January 16, 2013, said that logistically, Lanza could not have carried off the shooting
    6) Introduced the idea of satanic worship, suggesting that even an infant in the way she sucked on her fingers was somehow ritualistic
    7) Introduced the idea that it was all about gun control and the disarming of the public, ignoring the influence of psychiatric drugs in every public shooting
    8) re-introduced the scare tactic that the government has FEMA camps and 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber, hollow-point ammunition
    9) introduced the idea that the Mossad may have been behind Sandy Hook
    10) introduced the idea that other shootings were hoaxes staged by the government
    11) introduced the idea that actors were used at Sandy Hook
    12) introduced the idea that Sandy Hook was a drill
    13) introduced the idea that officials were smirking at Aurora which they applied to Sandy Hook
    14) introduced the idea of premeditation

  9. Applying that same logic to another time and place, would you have also accepted, without question, the allied allegations of a holocaust against the jews based on the initial claims of the communists, the jews, and the allies before and immediately following the formal end of World War II? Would you hate and vilify every German based on those claims? The majority of the world’s populations, based on those first claims believe in the holocaust. Many people in the “alternative” media embrace and disseminate the first claims made about Sandy Hook and in so doing vilify the residents of Newtown as evil collaborators. Do you now accept the statements of the self-promoting Elie Wiesel and his advocacy of a growing vengeance-seeking, reparations-collecting holocaust industry? Given your ready acceptance of the first claims made about Sandy Hook, you probably do. Alternatively, thinking as an independent person, often criticized by friends and family, would you have been wise enough to evaluate the revisionist’s statements based on their research into the official records of Germany, the Soviet Union in addition to the scientific evidence collected at several locations? Or do you just go along with the consensus thinking and keep your beliefs to yourself in order not to be accused of anti-semitism?

  10. Seriously Deanna,
    You should delete your post @ 11:10.
    It does not serve you well.

  11. So Keith is doing all this work out of a profound sense of conviction. Right.

  12. Larry and others: Pertaining to Keith's motives - typically, motives for doing many things are greed, money, control and power. Certainly, Keith, Wade and anyone else that I know who maintains that children died at Sandy Hook have not acquired any money, control, or power but have attracted just the opposite – including the disdain of people who claim to be objective truth seekers. In any given situation, one must ask who benefits from any event. I have never said that I accept the government’s position on Sandy Hook. I also do not accept the “alternative” media’s view. Big pharma and state and federal governments are deeply entrenched and complicit. Thirty-seven states have enlarged their mental health budgets as a result of Sandy Hook. That means more people are going to be placed on psych drugs, against their will, especially since the Affordable Care Act.

    A large percentage of the people now believe that Americans need more mental healthcare. Otherwise, Sandy would never have occurred – if only Adam Lanza had received this “valuable” care, he might not have committed such an act. This is despite the fact that almost 80,000,000 people in the United States are on psych drugs as of April 2014:

    ADHD drugs: 10,291,860
    Anti-depressants: 41,226,394
    Antipsychotics: 6,845,303
    Anti-anxiety: 36,472,663
    All Psychiatric drugs: 78,694,222 total
    There will quickly come a time that children who refuse to take their psych drugs will not be allowed in school or that their parents will be arrested for refusal to “treat” their children.

    So, we have governments pressing for more medical intervention, now mandated under the Affordable Care Act. The general public will fall for this nonsense just as they have fallen for the vaccines are necessary scam. In the alternative media, where these questions should be addressed, there are people who claim that Sandy Hook never happened (see point 1), an idea that has spread into the mainstream, thanks to people like Anderson Cooper (CIA). Alex Jones, on national television, said that it was all about confiscation (see point 7). Big pharma makes $50 billion a year on these drugs which can easily fund a lot of counter-intelligence and damage control operations. Again, one must ask – who benefits and the answer is big pharma. People in the alternative should evaluate all of the possibilities instead of accepting the initial and well-disseminated points made within the first six weeks.

  13. I left out a word in my previous comment: Alex Jones, on national television, said that it was all about gun confiscation (see point 7).

  14. If its a concern about mandatory prescription of dangerous drugs to children is what is driving you so adamantly in this Sandy Hook ordeal, then maybe it is understandable, at least to those wanting to give you a break. But I see this as two different issues, and I don't see the veracity of Sandy Hook (a tough pill to swallow) as being vital to combating forced drugging of children. They are separate issues, and, anyone who tries to claim that drugging of children is necessary solely, or largely, because of Sandy Hook merits being laughed off the stage.

    Nobody is arguing with you about the tyranny, and danger to health, of forcing children to take drugs. I am confident that every single Sandy Hook skeptic (like me) is firmly with you on the issue of no forced drugs for children.

    Our problem with Sandy Hook is that is smells phony - nobody can actually get to the bottom with independent research because those who might be able to come forth with proof won't cooperate - we are left to argue about the credibility of government/police/press reports which makes me even more skeptical. I just don't see how using that photo again in Pakistan has anything to do with the drug business - that theory you embraced about that photo is quite a stretch.

    I don't know of a single person in my wider circle who actually believes we need more drugs for children, no matter how they feel about Sandy Hook. The two issues are just not related, except I can see how, in your mind, they are so tied together that you can't view Sandy Hook with the same healthy skepticism you view so many other issues, such as the holohoax.

    Sorry for being an armchair psychologist here, but, it is so out of character for you to not be the no-nonsense hard-hitting skeptic you have been on so many other issues. For those of us who were admirers and followers of your past podcasts, it seems like Sandy Hook was your "trojan horse". (

    This post is not meant to be hostile - just an honest appraisal for what seems like it needs an explanation for your many former admirers who are miffed over this Sandy Hook ordeal (I practically swore off RBN when Stadmuller dumped you for that Ben Swan character - I, and others of your admirers, were furious at him for that).

  15. I've been saying this for a long time now. I've also come to believe that policing the internet is another long term goal coming out of Sandy Hook. In fact, each victim's "family" has it's own agenda. Gun contol (Barden and the Sandy Hook Promise group), Mental Health ( Jeremy Richman & Co.), School Security (Michele Gay & Alison Parker) and Freedom of Speech on the internet (Lenny Pozner and Donna Soto) http://memoryholeblog.com/2014/03/12/the-sandy-hook-psychopharma-connection/

  16. By the same logic that some "truthers" use to deny MEDIA FAKERY as the primary modus operandi of false-flag PsyOps, through absurd statements such as "why use actors when you can just kill people?" (lol, and deal with their real, grieving families and friends with real incentives to find the truth?) and "too many people will have to keep their mouths shut and might be exposed," (even assuming that this "exposing" can have any mass-communication outlets at all) you can also ask: Why fake the Moon Landings and have to fool many tens of thousands of more-or-less honest compartmentalized workers being paid their funny money like so many longer term "extras" on a film set, when it's so much easier to just "go to the Moon"? lol

    Wouldn't it be so much easier just to go to the damn moon than have to keep the "secret" that you faked it in a studio from tens of thousands of workers, hundreds of pesky "investigative" reporters, and Billions of other peons who inhabit the planet and offer their subconscious minds to the programming on TV's and every other form of mass-media?

    No, of course, it would not. It would be MUCH harder and that's why it's not done that way.

    As Mark Twain said over a century ago and as you can see and confirm today everywhere you look, including within the supposedly "woken up" ranks of the conspiracy community/truther-counterculture leadership, it's MUCH EASIER to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.

    "Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby." -- Henry Louis Mencken - 'Notes On Journalism' in the Chicago Tribune (19 September 1926)

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary." -- H. L. Mencken

    "See, the 'Big Lie' professionals in the business of deceiving this entire world's population on a daily basis probably know better - when it comes to fooling BOTH the experts and the average Joe Public. The BIG LIE has to seem too bloody stupid in the eyes of the experts - and too bloody smart in the eyes of Joe Public. There is no quest either for the lowest or the highest common denominator in these psy-op schemes - or much less to target any specific IQ group (if you may pardon this unsavory way to put it). The aim is to strike the human consciousness somewhere 'in the middle' - so as to befuddle EVERYONE - and of course - to make EVERYBODY endlessly quarrel with each other." -- Simon Shack, December 11, 2013 at 3:52 PM

  17. One has to wonder where RBN got the money to pay Ben Swan, a former Fox News anchor in Ohio to come in and take my place. As I have said before, this is not about me. I have not changed sides but have not adopted the initial questions that people have already asked. I am still the skeptic that I have always been. There is a huge cover-up which I have covered in a 600-page book. I can hardly explain the entire cover-up in Mami's comment section. There is more to this whole incident than meets the eye and has to do with the HHS in each state, big pharma, the Affordable Care Act, the Clinton and Bush longtime drug rackets, the distracting psy-ops, the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 and many more issues. No, my purpose for posting this comment is not to sell my book. I have a couple of dozen numbered promotional copies that I would be happy to share with anyone who wants one. Just email me to get a number so that you may download the book.


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