June 04, 2015

Alex Jones Show 2011.05.16 Highlights (just for laughs)

This is an edit I made of his show back in 2011 and just by listening to it again, it's obvious why people are still drinking the Jones Town Kool-Aid. Keep in mind that this is an edit of that particular show and I just put together the worst parts of it but anybody can do this with any of his shows. The guy is blatantly obvious...Be scared and paranoid because we can control scared sheeps much easier than a "normal" well adjusted "soul". He's a Zionist gatekeeper in case you weren't aware of it by now. LOL



  1. LOL I never get tired of cheese enchiladas either but I don't weigh 275lbs.

    Also, in honor of Michael Collins Piper, here's a flashback where Mr. Piper takes a bizarre call from Alex Jones.


  2. What a vile monkey! I'm starting to believe there may be something to the A.J./Bill Hicks conspiracy.


  3. Maybe the vilemonkey YouTube site is just something started by an amateur for his own gratification, but after I saw the controlled opposition dispute between Alex Jones and Mark Dice, where Jones even mentioned Dice's "attack" videos and laughed about them on his show, I started to wonder whether the vilemonkey channel was also controlled opposition in order to generate attention for Jones and to get his critics thinking that he's just a crazy person, as opposed to being crazy like a fox in serving Jewish supremacist interests.

  4. Here is a cache of over 30 articles I have written to expose Jones, and there are many others here as well that mention him tying in with other disinformation agents or suspect individuals.


  5. That's a very nice expose you did faux. Alex also at least three times that I've heard repeated the jew lie about Ahmadinejad saying he wanted to "wipe Israel off the map". David Duke was there in person and has stated many times to his credit that Ahmadinejad said "the REGIME which occupies JERUSALEM will pass from the pages of history with the sands of time". He said he heard the word regime which is also used in farsi. Also as a Iranian I've heard the speech and know what he said.
    I'd be interested to know if you believe Alex Jones and Bill Hicks are the same person. The coincidences between them are monumental.

  6. Hi 1melahat,

    I haven't looked much into it, as I originally wrote it off as disinfo, and still suspect that is the case, but I admit to not having studied it that much.

    Once I saw the controlled opposition fake dispute between Mark Dice and Alex Jones, I figured that the Bill Hicks-Alex Jones comparison may have even been played up intentionally by Jones himself, and I then came across this article that makes the case that Jones' handlers may have been behind it all along.



  7. One other thing I will say in regards to Alex Jones changing is that if you listen to his voice in his earliest documentary, America: Destroyed by Design, you'll notice that it is twangy compared to his grovelly voice later on. I listened to him regularly for almost two years and I never heard him mention any sort of accident, so I wouldn't at all be surprised if he had voice training, or I think even more likely, some sort of vocal chord surgery, as part of his planned rollout as a Jewish Zionist chauvinist disinformation operative.


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