July 17, 2015

Now the most popular C-SPAN video, and #7 all-time with over 400,000 views



  1. This all-media-fakery-gatekeeping clown Gage claims to have 20,0000 "architects and engineers" signed up on the petition in his organization! LOL


    That alone should tell you what a liar he is. How in the hell did he find that many "professional" and "credentialed" supporters and still manage not to forward the real 9-11 truth case two iotas? How the hell did "Loose Shekels" get MILLIONS of viewers and get promoted on CNN and still not manage to do jack shit?

    I'll tell you how. Because like that douchebag liar William Rodriguez and the other slimebag boo-hoo-hoo-on-cue "9-11 victim parent" Bob McIlvaine going on Kevin Barrett's "Troof Jihad" show claiming his "son died on 9-11" with only these pathetically and obviously shopped images of his "son" available as proof of his existence on all of the internet:





    and with his "son's" name not being on either the SSDI (Social Security Death Index) nor the list of "death certificates" nor ever having a last address of residence revealed!

    All of Simon Shack's Clues Forum has only about 1455 members.

    When confronted in public about Shack's evidence completely contradicting everything he and all 20,000 of his supposed follower say, during one of his 9-11 controlled opposition "troofer" circuit presentations, he merely acknowledges that "he's seen" September Clues and that "it's an interesting film," and then dismisses ALL of its evidence as if it didn't exist and never even brings it up in his talks.

    WTC 7, the so-called "smoking gun" of the alt media gatekeepers, completely disappearing on FOX News at the 31 second mark:



    This short 3 minute video alone is conclusive proof that the "smoking gun" of 9-11 is media-fakery and that people like Richard Gage are there to LEAD YOU AWAY from it. Everything else given to people on a Silverstein platter or the Loose Change/Alex-Jones bait-with-the-government-did-it-&-hook platter or the Chistopher Bollyn / Alan Sabrosky / Prostink bait-with-Israel-did-it-&-hook platter is different variations of the same rabbit trail leading the fully anticipated dissenters and internet researchers away from the MANY conclusive proofs of media fakery such as this and the media's full complicity in the 9-11 PsyOp.

  2. (continued . . .)

    Gifs of the 31 second mark in the above posted Fox airing:



    And how about this:

    Shopped FAKE "firefighter" clones supposed to be tow different people (and three, if you count the black guy with the same name) with the BAR-CODE from the photo still on the guy's face in both images! LOL


    or this:



    I can go on and on and on and on.

    Stop trusting people like Gage and Willie the scumbag-liar-traitor "Boom" Rodriguez.


    How long are you going to get SCREWED BY THESE CON-ARTISTS and still ask for more


    Because he's exactly like that douchebag liar William Rodriguez and the other slimebag boo-hoo-hoo-on-cue "9-11 victim parent" Bob McIlvaine going on Kevin Barrett's "Troof Jihad" show claiming his "son died on 9-11" with only these pathetically and obviously shopped images of his "son" available as proof of his existence on all of the internet:





    and with his "son's" name not being on either the SSDI (Social Security Death Index) nor the list of "death certificates" nor ever having a last address of residence revealed!

  4. People should know that Gage has said that he knows about 9/11: Missing Links and September Clues, and says both raise interesting points meriting further investigation, yet he's not interested in sharing any of it with his audience.


  5. richard gage is a architect what the heck do you expect him to say about september clues and 911 missing link? his expertise is buildings,not photo and video manipulation and compositions.


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