November 12, 2015

With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations


  1. Let the Jewish controlled Government take away you Guns and get the people hooked on Fagizom and this is what you get!

    GERMANY is Gone,, the Government allows Sex with Animals & the People line up to have Bestiality parties and watch dogs Fuck the people as invaders flood their country!

    Over on Liveleaks there is a Video of a beautiful young German girl with a sign around her neck welcoming these Muds to invade her Country & even Kissing them! Its Over People Europe is DEAD!
    America, the land of the FAT & LAZY DISGUSTING WHITE SCUM is NEXT!

  2. Great Post...
    The truth is spreading : )
    Ps: can you pick out the psychopath in this article hint it's the non European looking one...

  3. It's a shame how brain wash the Germans are in welcoming their own destruction with open arms... I've met Germans and have always admired their friendliness and beauty... But come on can you be that stupid... The Jewish Propaganda and Holohoax spells have worked incredibly... I guess all those Hollywood movies demonizing e Germans has paid off by making them feel bad for things they never did...
    And those Africans scare me more then the Muslims... They look like Hollywood and pop music has taught them they need to money money money and to dress like a Gangster and act like rapper to be happy... They have no family values...
    I don't think the Zio/Bankers want Europe to be Muslim but Secular or a melting pot of poop I mean pop culture... They will start to destroy the Muslims just like they did with the Christians... It's all in the Protocals of Zion... They fear the whites more then any other race to take them down and that's because of their beauty and culture things they don't have...

  4. this videos been blocked 'by merlin' for copyright...not the wizard merlin i take it

  5. its mirrored here, you may want to reupload


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