April 05, 2015

Texe Marrs Podcast 3/27/2015 - Are Robots Alive?

Scientists claim humanity is on the threshold of an amazing age of robotic life and incredible artificial intelligence. What are the implications of the soon-coming breakthroughs, chronicled by Texe Marrs in his groundbreaking book, Robot Alchemy? Are robots alive? Will they take man’s place? Is this evolutionary step now inescapable? What of the robotics scientist who recently warned that robots will become so advanced, we humans will become their pets?      TexeMarrs.com

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*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
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1 comment:

  1. I remember when Dr. Stan Monteith was asked about Texe Marrs, and he said that he was a friend but he wouldn't have him on to talk about certain things, because of his disagreement over things such as the Jewish issue.

    But when Marrs had a book on robots, suddenly he was invited on.

    Too bad that he couldn't have been on to talk about the Jewish issue at least once in awhile. The truth fears no inquiry, as they say.


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