August 18, 2015

David Duke on The Alex Jones Show 2015.08.18



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  1. Jones was a juvenile scumbag, if you ever had any questions about him

    Cheers Zap

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  3. I tought that "AJ is Hicks" was a joke, its serious?

  4. @1melahat

    None whatsoever. They're just lookalikes like thousands of other people. They did have a mutual behind the scenes manager and friend called Kevin Booth and that's about it. The most obvious proof is their COMPLETELY DIFFERENT personalities, as in night and day different. Jones is a blowhard clown who's never done a single minute's worth of intelligent satire. Hicks was a great stand-up comedian and satirist, one of the best ever, up there with legends like George Carlin and Frank Zappa. How anyone can even remotely speculate about two such opposed personalities being the same person is only explained by mass-retardation. Bizarrely enough, the Hicks-Jones nonsense had a lot of mentally ill followers who claimed "nothing is known about AJ's childhood, there are not photos on the net, etc." until Jones posted many photos of himself as a child. So, even though, the already absurd theory was proven to be lunacy, they keep it out there for gullible new morons to waste time on, the new crop of "truthers" that get a conscience or the urge to sleuth a bit of troof on the internet ever year and need to be gatekept away from real path.

  5. You guys are sidetracking.

    The most important comment to make here is that Duke may have scored a nice little victory with this interview and opened the eyes of a fair number of previously blind Jones fans. How many is anyone's guess cos there's a lot of really stupid Jones fans out there BUT remember that Jones was a brief gateway drug for many critical thinkers who quickly moved on to bigger & better things ;) Well maybe not literally bigger - few are FATTER than Jones in the truth/bowel movement :D

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  7. A tip of the Fritz to AJ! I never thought I would hear these words on his show (which is one of the reasons why I stopped listening several years ago).

  8. @1melahat No, I believe he called those who fall for the Jones and Hicks are one in the same, even after Jones put out the photos of his youth. Its always a good thing to ask or research first before going in head first.

    The Jones/Hicks issue is like those internet emails that keep coming back around sometimes 3 to 5 years later.

  9. By the way, Jones got schooled and at the end had to bring in Rob the Jew Jacobson to counter Duke and yes talk over Duke. Jones claimed he didn't use the classic case of lowering the voice of the guest and then talking over them. Both Jones and his Jew sidekick talked over Duke.

    But all in all, Duke was fantastic and Jones was well Jones. I loved it when he said that all of Duke's people would hate him but I'm pretty sure that Jones' people will hate Duke as well. We can only hope that many of them come to our side. Let's see if Duke is actually brought back for round two.

    Jones did his usual insults after coming back from debates.

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  11. @ 1melahat

    Can you please go write about this somewhere else? This is completely off topic.

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  12. Wow. That was fantastic. I take my hat off to Dr Duke. Well done sir.

  13. If people can't see through Jones after that, let him keep them.

  14. Comedy Gold!

    Alex Jones @1:44:00..."But Goldman Sachs is more of a socialist movement"

    Maybe he is Bill Hicks after all.

  15. There are videos of this out there:

    I caught the second hour live. I'm downloading now to catch the first.

  16. @1melahat

    A Hicks/Jones comparison does not deserve a serious response, but how did I call YOU a retard?

    I said there was mass retardation out there that does not see through very basic hoaxes and traps and that is absolutely true. I wasn't saying you were a retard for wondering about the hicks/jones hoax, since you were asking a question as someone who hasn't looked into it on your own from people who might have.

    I don't give a flying fuck what Hicks or anybody else made dirty jokes about and I don't have any "heroes" anymore. I was referring to his overall talent as a comedian and satirist. One of Sam Kinison's funniest routines was about necrophiliacs. It's called "edgy" comedy. They deliberately go out on the edge to see if they can make their "common sense dance" (the Henry James definition of a sense of humor = common sense dancing) in the most bizarre and perverted regions. If you think Hicks was dirty, you should read some of Zappa's lyrics. If you don't like any "edge" in your art and entertainment, there are always the Seinfelds and Bill Cosbys and Bob Newharts of the world to keep you happy. To each his own. I think Bill Cosby and Bob Newhart are even more genius as comedians than Bill Hicks, without using profanity, especially on their 1960s albums.

    Deanna Spingola used to be a "hero" of mine and look what happened to her. Nietzsche was a hero of mine, but he hated women. Daryl Bradford Smith was a hero of mine until I found out he was a psychopathic nutjob and gatekeeper who would go around barfing and passing out piss drunk on his friends' floors and then attack them and try to choke them. Simon Shack is a "hero" of mine but he's a cultural Marxist and egalitarian who doesn't care if hordes of Third World people invade Europe, etc. John Friend was a "hero" of mine but he promotes Christian Identity fuckwads like William Finck. I was a "hero" of mine, until I examined my past and found out I don't have all that much to be "proud" of. But I do make a daily effort to do things I can be proud of and that makes a difference.

  17. this interview was pure comedy gold
    alex-"i'm a jew, my operation is run by jews, i have a hotline to tel aviv"

    someone needs to edit it with these videos "alex jones does blame the jews"

    and alex jones says the truth, jewish mafia at the heart of the NWO"

    and the one where he says "all evil in the world flows from jews

    and some clips from the john denugent prank call

    duke did good but you can tell he got nervous and jewns overwhelmed him with stupid questions and he choked a bit

    i think duke would benefit from a tiny dose of valium maybe like a 1/2 mg before he does these big shows

    it is too nerve racking ,too much pressure a little something to calm the nerves and ever so slightly and curb inhibition would do wonders i think
    he was getting a little too exited even though he remained civil

  18. That was the best Alex Jonstein interview ever : ) it was so good that AJ Jewish controlled brainwashed brain was suffering a huge headache... He was no match to DD... So AJ needed some backup Rob Jacabson AJ's "Boss" came in for the resuce but was no match against DD... The Jews themselves don't see that the elephant in the room is the jewish elite... They play dumb or are dumb... DD vs AJ was like Tyson vs PeeWeeHerman... AJ sounded like a complete idiot... Which he is... I once thought of him as super intelligent now he's stupider then most of the callers who call into his show... It shows how much smarter the audience has gotten over the years : )
    Ps: Hicks was a anti moral comedian that the Jews love but he was not controlled by them which they feared so he was poisoned... Most comedians today are Jewish or controlled by them... They promote the most disgusting things that's why I avoid them like the plague : )

  19. This thread is about the debate between Jones and Duke. If I read another comment about Bill Hicks it will go straight into the spam box along with all of 1melahat's comments that never once touched on the topic at hand.

    Is that clear enough???

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  20. David sounded so much more "mature" than Alex, and his handler Mr. Jacobsen! For the next interview if their is one? 😁 David should respond to the Jekyll Island issue with the fact noted by Mr. Mullins and plagerized by Mr. Griffin - that Paul Warburg wrote the whole act and the Gentiles just signed it! He also might want to mention that with only 2% of the population - 1/3 of the Supreme Court is Jewish - they vote the rainbows and immigration policy that rules! Alex is so bought!

  21. I nearly fell off my seat
    c/o Henry

    "Alex Jones @1:44:00..."But Goldman Sachs is more of a socialist movement"

    Fatboy must have read yesterday "No Jon Hilsenrath, It Is Not "Anti-Semitic" To Criticize Goldman Sachs"

    However, now that the "anti-semitic" cat is, so to say, out of the bag, we wonder just how much longer we will have this liberty?

    After all, what is there to prevent the US thought police, with or without drone support, to come in and make any "anti-semitic" rants aimed at Goldman, in the indisputable opinion of some secret court, equivalent to hate speech?

    And how soon until anyone who dares to criticize either Goldman Sachs or the Fed, is branded a hatemonger, and deemed a terrorist who deserves to not only be shut down but quietly disappeared?


  22. Once again exlax jonestein proves himself to be a fool and a child. jones tried everythiing to distract and change the topic. Duke stuck with the debate and won.

  23. When jewns agreed to give DD the 10 minutes he could have easily won the whole debate right there by playing these 2 short clips of Alex
    and still had almost 2 minutes to spare

    Alex Jones says , "jewish mafia at the heart of the NWO"

    and this clip of him from Ognir


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