June 19, 2015

Saudis set to build 16 nuclear reactors with Russian help



  1. It's almost certainly bullshit fear-mongering propaganda.




    The implication, of course, is the Khomeini-worshipping Iranian lead-clowns are now supposed to be bitching: "If the Saudis do it, we can do it," blah, blah, blah (extending their role as the manufactured enemy Israel needs to point to, in order to fully take over the middle east with the help of their trained attack dog, the USA), as if Pakistan and Iran, where they still have to build A SINGLE CAR OF THEIR OWN DESIGN, were even capable of something as complicated and advanced as this. Assuming nuke weapons are even buildable as fantasized from massively wealthy elite Judaic imaginations for goy (and garden-variety average "Jew") nightmares, and "real," they could only do it during the Shah's time with lots of outside help from much more advanced nations, and, of course, full-on outside propaganda:


    The laughably hypocritical Press-TV from absurdly tyrannical and unfree sharia law controlled-opposition Iran is a joke. The only difference between Iran and the Saudis is that "on the surface," Iran is anti-usury and anti-Jew and the obvious baits they used for this is Armordinnerjacket's holohoax conference and 9-11 skepticism. These PsyOps work DIFFERENTLY on the mainstream audience and the alternative. In the mainstream or among the majority of the Western and Eastern media, Iran becomes associated in this way with the ultimate bad guy or "Hitler," which is good for the Jews and in the alternative media Iran becomes "heroic" for supposedly standing up to Israel and praised which makes the alternative media people look like total hypocritical buffoons in the eyes of the mainstream people. Then they can easily set the mainstream majority faction against the alternative minority dissenters and get them to hate each other, simple divide and conquer. And the mainstream people would have full justification for their anger due to the dissenters' hypocrisy.

    Just because they have people like Martinez and Blakeney on to comment doesn't mean Press-TV are now, all-of-a-sudden, a "free press." They are anything but. However, they are designed to give THAT IMPRESSION to MORONS and HALF-WITS in the alternative media who they know very well will not go that far in their thinking. They are an intelligence operation to control that dissent online and no more. People like Martinez and Blakeney are certainly not in on it in any sense exceeding "useful idiocy" or "useful ego," but don't realize the larger game they're being used as pawns in.

    "RT" or Russia Today from Jew-ass-kisser/transparent-controlled-opposition holohoaxing, 9-11-hoaxing and Moon-Hoaxing stooge Putin with his thought-crimes legislation is not much better. Again, just because they have Salbuchi on and Red Ice guests on, doesn't mean shit. That is their bait to pull all you suckers in for their myriad of hooks which come later. You don't realize what the hooks are until they're stuck in your throat and you can't break free of it, PSYCHOLOGICALLY SPEAKING.

    Very simple really. Not all that complicated.

    But people have been subconsciously programmed since childhood to have this desperate need to believe in OUTSIDE authority figures much stronger than themselves who will lead them to "freedom." Nope, YOU have to lead yourself. You have to become free within yourself FIRST. You have to INTERNALIZE POWER and not EXTERNALIZE it. If people do not learn how to do this, they will never be spiritually or mentally free in any substantial sense.

  2. "The media are 'fear-service providers.' There are people who are (or can be made) addicted to the fear mongering, addicted to the master-slave relationship and don't (or won't) want to come to a level of personal responsibility and the media will then gladly provide the fear-service programming for them. In essence we are still controlling ourselves to the degree that we participate in the manipulation (but we don't know it) and to the degree to which we EXTERNALIZE power. You can either participate in and accept the illusion or not. You can have real psychological, physiological, emotional responses to it or you can recognize that it is a FALSEHOOD and has no power over you and you maintain your power, retain your power. If we, collectively as a species, stood up and stopped watching the mainstream news and the alternative news, do you know that that network of control would cease to exist? It's that simple.

    So why is it that people need the service of fear and fear-mongering and death, destruction, war, blood and gore and the externalization of power? This has nothing to do with 'the illuminati' and 'the power elite' but only us on an individual level either claiming our power or not claiming our power. The choice is ours. What we are seeing is all in the mind. It's not physical or tangible, it's all within the mind. To the degree that you believe IN YOUR MIND that these potential terror threats are real, they will have real influence and real impact on you. But let us be clear, it's just psychological warfare. What does happen is the triggering of the trauma of September 11th and as a consequence people become fearful just like we were on September the 11th and they begin to externalize power.

    That's the manipulation, but ultimately the person has to CONSENT to the manipulation, no one is forcing a person because it's not physical. Again, the greatest MEANS OF CONTROL does not actualize through military might, physical subjugation or brute force. The greatest means of control is actualized through the manupilation of the PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION OF THE HUMAN SPECIES. That's why we have to start looking at mass media and media manipulation from the context of human psychology IN THE MIND. I think that that's where the power resides ultimately and if we are going to get to a point when we begin to reclaim our power, it has to be through a restructuring of our PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION to where we do not perceive ourselves to be these lowly slaves to these masters that we call mass-media. And that we do not accept stories from mass-media without any evidence of proof. Adequate intellectual process demands CONCLUSIVE evidence or proof and in the absence of conclusive evidence or proof we should not accept anything that anyone says, what I say, what John says, what your momma says, what your daddy says. Once you stop subscribing to the script, you allow your subconscious mind to not only heal the subconsciously embedded trauma of September 11th 2001, but then you begin to see YOUR POWER TO REALIZE IN REALITY, physically, a greater reality for yourself, as opposed to the doomsday-like scenarios that are always propagandized by the mainstream news and the alternative news." -- Lenon Honor


    The Age of Manipulation – The Con in Confidence, the Sin in Sincere – Wilson Bryan Key Ph.D. (close colleague of Marshall McLuhan):


  3. ZCF=Anti-Hitler-Jew
    Khomeini was an agent for MC5 and the KGB
    PressTV is bullshit
    Putin is a holohoaxer and the Soviet Union


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