October 01, 2015

From Syria To Asia To Russia – Terror Network Organized By NATO And Turkey

The most obvious culprit behind the Uyghur separatist movement in Xinjang if, for no other reason than its past history and current involvement in destabilizations all across the world, is, of course, the United States. After all, the United States has a vested geopolitical interest in the destabilization of China and has been involved with a number of other color revolutions and separatist movements in the past, including the ongoing “Umbrella Revolution” and the Tibet separatist movement in China alone.
The destabilization in Xinjang is yet another Western-backed movement designed to keep the Chinese economic powerhouse under control. For instance, the World Uyghur Congress, an international organization of “exiled Uyghur groups” that allegedly represents the “collective will” of the Uyghur people is nothing more than a Western/NATO front group. The WUC is directly funded by the US State Department through the National Endowment For Democracy (NED). On record, the NED provides the WUC with over a quarter of a million dollars every year.
The fact that the United States is heavily involved in the promotion of Uyghur terrorism – while not widely known amongst the general public – is rather widely known amongst geopolitical analysts. However, what is rarely, if ever, discussed, is the connection between Uyghur terrorism and Turkey.
***Read full article here***

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