July 02, 2015

Radio Wehrwolf - Dion talks with John Friend

Dion and John Friend dissects the recent false flag shooting in Charleston SC, recent church burnings, the banning of the Confederate flag, and more.

Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization. Dion@radiowehrwolf.com

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  1. You know, not every single shooting incident under the sun is a false flag. This might come as a revelation to you two gentlemen, but individual humans ARE capable of comitting violent acts completely of their own accord. Roof perceived what he considered to be a demographic problem and decided to act upon that knowledge. It isn't that hard to believe that a 21-year-old seeing the reality of Black privilege in the US, and realizing his own future was probably bleak in such a climate, could snap and do what he did. Also, there is no need for the establishment to have such an incident as a means to eliminate the Confederate Flag. The system can do that regardless. It can do anything it damn well pleases at this sad point in history.

  2. Amerikaner, You know the Government & Media LIES all the time,, It would be a safe bet that the Government & Media would LIE again. I did not listen to the show yet, but over the past week of jumping around the net,,, I must say I smell a RAT! Clinton, Benghazi,Obama ties with that Reverend.. Wet Work.

    I was clueless that Anti-Vaccine Dr.Jeff Bradstreet was found Dead in South Carolina at the same time of this mass shooting,, Really??

    I also found a blog (What Does It Mean.com) and there was a story about a CIA Hit Team in South Carolina... Check that out,, is it True?? Don't know.

    When we balance info from that Kay Griggs and her Ex-Hubby, one has to sit back and say Hummm.

    This shooting fits the Mold,,Big Government Money pushing for a Race War! America is a powder keg and the Government & Media are trying to light the fuse..

    That's how I: See it, Smell it, Feel it..

  3. Yes, this South Carolina Church episode is just another example of the tyranny we live under. Check out the latest Video Rebel blog report posted July 1,

    "Far More Despicable Than Treason". Happy Fourth of July, 2015!!!

  4. Why is it that otherwise intelligent americans feel compelled to weigh in whenever the mainstream media reports a "happening", and feel it imperative to decide whether or not they *believe* the story or not. What is your rush? There is no way we the public are given enough information to make that decision with any kind of in-depth analysis, so, why not just admit we really don't know and leave it at that?

    The way I approach mainstream news stories is to pretend I am on a jury, and, I am only willing to *decide* the story is true if I have been given enough information to draw that conclusion "beyond a reasonable doubt". That isn't to say i can prove any given story is bogus, but, that it isn't enough to convict. Sometimes we the general public just can't know. What is wrong with that?

    And yes, it is as likely as not that the mainstream, controlled by jews, promotes fantasies as if they were true (like the bullshit gas chambers of ww2), and that makes it even more appropriate to just disregard whatever is being promoted as true on the mainstream news.

    In the present case (an alleged church shooting), why not just ignore the mainstream news and see what you got left - nothing much, really.

  5. ...Annnnd, the award for the most sensible comment of the week on Mami's Goes to: Jlynn Littleberry!! Congrats, and help yourself to all the Kudos you can carry :)

  6. The easiest rule of thumb test if a shooting is real or not, is to count the injured. If some scrawny kid goes in with no training and kills everyone and no one is left alive, and no one is left injured, you might want to be a little suspicous.

    Columbine High School massacre: Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, killed twelve students (themselves included) and one teacher, and WOUNDED 21 others before committing suicide.

    Adam Lanza, aged 20, killed 26 people and himself at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. 2 injured. Only one identified shot in the foot. lol We have no idea even who this second injured adult was supposed to be.

    Coming to a reasonable conclusion is not rocket science. Throwing your hands and saying "no one will ever know the truth" is being a ridiculous brainwashed defeatist and or just lazy. There are always more details exposed.

    For example when Halbig went up to the Sandy Hook and confronted them and they sat there and said nothing, I knew at that point there was absolutely no doubt. Because his questions were not unreasonable. They were already sitting there, why not answer if they had nothing to hide? I would have given him what he wanted just to shut him up.

  7. Like I have said before, Does it really matter what that MSM says or even the alternative MSM media arm chair quarterbacks say ?

    what matters is how the fuck are those nine people being shot in south Carolina going to effect your daily life. It fucken isn't!!

    We know the Jew media wants to take everything we have for freedoms away! So fake or not you will never prove what you say is true to the sheeple , or to a court of law. fuck the holohoax 9/11 and JFK were the biggest lies and no one was ever brought down.

    So make up your mind and get over it and move on.

    Focus on the Jews and the race baiters in our fucked uped government.

  8. @VT Saxon

    "Our" government? Where have you been hibernating?

    Their government and their media are one-&-the-same: organs of enemy propaganda, subsequent promotion and passing of enemy legislation in an occupied nation and its enforcement against the goyim BY other goyim.

    Focusing on "Jews" 24 hours a day might make for a really macho and steam-releasing party but it is a noisy and simplistic tactic devoid of well thought-out strategy. All you will accomplish by that is get labeled an anti-semitic, racist, white-supremacist and actually MINIMIZE your effectiveness and handicap it within the WN and non-WN-anti-Judaic circle jerk. You have to be creatively constructive in identifying not just the WHO but the HOW of the WHO or those who are creatively destructive and can hide their HOW, will always have more sheep-herding pull. You see, the masses might not be all that smart, but they love FUN and CREATIVITY, even if that is just the creativity of BULLSHIT ARTISTRY.

    People don't care what you know. They care how you make them feel.

    The way you determine whether a 'history' or current 'news story' on enemy-propaganda media is more-or-less accurate or needs to be REVISED in order to reconcile itself to the facts is through three methods of examination:

    1) Documentation (authentic and chemically verified PERIOD documentation, especially procedural documentation, blueprints, orders, stuff that was kept records of day-to-day, etc.)

    2) Forensic - (such as DNA evidence, fingerprints or Hitler's dentals matched to his records on file that prove he died in the bunker, etc.)

    3) Witness testimony (depending on the authenticity and credibility of the witness but NEVER to be relied on or considered enough to prove anything more-or-less definitively in the absence of the Documentary and Forensic evidence which it would have to corroborate.

    It is OUR job as truthers to make sure that the intermediaries performing functions 1 and 2, collecting the evidence and testing it for authenticity, doing the documentation and forensics work, are honest and reliable people who are willing to submit their findings to outside examination and if not, are immediately exposed as FRAUDS and punished with RIDICULE and HUMILIATION, since it's not often possible to punish them with the PRISON time they deserve. It's called accountability and it should be an absolute matter-of-course in any civilized society. Few of us 'truthers' are criminal experts or professional historians but we do our job when we know enough of both CORRECT criminal procedure and historiography to know when it is being INCORRECTLY and fraudulently applied to serve the interests of power rather than the general welfare of all individuals.

  9. "Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding." -- Ezra Pound

    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” -- Sun Tzu - 500 B.C.

  10. the most important thing said is in the beginning of the radio show: the jews have now openly declared war on whites and have shifted their war on terror from muslims to so called 'rightwing whites' who they call white supremacist terrorists.

    for jews anyone identifying themselves as white is a terrorist. they ran this programm covertly for over 60 years and now they run it openly, since it has been exposed on the internet.


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