September 10, 2015

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.09.10

The Tunguska Event and the Tesla factor

American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)



  1. Tesla sold out? Maybe. But it's more likely that the Jews threatened to kill Tesla, if he didn't cooperate. Tesla did not live like a rich man, did not die like a rich man.
    Tesla's patents were stolen by JP Morgan, so Tesla stopped filing them. He sold most of his inventions to the Germans, who were using them to communicate wirelessly with their submarines in WW I and to develop "ufo's" in the 1930s.

    The Rothschild-Rockefeller Cabal were using wars to 1) make money; 2) kill as many Goyim as possible; 3) develop secret lethal weapons to keep the Jewish Power in power.

  2. The Tungusta weapon exploded in a warning to the Russian Tsar from World Jewry.
    Jacob Schiff gave war loans to Japan in 1905 to launch a war against Russia in the Far East; Russia lost the war, which killed the flower of Russian aristocracy and bankrupted the monarchy.
    Jacob Schiff sent Trotsky (Bronstein) and the Russian-speaking Jews that he had been training in New Jersey to join Lenin in St Petersburg in October 1917.
    Russia is still controlled by Jews; the RED-granite step-pyramid mausoleum still exists in RED Square in Moscow (like the glass pyramid exists in Paris in front of the Louvre) and still contains the moldering remains of Lenin.
    Until Putin buries Lenin and destroys the pyramid, Jews rule Russia. Putin's "Russian Orthodoxy" is a sham.

  3. hi charlie, well I am busily being banned and muzzled from all the christian and otherwise sights that are talking shemitah and are aware of the sepot ember time line but are clueless as to who and how so i feel it is my duty to enlighten them but they no like it, all i do is put the actuality of events that the true historiaqns have written and easily acesed todays and .but they noi likew it, the ylove their jews and believe all that rot and simply are a mess of jew mins crewed ignorant and will full imbeciles. one syympton they display is just liek their owners allways dragging up germany as an example of what is happewning here all mit da hitler4 und da nazis, it is pathetic but i must admit i do get a yuck out of infirming them just what imbeciles and ignortant fools they are, interest and usuery is against christianity so is murdering your co trrligionists in jew wars and they gloss over or simply dont see it as the mortyal sibns they are, and i cant comment in three of thwe m as a busy bewaver since am as this is really getting oh so serios wierd andf dangerous fasst, no air radqar in atalantic and all this bombing china aand all this cpabiolity of making such a mass of muder itwil bew a maximo premero here on earth, ya think?ok bye for now,


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