David Duke Show 2015.08.21

Dr. Duke discussed some of the reverberations of his debate earlier this week with Alex Jones. Then he brought on Andrew Anglin, publisher of the Daily Stormer website. Mr. Anglin explained how his goal was to counter the prevailing Jewish domination of culture by propagating ideas and images and memes that can replace the sick Jewish-imposed social norms.
They discussed the manipulation of blacks by Jews, such as the Black Lives Matter organization, which promotes the Jewish social agenda, incites blacks against whites and against the police, and ultimately has done incredible harm to the black community that can be measured in a skyrocketing murder rate in black neighborhoods.

Davids' site
Rense Archive

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.08.21

Part 2 of the Third Way discussion (blogtalk only recorded half of his show)

All Nationalist Association
American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)


Israel "Drills" Ground Incursion In Syria; Pretext Fighting Terror Israel Helped Create

Yet, while the maneuvers are being undertaken under the guise of preparation for the possibility of an errant terrorist organization engaging in attacks inside Israel, the true target of the preparations appear to be the Syrian government, Iran, and Hezbollah.
After all, Israel has long supported the “rebels” and ISIS, neither of whom have launched attacks against Israel despite being located only miles away from the Zionist settler state.
From providing medical aid, military training, and outright military assistance, the so-called state of Israel has been a much better friend to Muslim terrorists than any of the regimes it claims as its enemy.
More notable than even the medical services, is the fact that Israel has provided military support to the terrorist death squads in the form of artillery and air force bombing campaigns. These attacks have generally come after the Assad government seems to be making considerable gains on the ground against the Western-backed fighters.
Israel was even documented in 2011 as hosting and directing a terrorist mercenary training camp inside the country in order to produce mercenaries tailor-made to be used in the Arab world.
***Read full article here*** 

Radio Wehrwolf - Third World Terrorism 8/19/2015

Dion discusses real terrorists, not what the media wants you to believe. First the rampant Muslim violence occurring in Sweden, in light of the recent beheading in an IKEA. Then he will compare it to the rise of Mestizo violence in the US. The circumstances of these two countries are very similar.Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site

*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post

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Scott Horton 2015.08.19

Philip Giraldi vs. Michael Pregent

Philip Giraldi and Michael Pregent argue about whether or not Iran was responsible for the explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) that allegedly killed 500 US soldiers in Iraq, and the consequences of lifting sanctions on Iran as part of the nuclear agreement.
Philip Giraldi is a former CIA officer and Executive Director of The Council for the National Interest.Michael Pregent is a former intelligence advisor to Gen. David Petraeus and Executive Director of Veterans Against the Deal.

64k CF Download

Scott Horton.org

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Britain: The Pedophilic Establishment

Paedo-Prince in Chubby Child Chasing Scandal...
Britain has been rocked by incessant pedophile scandals since the revelations that the former DJ and BBC television presenter, Jimmy Savile, was involved in widespread child sex abuse. Even though the full scale of Savile’s crimes will never be known, it is thought that he raped and sexually assaulted up to 1,000 girls and boys on the BBC’s premises alone, with many accusing BBC executives of turning a blind eye to his nefarious activities.  Savile, a man who looked as much like a pedophile as one possibly could, was also known to have been connected to Prince Charles, raising serious questions as to the British royal family’s involvement and knowledge of Savile’s sadistic behaviour.

No Agenda Episode 749 - "The Big Jump" - 2015.08.20

TODAY; Ashley Madison; Big Pharma; War on Religion; BlackLivesMatter; Caliphate!; Hillary 2016; Trump; War on Men; Earon; BAustin; CYBER!; MIC; F-Russia; Shut Up Slave!; LGGBBTQQIA; EuroLand; Millenials; SnowJob; Ottomania; Out There; Agenda 21; Chemtrails; Mac & Cheese Life; NA-Tech News, and all your usual listening whilst loading up your new Smartphone with many Podcasts for future listening Pleasure favourites!

The Thursday Show.

