December 15, 2015

About Rense

It did not take too long for someone to take over the Rense show since I have stopped posting it. You can now get your Rense BS fix Here


  1. rense has some real doozys. celente is just now catching onto the fact that robots and automation are replacing human workers in a serious way! And he's just one of the jerks jeffrey tries to pass off on the public as a knowledgeable "expert".

    jerry bolduc it's time!

  2. Thanks Zapoper.

    I need my fix of Dana Durnford. I don't think Dana is making this Fukushima stuff up... I like Joel Skousen, Richard Sauder and many others too. Bus Frosty the Wooldridge? I think this guy still believes in the Osama bin Laden 911 fairy tale; looks like Rense never bothered to fill him in... And why would Rense automatically dismiss Henry Makow and Jim Stone regarding the possibility (probability) of sabotage of the Fukushima nuclear plants? Very strange... if you ask me...

    Again Zapoper, thank you very much for all the work you have done over the years bringing these gems from all over the Internet to one spot for our convenience!
    Thanks to the rest of the crew at Mami's as well!!!


    Dan Major
    Ottawa Canada

  3. Rense? Take him or leave him but I did like Patty Doyle.

  4. I'm about to run out of Carnivora...WTF am I gonna do now??

  5. Make peace with Your Maker Scorpio.

  6. Is it that hard to post Joe Dirt???

  7. I gotta have my Rifat.

    Drop,Cumbre Vieja,DROP!

  8. gatekeeper. alex jones lite on ayahuasca.

  9. @Voltman you probably also like cock, faggot. Frosty talks about shitskins like you not 9/11.

    @Scorpio What you should have done a long time ago, kill yourself.

  10. @ Pooja

    Go fuck yourself asshole!

  11. @ Zeetip

    It's not a conspiracy. I just got sick of posting what I think is BS. It's as simple as that. No CSIS, no NSA, no RCMP, no alphabet agency or Rense and Duke telling me what to do. I just got burned out after four years here and four other years at concen and cybersage before this. Try doing it for eight years in a row without getting sick of it and tell me about it afterward.

  12. @ 1melahat and Voltman

    You are welcome.

  13. I am miffed that Zapoper thinks my work is bullshit. :D Zap. Do you have the files for "The Esoteric Hour"? Anyway to rescue those?

  14. Yes I do have those files Fetch. I need to fix my main computer before I can share them with you. I do not think that you are a "bad guy" but you have not shared all of your knowledge with me which tends to make me a bit suspicious of you.

    I will get back to you when I can give you the files. No worries or animosity.

  15. Thanks for all your hard work Zapoper.
    Going to miss all your great posts!
    Hope you decide to come back at a later date.

    All the best

  16. I'd be happy Zap, if you could just keep posting Graham Hart.

    I heard you also got pissed off with flat earthers making their appearance at Mami's.

    Flat's not something that I will ever broach with the masses.

  17. I must have missed it but why did you stip posting Giuliani's shows?

  18. Dang Zap. Thanks for all you have done and... maybe you will be off on another more satisfying venture.

    Meanwhile, Joyeux Noel.

  19. Those in need of a Duke fix can go to, the ad breaks are infrequent enough to be tolerable.

  20. Zapoper: Good decision to drop Rense. He was useful on the internet about 10 years ago, but he is so washed up and his shows have become so convoluted it's embarrasing. He's completely lost his abilities as a skilled radio host somehow.

  21. @Zapoper: "We always get our man" You can run but you can't hide. Eh?

    Sgt Preston & King

  22. You are right to drop Rense, despite Gordon Duff, James Fetzer and Jay Weidner on his schedule I lost interest too.


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