January 31, 2016

Christianity is Stupid

'Dick Bush' and 'Mark Feign' doing a preemption show "replacing" O.T.E. This "pilot" format is a debate on religion in general and Christianity in particular. Dick is representing the Evangelical Fundamentalist ideology and Mark promotes Atheistic Reason and, after opening position statements, we take calls. This tongue and cheek debate is taken very seriously by some callers while other callers are probably friends of the hosts.

Originally broadcast on KPFA in Northern California back in 1991, this classic show provides some funny,  provocative  and informative moments. 

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  1. jfc have ya ever heard such a brain dead xtard in your life? what a mis-leading douchebag

  2. Why I am Not a Christian
    An Examination of the God‐Idea and Christianity

    by Bertrand Russell


  3. @tbrad - you didn't perhaps think it was a spoof with a name like 'Dick Bush' ? -- lol

  4. i know scorpio i caught that....but i have heard xtards talk the same way.

  5. Yes, it was a very convincing and well researched characterization of how those people actually 'think'.

  6. Oh please. Stop bashing Christians! I love them lol. When my mother was doing her Air Canada BS all over the world, she put me in a christian family. So from the age of 1 to 6, I was being taken care of by those mofo xtards LOL

    They were one of the nicest people I've ever known in my life and they weren't jewy either.

    If anyone was wondering, I'm the dude who put this post as a featured post on the right side of the site lol.

  7. Christianity is a Semitic Jewish infection which spread through Rome and then the rest of Europe and the White world. Jews relish the fact that most Americans are Christian. As it makes them easy prey for the Jew World Order. Christianity was invented by Jews to keep the White man weak and to never fight back against "God's Chosen". Thankfully in the late 1800's in Germany, when Nietzshe attacked the Church and declared that 'God is dead.', he was right on target. For today, the Europeans have a leg up on us: The churches are empty. Nobody believes in it anymore. It is dead. Now strong pagan instincts must replace it all. The Old Gods will be resurrected!

  8. You didn't include Mr. Bush's middle initial, "N."


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