May 12, 2015

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.05.11

Candidate/activist Robert Burke: We need to make 9/11 an election issue

US Air Force veteran Robert Burke was the Libertarian candidate for Governor of Wisconsin in 2014. Now he's pushing the state Libertarians to endorse the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth resolution at the AIA convention calling for a real investigation into what happened to World Trade Center Building 7. And he has managed to drum up some local mainstream coverage of WTC-7.

In this interview Robert Burke recounts how he woke up to the problems with the official story of 9/11, and explains why people running for office, starting with Libertarians, should make this an election issue.

Kevin's blog

24k CF Download


  1. Burke = LIHOP limited hangout. You have to wonder how many votes a Jews Did 911 party would get when Jews run the counts...

  2. WTC7 is all you'll hear from these limited hangout shills and never that there were no planes used on empty buildings. That's because WTC7 REINFORCES the rest of the "It was all real, with real 3000 dead as honestly reported by our beloved media, but done with 'remote-controlled' planes, by people on the 'inside' who fooled most of the media along with the rest of us that it was 'Bin Laden' from a cave in Afghanistan," people's belief based on Alex Jones and Loose Change, and "It was all real, with real 3000 dead but with remote-controlled planes, just done by people on the 'outside,' meaning Israel) belief of the the people naive enough to trust Christopher Bollyn and Alan Sabrosky (and not their own eyes and reason) just because they dangle an "Israel and Mossad did it" carrot on front of their faces.

    Look, even if WTC7 wasn't given to the alternative media on a Silverstein chutzpah platter as a false "smoking gun" to chase their tails on forever and in order to restore their faith in the mass-media "doing its job" at least part of the time (ha ha ha, what a laugh, if it was doing its job, Silverstein would be in prison and facing charges of treason right after the PBS "pull it" interview, not collecting all his insurance money to prove to us all how powerless we are as a continuation of the fear-based PsyOp, i.e., too big to bust and above the law). Even if WTC7 was still standing on the day after 9-11, these cartoons (supposedly by three different "amateur" photographers, but all courtesy of Stephen Rosenbaum's "Camera Planet," who claimed to have received them as part of over 500 hours of film gifted to them by the public just for placing an ad in the paper, LOL) here would still not be "planes":

    and neither would these cartoons be "real" shots of "real" buildings and "real" people of any kind

    nor these interviews with anyone who experienced anything "tragic" in real life because of 9-11, but with obvious actors:

    ABC interview with Howard Lutnick, another Jew and the supposed CEO of Cantor-Fitzgerald (one of the 9-11 tenant ghost companies) who claims he lost his brother and 657 emoployees because of the "tragedy"

    Harley Guy interviewed by Rick Leventhal

    After he's done with the Harley Guy clown, at the 2:33 mark this scumbag Leventhal says to the idiot with the dust-mask on his mouth and nose: "What's your ROLE out here right now?" and this motherfucker actually responds: "Just STANDING BY right now. Can't say WHAT ROLE I'm playing right now." Then watch Leventhal's stuttering momentarily flustered reaction to this asswipe not knowing what his role is: "Ah, bbbbbbbbblbb, there's a LOT of STANDING BY right now."

    (continued in next post)

  3. (continued . . . )

    Now, they COULD HAVE edited that part right out (even in "live" 17 second delay, although this clip is CERTAINLY NOT LIVE but pre-manufactured and pretending to be 'live) but they haven't, do you know why? Because it REINFORCES in the minds of the not very sophisticated and not very numerous (around one million in a world of 7 billion) alternative media types that although Harley Guy is an obvious actor, the clip itself is "live" and done "on the spot" by an honest Rick Leventhal who just happened to run into this odd character Mark Walsh aka Harley Guy who was so prescient about what brought the buildings down (LOL) and the guy in the mask who doesn't know what "role" he's playing. They are WILLING to take the risk of a few thousand media-fakery-wise researchers in the world catching them and finding out what they're up to IF they can bamboozle the rest of the 999,000. In fact, they most likely PLANNED IT THIS WAY in order to FOOL EVERYONE and create as much confusion as possible about what really happened that day when IT'S AS OBVIOUS AS DAY and staring everyone in the face: MEDIA FAKERY is what happened that day. THIS is how all psychological operations work: DIFFERENT DEGREES OF LIMITED HANGOUT for different levels of alternative media researcher sophistication. It was fully anticipated that SOME people would discover their media-fakery modus operandi, THEREFORE, full limited hangout had to be run against them also within the PsyOp itself.

    The most important thing to gatekeep is FULL MEDIA COMPLICITY on 9-11.

    The media is the goose that lays their golden eggs and the fact of its FULL COMPLICTY in all these PsyOps must be protected from the general public AND as large a portion of the alternative media as possible for as long as possible.

    Simon Shack's WTC7 Study:

    Conclusive proof that Leventhal was NOT live on the streets in NYC on 9-11 when interviewing Harley Guy:

  4. The argument that some would make of it being political suicide for the Libertarian Party to simply call for a real investigation into Building 7 is laughable at best, because the Libertarian Party isn't even on the political radar in the U.S., so they have nothing really to lose, and the shameful thing is that libertarians in general are among the biggest group to reject 9/11 Truth, for several reasons.

    One being the false ideological notion that the government is inherently so inefficient at everything, and therefore it couldn't have carried out 9/11. Tell the half a million Iraqi children who were starved to death from UN sanctions led by the Zionist supremacists in charge of U.S. policy that the government was so inefficient to arrange their deaths, or ask Ed and Elaine Brown of New Hampshire whether the government is inefficient in extracting income taxes from them involuntarily as they are facing an effective life sentence.

    Also, there is the stupid attitude that you can't believe anything the government says, which is what one of the co-hosts of Free Talk Live said, which is just as stupid as those who believe everything or almost everything the government says.

    Onebornfree is an anarchist libertarian who acknowledged this point when he was on my show, that he didn't get very far bringing up 9/11 to fellow libertarians.

    But when you're nowhere politically, you have nothing to lose, but since libertarians at least have been so hostile in general to 9/11 Truth, expect it to go nowhere, and as has already been mentioned, this guy is pushing a limited hangout position anyway.

  5. The federal Libertarian Party made themselves look like asses for choosing Bob Barr as their presidential candidate in 2008, since Barr had been one of those that voted for the USA PATRIOT ACT, which should've excluded him right away, but they falsely thought that going with some alleged "star" candidate would get them somewhere, when in fact they got nowhere, as expected.

    You have to go with principles and real grit and determination, or you should just go home.

    Even Michael Badnarik, a former Libertarian presidential candidate in 2004, later chastised the party for their bad attitude, even down to the physical appearance of party supporters, and said don't clap at the end of his speech, because of how pathetic a state the party had reached.

  6. Those are all good points Jason when it comes to actual libertarian party members and such, but you've got to remember that Alex Jones, the biggest 9-11-was-an-inside-job "conspiracy theorist" in the general public's eyes, the biggest WTC7-controlled-demolition-is-the-smoking-gun promoter, with an audience of at least 920,000 confirmed you tube subscribers, who appeared on the Howard Stern show to an audience of 20 million and on FOX TV to an audience far bigger than Stern's, is also more-or-less a libertarian and therefore most people who follow him can be placed in the libertarian camp. So when people think of those loony "conspiracy theorists" and their most visible representative, they also think of "libertarians."

    It all serves to keep libertarian ideas or ideas having to do with the boundaries of freedom for individuals out of public discussion: whether or not individual sovereignty should be protected by power against group encroachments and how or why, without individual freedom of thought, choice and pursuit of creativity within those boundaries, and its balancing in synergistic fashion with the creativity of others in groups, no truly healthy groups and wider cultures are even possible, etc. Healthy groups find out what principles to follow by looking at the results of what actions resulted in the longevity of this health and wealth (one letter away): will protecting the individual give us a healthy group or not? Might-makes-right-when-rights-make-the-most-might or the most health of the tribe feeding back to the individual. Whichever way you look at it and from whatever perspective, the individual human being, is the basic unit of social science. Even in a racist organization that only considers certain races "fully human," they would still need to refer to their smallest minority within the race, the individual, the undividable even into a clone or identical twin, if they want to learn anything valid to apply to the wider groups individuals congregate in. Extreme individualism is unhealthy, not because it is unhealthy for the group, which it often is, but because it also oppresses the individual and puts him in disharmony with the social group that, when properly reigned in, is of enormous synergetic benefit to him and his own health and long-term self-interest. Basically, the very foundational principles of Western Civilization, the very boundaries of the ledge in know-ledge, are kept out of discussion as if they do not matter much beyond some lip service.

    In the end there are only those few who honestly seek the truth and correct their theories and errors when new evidence presents itself and those who attempt to find only those "facts" that will fit their pre-set theories and agendas and ignore all other evidence, regardless of validity. Only those who honestly seek the truth are ultimately given the power to shepherd the rest, always ideologically sooner or later when the rest become sick and tired of the pain caused by lies, and sometimes also physically and quite immediately when the truths discovered and the technologies arising from them give powerful advantages over the rest of the population IF they can keep the parasites from robbing them by posing as the real benefactors of the public through the false collectivist principle of "democracy" or the dictatorship of the lowest-common-denominator (same as the so-called dictatorship of the proletariat under communism but with some modicum of mostly phony private property rights added), propagandized as "freedom." Democracy is the opposite of freedom and its strictly voluntary and win-win dialectic, nothing but a win-lose dialectic (the largest group wins, the individuals who disagree with the largest group in all collectives, lose) posing as a false collective "correcting of wrongs" or natural imbalances and inequalities in society, when correcting of wrongs on an individual basis has been more than amply provided for.

  7. "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one." -- Charles Mackay

    “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes

    "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." "No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." -- Thomas Jefferson to Francis Gilmer, 1816

    "We want to re-establish the value of personality as an eternal priority; that is, the creative genius of the individual. In this way, we want to sever ties with any appearance of a listless democracy. We want to replace it with the timeless awareness that everything great can only spring from the force of the individual personality, and that everything destined to last must again be entrusted to the abilities of the individual personality." -- Adolf Hitler, Berlin Speech, February 1933 Max Domarus, Hitler Reden und Proklamationen, p. 206; Translation quoted from Richard Tedor's book "Hitler's Revolution."

    "Understand that all battles are waged on an unconscious level before they are begun on the conscious one, and this battle is no different. The power structure wishes us to believe that the only options available are those which they present to us, we know this is simply not true, and therefore must redefine the terrain of this conflict, and clearly, it is a conflict of worldviews and agendas." --Teresa Stover

    Lysander Spooner, "Vices Are Not Crimes, A Vindication Of Moral Liberty"

    Lysander Spooner- No Treason, The Constitution of No Authority – Audio File


  8. More obvious big-budget Hollywood limited hangout DONE IN 1996 as predictive programming against any Media-Fakery-wise faction of 9-11 researchers getting major traction, or those who might get on and STAY ON the trail that begins by discovering they faked all the planes, then even the buildings the fake planes were supposedly hitting and building demolitions (the real demolitions were done behind a simple military grade smokescreen and not allowed to be photographed) and ends by discovering that they even faked the 3000 "victims" on 9-11:

    There you have it, the Hollywood bad-guy says to Samuel L. Jackson in his beret and Geena Davis "Unfortunately we can't fake 4000 people so we're just going to have to do it for real and blame it on the Muslims."

    So, in the same scene, they run predictive programming which will be discovered easily by the Alex Jones followers and used as foreshadowing of the so-called "truth" of what the plane-huggers and victims-huggers say AND pretends that it would be harder to fake 4000 deaths than to kill 4000 people for real, which is absurd, given their total control of the world's media, but which the same Jonestown as well as Bollyn-&-Sabrosky followers will actually believe! "Look they told us so in this predictive programming flick from 1996," they! The "NWO" (or JWO in the only slightly altered "whodunnit" of the Jewther movement led by people like Daryl Bradford Smith, Bollyn and Sabrosky) can't fake 4000 deaths, THAT'S why they had to do it for real."


    by simonshack on September 18th, 2014, 1:18 pm
    . . .

    To be sure, the desperate, multiple and ongoing efforts to shift the blame away from the TV NETWORKS' total complicity with the 9/11 hoax have been relentless over the years. Here are a bunch of them, listed in random order:

    - RICHARD HALL'S HOLOGRAM THEORY: "The planes that eyewitnesses reported seeing hitting the towers were, in actuality, holograms."
    ("Ergo, the TV NETWORKS innocently aired real and legit imagery of the events of September 11, 2001")

    - JUDY WOOD'S DEW-DUSTIFICATION THEORY: "The absurd top-down / pyroclastic tower collapses we all saw on TV can only be explained by the use of exotic / classified weapons (turning the towers into very fine dust). This would also explain the gigantic smoke cloud engulfing Manhattan for the entire day."
    ("Ergo, the TV NETWORKS innocently aired only real and legit imagery of the events of September 11, 2001")

    - JIM FETZER'S NUKE-DUSTIFICATION THEORY: "The absurd top-down / pyroclastic tower collapses we all saw on TV can only be explained by the use of mini nuclear weapons (turning the towers into very fine dust). This would also explain the gigantic smoke cloud engulfing Manhattan for the entire day."
    ("Ergo, the TV NETWORKS innocently aired only real and legit imagery of the events of September 11, 2001")

    - ACE BAKER'S ONLY-FAKE-PLANE-INSERTS THEORY: "The absurd imagery of the sim-hits (the poor animations of "Flight 175" hitting WTC2) was stealthily inserted into (composited on top of) authentic aerial sceneries of Manhattan shot by the TV NETWORKS that morning."
    ("Ergo, the TV NETWORKS innocently aired only real and legit imagery of the events of September 11, 2001")

    - ANDY TYME'S HIJACKED-TV-FEED THEORY: "The absurd imagery of the sim-hits (the poor animations of "Flight 175" hitting WTC2) was stealthily inserted into the feed beamed to people's TV sets by a clandestine entity - completely unbeknowst to the unwitting TV NETWORKS."
    ("Ergo, the TV NETWORKS innocently aired only real and legit imagery of the events of September 11, 2001")

    Good grief - what will they come up with next? ...
    And when will they give us an effing (as opposed to commercial) break?

    Matt Lauer: "here we go to the tape!"
    Katie Couric: "we have the tape!"


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