July 28, 2015

Spingola and Friends 7/27/2015

Deanna talks about Sandy Hook and the Damage Control Operation, the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission and other related topics. Visit Deanna's Sandy Hook Research and Notes and Screening Sandy Hook.
Show-page           Spingola.com         SpingolaSpeaks.net
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?



  1. Amazing. Has the hole you are digging hit China yet? The "Sandy Hook Exposed" video got up to 13 million views and then miraculously dropped to 11 million and has stayed there for 2 years. This must be because of the ADL right? Please tell me how the ADL would benefit from the public believing an even that was overwhelmingly dominated by Jews was a hoax. Please, I'd really like to know. Maybe you can call your friends there and find out. PATHETIC.

  2. I said:"Immediately following the shootings, some media outlets suggested a correlation between psych drugs and the massacre. Then very quickly, there were reversals and silence and instead, the media began promoting the idea that there was insufficient mental health care and that people with such problems needed greater access.1326 Even Fox News saw a connection. On January 2, 2013, Fox News released a short news clip where the broadcaster suggested a tie between mass murder and psych drugs. That video only had 11,639 views as of September 20, 2014, almost two years later while another video, released five days after the Fox video, with rapid momentum, pre-empted the Fox News clip."

    I stated the number as of September 20, 2014 when I looked at it. What does that have to do with the ADL?

  3. You are suggesting the ADL had some pull with YouTube and was pushing hoax videos. Gimme a break.

  4. Larry, in 2008 the ADL, an intelligence/propaganda agency of the Israeli state and YouTube reached that the ADL would "assist" by monitoring YouTube. Which ethnic group do you think do you think sits on the boards of directors at the big pharmaceutical companies? Who do you think is making the billions of dollars a year on psych drugs. Do "they" really want people to wake up to the fact that psych drugs are dangerous and that they create a very controllable population? See the following: http://www.adl.org/imagine/ and http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/adl_youtube_121508.html On another note, New York lawyers threatened to sue RBN and me for $250,000 because I uses an instrumental of the song "Peace Train" which I thought was in the public domain. They were really after me for the content of my program, especially because I was focusing on the so-called holocaust. That is why I use copyright-free music exclusively on my radio programs.

    1. How would the ADL benefit from people thinking that an event that was dominated by Jews at every level is a hoax?

  5. Larry:
    You must be a paid isr. troll, and touting the isr.party line.

    Certainly, the adl would benefit from the non-jews believing everything the adl sponsors.

    There is no bigger drug, no opiate, no high, no adquisition of land, houses, gold, et al, as the high, the jews get from power. Power over human beings of this Planet. OUR Planet, Earth! THAT is POWER!

    Part of this power, is taking everything away from others. Everything worth living on this Earth, water, food, trees, walking on grass, and all enjoyment of Nature and Love. Everything!

    And what do the jews do with this Planet? Destroy it!
    So non-jews are left destitute and suffering and dying.

    ADL, the biggest lobbyists for israel, in our sell-out congress! Traitors that they are!

    The irony is the vicious circle used. The congress /Feds gets the tax money from the populace, syphons it to the jews organizations / isr. And then they, the jews use it to buy off congress. At the same time, the Feds use our own civil law enforcement, our own people, from our own Social level, the cops and the military "boots" to beat (how they use that right arm, and with such glee) and then, kill protesters.


    1. The overwhelming majority of people involved in sandy hook from top to bottom were Jewish. So I ask again, how would Bloomberg and and the ADL benefit from the public believing it's a hoax?

  6. RE: Deanna on July 27, 2015 at 5:12 PM, ref:

    "Deanna said...
    Whatever Peter Breggin, Wolfgang Halbig or James Fetzer believe about the holocuast is immaterial to Sandy Hook. The majority of the country believes that Germany perpetrated a holocaust against the jews. The focus of my interview of Halbig was not what he believed about the holocaust and his support of Israel but what he believed about Sandy Hook. I was unaware of Breggin's views on that subject. I have interviewed many people who I assume believe in th holocaust. I do not use a litmus test to determine a person's belief in the holocaust before I cite them as a reliable source on another issue or whether I have her/him on my radio program. [...]"

    Deanna, If your claim above that holohoax beliefs are immaterial to beliefs re what happened @ SHES is true, then why in your 3/4/14 Halbig "interview" did you spend nearly the first 1/3, 25+ minutes out of the ~79 minute comm-free version of the show, trying to play "Gotcha!" over non-SHES matters? Your hostile interrogation ranged from specific questions to WH re WW2, Hitler, holohoax & US/israel relationship, obviously calculated to turn your specific audience (you conceded above that WH's holohoax beliefs are in line with most Americans) against WH. Your other questions sought to sow seeds of doubt related to WH's history, credentials, experience, and his CSI partnership which was already on the verge of collapse due to friction with his partner over unwanted attention brought to his partner stemming from WH's SHES investigative activity which had gone viral in only the ~month prior to your "interview." Was your "Big Perry Mason Moment" in that excruciating first 25 mins of this precious finite WH "interview" time, where you revealed "Suite-Number-Gate-OMG!!" to the collective yawns of the world, really time better spent than discussing SHES?? Sheesh!!

    Adding insult-to-injury, in the early minutes of your 25+ min WH hostile-interrogation/ad-hom-based discreditation effort re non-SHES matters, when WH protested that you seem to be focused on trying to discredit him rather than discussing SHES; you insulted WH's and your entire audience's intelligence, by flatly denying the obvious.

    The remaining ~54 mins of your WH "interview", which you've tried above to characterize (the whole show, actually...) as being focused on what he believed about SHES, was spent instead with YOU doing most of the talking/diatribing, relentlessly interrupting & shouting over WH when he was trying to answer one of your questions or make a point, and your seeking to trip up, scold and "shame" WH. You even exclaimed @ 41:40 in this "interview", in the middle of another of your long & ridiculous diatribes shutting WH out, "SHAME ON YOU!!"

    I encourage readers to (re)listen to Deanna's 3/4/14 WH "interview", perhaps just the first 26 mins, or more if you can stomach it; and see if her "The focus of my interview of Halbig was not what he believed about the holocaust and his support of Israel but what he believed about Sandy Hook" characterization rings true or false; or whether my characterization above, and in greater detail at http://tinyurl.com/odkvvod sounds more spot on.


    ^ my test of the "Download" link there (where you'll also find 47 comments):

    ...first yielded only a 192 byte junk file. 2nd try worked. In case of any problem, there should also be a copy.com-hosted MP3 of the show at http://spingolaspeaks.net/2014-guests - scroll to the 3/4/14 WH show, to find its copy.com link:

  7. Zeetip: I attempted to respond to your comment but I am being censored in this forum. I am not supposed to say anything negative about Halbig because he is not "here to respond to my allegations." Perhaps if I avoid Mami's comment section then maybe the moderator will delete all of the comments that trash me in as much as I wouldn't be here to "respond to allegations." All I can say is that Halbig knew my position on SH and decided to be a guest despite my views.

  8. Deanna - You are not being censored. Stop acting like a victim. Your comment was removed because you strongly insinuated that WH is some kind of government agent with a handler. You bite and cry at the same time. Content free ad homs against you are removed regularly here, despite what you may think.

    I have no idea who or what WH is and I frankly do not care. As I have pointed out countless times before, there are mountains of evidence produced by a myriad of independent researchers that point to SH being a false/manipulated event of some kind, yet you repeatedly try and turn the discussion into nothing more than a flame war between yourself and WH.

    Blindly trusting SH related government documents is quite frankly laughable - just as laughable as trusting the official 911 documents. the Kennedy assassination documents and the official Bostoon Bhomming™ story. Never mind the fact that so many 'witnesses' to SH just happened to be Jewish. No cause for alarm there.

    This is all getting rather tiresome. If you don't like how this blog is being run, you are more than welcome to stop commenting here and demand that your show no longer be posted here either, as you have done in the past.

  9. Deanna, I've also had weird "censorship" issues here in this thread, and in the thread about your 7/25 show, 2x just this morning, documented here:

    If you were told that by a mami's mod, I vote that's BS. "Public Figures" who aren't here to respond, like WH, are trashed and/or 'defended' constantly at political/conspiracy/etc discussion forums both here at mami's and across the interwebs.

    I personally don't even mind your mentioning your SH/Pharma book here, where not only have you offered the PDF free for the asking; but the book is also a part of your SH journey which Sandy Hoax Truthers are here to try to understand. So it would be an unreasonable handicap for you to be prohibited from referring to it here, where it's uniquely relevant. If you were to constantly be responding to questions here at mami's about your SH beliefs with, 'you'll find the answer in my 600 page book' (needle in hay stack...), where you could just tap out a sentence or two with a succinct answer; that would be unappreciated... but I haven't seen that happening here.

    As to, "All I can say is that Halbig knew my position on SH and decided to be a guest despite my views", I'd guess WH didn't expect the hostile interrogation seeking to 'discredit' him which you delivered through the first ~1/3 of the "interview"; and that he expected he would be allowed to express a full thought here & there without being interrupted & shouted over as well. Regardless, where he was able to get a word in edgewise, I thought he did a fine job.

  10. @Zeetip - Deanna is welcome to criticize WH all she wants, but insinuating he is a government agent with a handler and providing zero proof other than her word crosses a line. Criticisms of his research or work is fine. I only got after Deanna about her books, after she mentioned her 'four books' something like 10 different times before I called her on it. The place was starting to sound like a commercial stuff she is selling.

  11. Zeetip: I have copy/pasted selections from the book in answer to questions. I have also asked those who believe that SH was a hoax to be on my program. I am open to those who have a different view. I have very little respect for people who intentionally lie. I have never visited the gold-silver forum. Yes, I was told by a Mami's moderator who seems to think that I was strongly insinuating that Halbig is "some kind of government agent with a handler." That is an erroneous interpretation of my comment. I just think that he is really ignorant.

  12. Scorpio, other people mentioned my books as well. I would not be offended in the least if other commenters mentioned their books. Please note that I did offer free downloads of my last efforts (book). I did not write them to make money but to share information.

  13. Deanna - you pretty much said he had a handler and was a government agent. Anyone who read that comment would have come away with that assumption. Give me a break. Stick with criticizing his research and/or work.

  14. Nobody else has tried to hawk their books here. Only yourself. We've been over this numerous times.

  15. Official government records conceal mountains of legitimate information. It is the commissions that are convened after an event that are deceptive. That is where the scoundrels skew the information and decide what to release to the public. Officialdom relies on the fact that people will not look at the official records, believing that they are all falsified. This is applicable across the board whether one is evaluating the records of the medical industry or other records.

  16. Offering a free download of a book is NOT hawking my work. Perhaps no one else who comments on this blog has written a book.

  17. Scorpio - no one will be able to interpret what I said about Halbig because you keep removing the comment - to date about eight times. I think people who make comments in this forum have enough sense to make a decision about what I said.

  18. Scorpio, shades of Deanna's 12/14/14 Talmudic Sandy Hoax Narrative KOL's Roundtable show, ref:
    where she stated:

    29:25 DS (re Halbig): “I have talked with people who are really in the school safety, aaah, field; and I have communicated with them; and I think it would be unethical of me to share anybody's name that I communicated with; but one of the statements of one of these 'real experts' said, 'I have to laugh some at the Wolfgang Halbig issues, and quite honestly I have seen a couple of issues with him come across my desk lately, and truly believe he may be losing it', and the email goes on and on, and, and he says, 'Halbig is not the expert that he claims to be; and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Columbine investigation.' Anyway, we do have to go to a 3 minute break, and we'll be right back after a word from our sponsors.”

    ^ So Deanna does the same unsourced (for "ethical reasons", lol) slanders routine in her Talmudic Sandy Hoax Story Key Opinion Leader (KOL) shows too. I vote, let her comments here stay, and let's have fun deconstructing them... :P

  19. I have repeatedly mentioned on numerous programs that I came across as a real witch in my interview of Halbig. I have also explained how and why this occurred. I think it is also patently obvious that I am not a professional radio host and lack many of the skills that contribute to being a professional. On 7/20 when I dissected my interview of Halbig, I removed the parts that even made me shudder with embarrassment and tried to provide just the meat of the interview, the information that I felt showed him to be somewhat dishonest. It is not as if that one program or any other single program is representative of my entire body of work on the air.

  20. A KOL is a person with a mass following. I am definitely not a KOL when it comes to Sandy Hook.

  21. Absolutely, if I have a private conversation with an individual via email I would not publish it on my web site or mention the person's name on the air. Someone, a former "friend," did that to me in order to promote her own evaluation about a particular person. It was during a period when my computer was not operating, for about four days, and I was unable to answer her allegations. I usually, as a researcher, provide copious citations. I cannot say the same for others. So, I failed to provide the exact source in that program - so what!!!!!

  22. That is the only comment of yours that has ever been removed here, so stop acting like there is some grand campaign to censor you. The fact that you reposted it 8 times is quite odd. You really wanted that slur to get out there for some reason. Baseless ad homs with zero evidence backing them up other than 'your word' are not permitted here. Stick with criticizing his research/work and you won't have anymore problems from me.

    Yeah, there's loads of great official information in the SH docs, 911 docs, Kennedy assassination docs and Bostoon Bhomming™ docs. They are all equally reliable and a great way to predicate your theories on what happened...and btw, I've read through much of the official 911 papers and the Kennedy assassination docs as well. It was a complete waste of time with 99.5% BS content. A single shooter from behind, 2 airplanes destroyed 6 buildings - lol. Great stuff indeed.

    I don't have anymore time to quarrel with you.

  23. I also posted a comment that was removed regarding W Halbig stating that he thot the drug industry was behind the SHES episode and linked to the nshow where he saud this (Caravan to midnight) thanks fo providing evidens that at least one mod here has an agenda

  24. Larry, you obviously did not read my response when you asked the question earlier: AGAIN: In 2008 the ADL, an intelligence/propaganda agency of the Israeli state and YouTube reached that the ADL would "assist" by monitoring YouTube. Which ethnic group do you think do you think sits on the boards of directors at the big pharmaceutical companies? Who do you think is making the billions of dollars a year on psych drugs. Do "they" really want people to wake up to the fact that psych drugs are dangerous and that they create a very controllable population? See the following: http://www.adl.org/imagine/ and http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/adl_youtube_121508.html
    Actually, jews did not dominate every level. Offer some proof of your claim.

  25. Deanna can you tell me where to find your bumper music? Artists/links ? I love it.

  26. The lady doth protest too much methinks

  27. What I don't understand is why or how someone can be 100% sure of anything I'm pretty sure Sandyhoax was a hoax... how many people died? Did any kids die? Was the shooter a patsy or fiction? Real I would put my money that he was not the real... But to say that he was real 100% sure is ludicrous. At least say your 50/50 or 40/60 personally I'm 98% percent sure he was not real... Can I be 100% no but you don't need to be to prove your case. Most muders are put in jail because of a witness who's pretty sure "they may say they are 100% sure" but in reality are minds are not perfect and mistaken identity does happen... so in most cases the evidence weighed... As for sandy hook it's a ton of bull shit...

  28. Colin: Your comment is really ironic given the fact that you established a web site designed for the exclusive purpose of bashing me. Heathen: A listener sent it to me vi email. He wrote it himself and I do not think that it is available commercially.

  29. It's called group think or herd mentality. Mami's shit is not a free speech site. More like a clique

  30. Nic Olas, What do you base your views on - research or the opinions of other people presented in YouTube videos and various forums?

  31. Rockefeller and Carnegie funded the Flexner Report which discredited natural healing methods that had been previously used. Rockefeller funded schools and universities that taught the very profitable allopathic cut, poison and burn practice of medicine, designed to keep the patient ill but never cured, all supported by the American Medical Association, a labor union devised to ensure growing wages and exclusivity for its members. The board members of the various pharmaceutical companies and their stockholders, including members of congress and the tribe, profit from the toxic prescription drugs, including psych drugs and wish to conceal their deliberately dangerous effects. ABC agencies of the federal government assist in this devious concealment and will back any damage control operation to keep the public from asking too many questions about the growing number of mass murderers who have taken or are withdrawing from said psych drugs.

  32. I guess my last post did not meet Mami policies. MyriadQuestions, I think that if you just Google Spingola-Jumps-Shark-Supports-Zion-gov-s-Official-Sandy-Hook-Story that you will be able to find Colin's page. I copied it from a previous message on this page. I hope that helps? Have a great day!

  33. RE: Deanna July 28, 2015 at 5:54 PM

    "Absolutely, if I have a private conversation with an individual via email I would not publish it on my web site or mention the person's name on the air."

    Deanna, I already expressed my appreciation of your proficiency with Talmuic "Unethical-Ethicism", as displayed in your character assassination attempts against Halbig. Ref:

    You cleverly injected (NLP'ed??) into listeners' minds, the pretend-notions that:
    1. WH is losing his mind
    2. WH is a fraud professionally
    3. WH is lying about his past role in the Columbine event investigation

    ... which you attributed to an email message from, in your words, I have talked with people who are really in the school safety, aaah, field; and I have communicated with them; and I think it would be unethical of me to share anybody's name that I communicated with; but one of the statements of one of these 'real experts' said, [...]".

    ^ That's a lot of ad-hom slander against WH which you injected into listeners' minds, Deanna, without providing a SOURCE nor a stitch of evidence. But listeners weren't supposed to notice, coz you sought to blind them to it by your dropping the word "unethical" into your UNethical WH smear.

    When you're not demonstrating your Talmudic Rhetorical Joojitsu skills as with your ad-hom WH smears above (aka disinfo rule #5, www.globalresearch.ca/twenty-five-rules-of-disinformation/24889 ); you're buttering up your listeners ('marks') with false flattery about how super-duper smart and admirably outside the groupthink box are. Then, you try to 'sell' (swindle) us a big kosher groupthink turd pie, in the form of the Official Talmudic Sandy Hoax Story, as you evidence principally by the claims made by the Official Talmudic SH Report, and also by some other joozmedia reportage from J. York Times and such, for good measure. This sales con from someone who labels themself a 'Revisionist Historian'...

    Making your SH con attempt even sneakier & more Talmudic still, you spend at least half your pitch skooling us about all the wolves out there we need to be cautious of; the Delphi-ers, the Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), the Sunstein Cognitive Infiltrators, on and on... all designed to neutralize listeners' ability to recognize that the SOURCE of all this 'free skooling', is themself seeking to con us.

    Your employment of these textbook Talmudic 'Flip the Script & Project' joojitsu maneuvers is impressive, Deanna. Granted, still rough around the edges, as surely as most of your 'marks' see right through your maneuvers. But, if you keep practicing at home in the mirror, before we all know it, you'll be the female version of this Shlomo:


  34. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?75243-Spingola-Jumps-Shark-Supports-Zion-gov-s-Official-Sandy-Hook-Story

    ^ is my messageboard thread under their "General Discussion" subforum. But leave it to Deanna to try to dis-characterize it, fraudulently puffing it up into "a web site designed for the exclusive purpose of bashing me", for maximum 'VICTIM™ of Irrational Poisekution!' effect/sympathy. I already said previously,
    that I'm AKA the "PatColo" poster there.

    Additionally, my pet name for Deanna is "Delphi", where Colin's pet name is "Spingy".

    It seems Deanna's publicly pronounced suspicions WRT all things Sandy Hoax, proves wrong once again.

  35. I'll also re-paste this past question asked of Deanna numerous times already, again here, coz I'd still love to see her answer. Original can be found at:


    " I do not push the official version. That is your interpretation, NOT MINE. "

    ^ Beginning at 12:20, Deanna read aloud:

    "I believe that on December 14 2012, twenty year old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children, and 6 adult staff members, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut, which was founded in 1705, which had a population in 2012 of 28,042 people. Before driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother Nancy, and as first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Friends and family attended the many funerals that were held. There were people that were killed. There were funerals."

    Despite your routine proclamations Deanna, that you don't support zion.gov's Sandy Hoax story, and that any claim that you do support it is A LIE (your 7/9 show near the beginning); each time you're publicly asked which part(s) you don't support, including above in this thread by me @ 1:22 PM, by Ognir (sort of) @ 8:14 AM, and repeatedly by me ('PatColo'-- lost that joogle acct PW about a year ago) in the past:

    ....you don't answer. :(
    July 16, 2015 at 12:01 PM

  36. @PG: Whooli isn't going to be your "saviour" anytime soon. You offended certain Admins, who will forever auto-spam anything you try to spread around here. I suggest you go and get yourself a personality transplant to something less....abrasive. Then maybe your witterings might be left alone. Just some friendly advice ;)

  37. I have no idea who runs or administers the Spingola-Jumps-Shark site or page or whatever it is because I have never visited it. The only reason that I know about it is because it has been mentioned several times in this forum. It is very difficult trying to keep all of the names straight. So Zeetip, you were formerly known as Pat Colo? Regarding my citing of an unnamed source, a “private conversation,” is pretty common in the “truth” environment as are ad hominins.

    I will reiterate: "I believe that on December 14 2012, twenty year old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children, and 6 adult staff members, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut, which was founded in 1705, which had a population in 2012 of 28,042 people. Before driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother Nancy, and as first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Friends and family attended the many funerals that were held. There were people that were killed. There were funerals."

    I believe that the state and federal government, in collaboration with big pharma and the Affordable Care Act, are exploiting the incident by making it mandatory for thousands of people trapped within the compulsory federal health system to be placed on psych drugs. “They” will also use it to strip people of their second amendment rights, particularly veterans who have also been placed on drug cocktails to marginalize and permanently disable them so they are unable to fight the real enemies, those who control big pharma, the cancer and vaccine industry and the government. Many people are now recognizing who the real enemies are.

    If that makes me a bad person, a naive person or whatever, so be it. Whatever people wish to think of me, or call me – Delphi Deanna or Spingy, SPINgola, or Spinnergola, that is their decision. On the same note, whatever I think of Halbig, Fetzer or anyone else is my decision. If people have decided to be offended by my statements, there is nothing that I can do about that. People are responsible for their own decisions and behavior. I have attempted to answer questions posted in Mami's comment section. If my comments at Mami’s site are unwelcome, then I will discontinue making them. I do not wish to cause dissension among the administrators of this site. I thank Whooli and Zapoper for posting my programs.

  38. RE: Deanna July 30, 2015 at 7:36 AM:

    "I have no idea who runs or administers the Spingola-Jumps-Shark site or page or whatever it is because I have never visited it. "

    and if any readers buy that whopper; Deanna's also hawking an authentic Official Talmudic Sandy Hoax Story which you won't believe!!! :D

    "So Zeetip, you were formerly known as Pat Colo?"


    "I believe that the state and federal government, in collaboration with big pharma and the Affordable Care Act, are exploiting the incident by [...] "

    Shame on me for not being tighter with my question... Deanna slipped through the holes in my words like a wet bar of kosher soap slipping off a lamp shade and falling onto a shrunken head. :'(

    The question Deanna, is limited to the specific events on the specific day of Dec 14, 2012 in the town of Sandy Hook, Newtown, CT. Nothing about greater big pharma agendas, which aren't 'official' anyways.

    Same question different words, found at: http://tinyurl.com/nsp8qyz

    " Deanna, we all see that you never answer this question no matter how many times people ask; seemingly as some sort of unwritten rule you follow; but I'll ask yet again, just in case:


    "[...] those following this saga know Deanna has repeatedly declared to the effect of, 'I never said I support the government's Sandy Hook Story!'. I distinctly recall her writing this in a Mamis comment, though finding WHICH SHOW would require more time than I have atm.

    So this seeming 'supporting of both sides' beckons the question, on which 'S.Hoax anomalies' issues are you in support of S.Hoax skeptics? Which specific aspects of zion.gov's official S.Hoax narrative do you disbelieve (ref: 'I never said I support the government's Sandy Hook Story!')? Where do you and the S.Hoax skeptics share common ground?"
    July 17, 2015 at 1:18 AM

  39. so if there is this big cover up attempt by jews, ADL and youtube and government to censor
    information about SSRI's and to promote SH crisis actor theory based conspiracies then how come all of the SH crisis actor researches on youtube have had their channels taken down or got strikes? while at the same time known disinfo agents like alex jones and mark dice were freely promoting the SSRI's caused it theory from the begining not only on their youtube channels but on the main stream fully jewish owned and controlled CNN, on piers morgan, "MASS MURDER PILLS"

    so then how come the jewish Dr. , Dr.Peter Breggin gets to go before our jewish zionist occupied congress and present his case about SSRI's and suicide/homicide if jews are trying to suppress this information?

    why are his youtube videos not being censored by ADL/ youtube?

    SSRI's BAD! yes we know Deanna it is old news anyone who is into what we talk about probably knew that from day one it is no revelation they know we all know that already they know we already have formed negative opinions about SSRI's they know we are not potential customers they do not care about promoting theories to our demographic to make their products seem less dangerous they would not even bother wasting their time on us
    that theory that big pharma is putting out SH videos is ridiculous on it's face, they are already well aware this demographic is lost

    so when do the SH researchers get to present their findings before congress?

    of course youtube has a partnership with the ADL ,nobody was disputing that
    but you evaded the commenters question by twice repeating yourself by repeating the obvious already known fact that youtube is engaged in a partnership with the ADL and censors certain videos , you however neglected to answer the other part of his question

    of course the media are going to cave to pressure from the influence of their sponsors who are all big pharma corporations , of course they(big pharma) are going to assert their interests by using their influence over the media to have certain parts of the narrative that they don't like and are counter to their business model and profits margins stricken

    this all goes without saying ,this is all obvious to anyone with a brain
    but it does nothing to prove that the official SH narrative is true , your responses are just distractions that never address the issue of SH being a fake . staged ,manufactured propaganda event
    you are just rehashing already well established facts we already know and not addressing the issue at hand,
    all this discussion over one person it reminds of Judy Wood and 911
    all this time and energy could have been used to discuss actual evidence that point to SH being a manufactured propaganda psyop
    instead of weather WH is an agent or not
    which is really quite trivial

  40. Zeetip or Pat Colo: You flatter yourself - I have never visited your site. You apparently have an incredible amount of time to devote to pointing out what I have said and when I said it.

  41. Despite Dr. Peter Breggin's testimony before Congress, the FDA and members of Congress have not acted upon Breggin's warnings.

  42. but you never answered what jews/ADL would have to gain by promoting SH conspiracy theories
    they already know anyone who looks at that sort of information is already well informed about the dangers of SSRI's and other big pharma psychotropics
    they would lose more than they gain.

    since, as the commenters above have pointed out,SH conspiracy theories are going to ultimately end up implicating jews since jews are driving force behind gun control and since so many jews are involved in SH

  43. Hey Deanna here is a perfect example of what you are talking about it even mentions you

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWhiqMPc1lw (must watch)

    the propaganda is so thick in this one
    >holocaust is real
    >Willis Carto is a literal nazi
    >muh germanic death cult
    >literally says that bush and 1 and 2 are the only 2 men responsible for the wars
    >proceeds to name
    like 4 or 5 jewish doctors by name who were Adam Lanzas psych doctors, then tells us they are part of a Germanic death cult that wants to brain chip people

    also comical channel name "aryan empires" and videos have "reich watch" tag in bottom R hand corner, (more like kike watch amirite)

    these are the kinds of SH conspiracy videos that are put out by the ADL
    so yes you are correct in their being an organized effort by them to put out such videos

    but let's remember that they did the same thing with 911
    with people such as Alex Jones , because Alex Jones makes conspiracy videos saying 911 was done by Germanic death cults , does not mean that the official 911 narrative is true

    they created the 911 truth movement, in order to control it and they probably did the same with SH or they infiltrated shortly after it's creation

    look at people in the 911 "truth" movement, people like Barbara Honniger who names all the neocon jews and dual Israelis behind 911 , says Israel did it but then goes on to tell us jews are really nazis and are operating according to some nazi ideology

    they are going to infiltrate every movement they are communist Bolshevick jews , it's what they do

    1. Wow, well you make a good point here. This could very well be ADL material. This guy tried the whole catholic conspiracy angle before this until I called him out on it. Good call.

  44. Thanks, it is an interesting video. The AFP "network" discontinued their programming and I did my last program with them on 7/07/14, four days after this video was published. AFP began broadcasting again several months later minus my program. Of course, those terrible "Nazis" are the cause of everything.

  45. I just listened to a recent show of spingola interview Ryan J. Banister who is a thirty five year old who has six years of "research" in electro dynamics with his research posted at Alex Jones' website. He is an avid supporter of Jewdy Wood's theory of directed energy weapons supposedly used on 9/11. He says the "one" photo showing the WTC 1 & 2 to be mostly hollow is "photoshopped" and spingola says she knew someone who worked in the towers so I guess that disproves any hollow towers theory even though the theory doesn't say every floor is hollow and that about 30% of the floors were occupied. Banister's assertion that only one photo exists showing a mostly hollow WTC 1& 2 is false. There are around two dozen that I found and they were taken before the shutter system with lights was installed to make them not look hollow when backlight by the sun. So now we have spingola aligning herself with obvious silly DEW theory and this Banister guy calls all the people who don't back Jewdy Wood theory disinformation agents even though he's over there writing stories for Infowhores. I believe the DEW theory is a diversion to hide the fact that small nuclear bombs were used as outlined by Don Fox. You won't find Fox's theories posted at Alex Jones' so site either.

  46. Ryan said that he was ten years old in 2001 so he is not 35 years old. The only person that I "know" that was in any way associated with the twin towers or who worked in one of them was Willie Rodriquez who I met at a conference in the Chicago area in 2005 sponsored by the AFP. I then wrote an article about him. I have, since 2011, supported the work of Dr. Judy Wood.


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