July 07, 2015

Inside the Eye - The Original Podcast 2008.12.15

One Basic Truth Segment 1

Podcast 1, Seg 2 - A Brief History of the Isisian Codes


  1. Masters of the Craft,eh?

    You and others keep talking about Masters and and how we're ruled and what they know,and how they fool us and such, but NEVER reveal how we ourselves can become Masters and transcend this world.

    What's the method?

    What do you know?

  2. @Allat Goddess

    No one can give you YOUR answers but yourself. Although people share the faculty of reason, their perspectives are always different due to different circumstances of life, both in terms of nature and nurture.

    Nurturing yourself or others properly demands HARD WORK and INTELLECTUAL work ethic, not body sweat but mental sweat. You can't understand complicated things that often have also been DELIBERATELY COMPLICATED for you, until and unless you put in the work. Nothing good comes easy and certainly no "transcendence" ever comes easy. Every knowledgeable guy or gal out there who has something to impart to others has had to struggle for years to get to wherever they are. Elite Jews rule us because they are CREATIVELY DESTRUCTIVE BULLSHIT ARTISTS who have studied and know our every weakness while making sure that we know few of theirs. Just because they're assholes doesn't mean they don't work HARD at being assholes. Being the most cunning freeloaders in the world is MUCH HARDER WORK than you think. I've both worked for and employed Jews before and it is a myth that they don't work hard. They certainly work hard and especially hard with their minds but for whatever reason they prefer to exploit and creatively destroy what non-Jews and especially Europeans have CONSTRUCTIVELY created rather than create in a constructive way themselves. Capiche?

    Fetcho's esoteric work was a revelation to me when I took the time to get into it. It's not the be-all and end-all of understanding manipulation of minds through languages but it's a good piece of the puzzle I didn't have before. If Fetcho's hard work in the esoterica department does not give you the insights it has given me and many others, try other CREATIVE WORKS OF THE INTELLECT that chip away at the ROOTS of the power structure.

    For example, if you want to understand where the human need for "truth" even comes from, as in the ROOT of T-ROOT-H (T-alking of and T-apping the Root and also "Ruth" or compassion) start by reading this essay and then reading it again and again (it takes about 45 minutes) until you feel you have a decent grasp of what Nietzsche is trying to say:


    Nietzsche was a Greek and Roman scholar and he doesn't talk a bunch of high-falutin' stuff, he PROVES EXACTLY (or as exact as the metaphorical universe of all words and languages make possible) what he's talking about. Once you plant the root that Nietzsche shows you how to plant, the branches will tend to follow IN A TRUTHFUL WAY EVERYWHERE, as long as you keep the root principles in mind at all times.

    You can also read it and then listen to it. I do a half-assed reading of it myself starting at the 234 minute mark of this audio compilation:


    But I never read in a "normal" way. I like to break out of old molds and screw-around while I'm reading a bit, to make it more fun for myself. It helps my own understanding but might not work for others. If you want a more "serious" reading try this guy:


  3. "Nurturing yourself or others properly demands HARD WORK and INTELLECTUAL work ethic,"

    What's an intellectual work ethics?

    And what's work ethics?

    Just the word "intellectual" puts me off, anyway.
    I don't understand what you're saying.

  4. @Allat Goddess

    It is a puzzle that one would actually have the audacity to ask "what is an intellectual work ethic" seeing how the very basis of philosophy itself is built upon a very refined and studious application of logic and reason, or "the intellect".

    So you question the idea of "Master's of the Craft", yet in nearly the same breath say that you are "put off" by the intellect, or what is "intellectual"?

    The foundations of Western mysticism are not intended to be available to all. What is the reward in the journey and effort if every monkey, without reason or skill, can make the same said journey?

    What is unique about Western mysticism is that the entire exercise is a form of transcendence using the intellect. It is our gift to the larger human family. We do not profess to be experts at things as "chi", or Tao, or any of the other Eastern mysteries, all of which add to the larger efforts of mankind to raise themselves back up.

    We have shown very clearly that utilizing our science and mind we can build something far superior to that of the samurai, which is why "the samurai", in the form of the Emperor, chose to abandon much of the samurai so as not to be left behind relative to the advances being made in the West.

    Further, a healthy expression of Western ideals means that we should always incorporate the best that all of human traditions avails us, for we do not pretend to absolute "Masters" but understand clear that all mankind has its contributions.


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