June 03, 2015

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.06.03

More Yahweh's absurdities

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)



  1. I don't even bother to listen to these shows. Talk about redundant. We get it. The bible sucks.

  2. For those who are bored of these shows, do you have a link that you think best refutes what he's saying, or can you refute him yourself?

    I have written critiques on here before when I feel that he hasn't adequately substantiated his claims in reference to Martin Luther, Hitler and Jews being all-powerful, but when it comes to the Bible, I find that he backs up his claims very well, and I can't say much to try to refute him.

  3. Fauxcapitalist: it's not a question of whether he's right or wrong: they are his opinions. Rather, he is in danger of becoming a broken record. you'd probably get bored if he spent an inordinate amount of time on Sandy Hook, JFK, the moon landings. Take your pick.

  4. @ Woodchuck: that's because you share his obsession. To non-religious fanatics - yes, to be fiercely anti-religion is to be a religious fanatic - his constant droning on about the Bible, organized religion, etc., is BORING. there's so much more important shit going on in the world; why doesn't he spend more time addressing that?

  5. The thing is Charles does great work. Most of his shows are fascinating, but the guy has this religious grudge. It's not about if he is wrong or right, it's a broken record and it's a shame.

  6. I'm proud to be a "non-religious fanatic." I think I'll get a t-shirt with that on it. Lol! Actually, Charles and I have very similar disappointing religious backgrounds. I can understand though that it might be boring to some, just not to me.


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