January 19, 2016

Flat Earth and Other Psy-Op Potatoes - Open Panel

Lets talk. Open panel. Thanks to all those who made it out.

Audio Only Here


Tim Osman's You Tube


A View from the Bog


  1. I didn't know that Mr. Sargent put out that much material. Obviously He has "help"! Although He publishes on the same topic over and over, He pales in comparison to James Corbett.

    Does anyone who thinks "critically" really believe that the Corbet Report can "honestly" produce the volume that He does every single week?

    Mr. Corbett's site is a clearing house for Alternative Media - that "THEY" want You to believe!

  2. You said that right Drew,about Corbett, but there are so many others. I'm so glad someone else out there is seeing this, able to see it! (wtf IS going on I mean!).
    Time to "get off the cool aid", folks.

  3. The whole reason this F.E. phenomena has virally flooded the consciousness of the net: Is a DELIBERATE ORCHESTRATION by our Zionist controllers!
    It was done specifically TO TAKE THE FOCUS OFF THEM.
    This is self evident, demonstrable, undeniable truth/fact. If you care to LOOK objectively. You just don't want to see it, because "spacing out" on flatEarthism is much more pleasant and entertaining.
    The Jews knew well that the "out come" their genius flatEarthism interjection on the net; Would be mind numbing DISTRACTION.
    (That's their forte; engineering psyops for your entertainment, they've been at it for centuries, it works well.)
    All these commenters on F.e. sites, controlled by their "high Priests" (i.e.Dubay) show how shockingly deluded they are in their cult and by their cult leader, sadly declaring the "powers that be" (Jews), are afraid of their petty F.E. movement: This is, in reality, not just hilarious, but some kind of religious madness.
    They are FAR from scared people !....... by you falling for their "homey pot"!!! Come on !! folks, pleeeease: They are laughing their heads off at us... Give me ONE intelligent reason why they're not! I challenge you. Blogger Emily Peterson

  4. The big irony is: That it's the f E. movement, ITSELF, ...that is doing the "shilling" !!!

  5. Zionism is what is destroying us: yet to this day, 4,000+ years later, disastrously few Gentiles (even among the enlightened) "truly" or "really" grasp it, as far as I see it anyway.

  6. Did a spot check forward after the first few minutes.

    It's good that these folks apparently don't believe this crap. It's crazy that this went on for over two hours. Anyone who promotes this obvious psyop should be blocked and ostracized -- simply for stupidity, if not something more sinister.

    The much deeper problem is the notion of "equality" that allows this kind of thinking, e.g. that all ideas deserve an equal hearing. Insanity does not deserve an equal chance!

    The first iteration cannot be stopped. Everything after can be and should be.

    RESIST !!!

  7. A real understanding of ZIONISM is what we need to be talking about: (It IS "THE" thing they don't want us TO UNDERSTAND !)
    Comparatively, NOTHING else matters, to the Zionist Jew more, but that Gentiles don't "get" Zionism. (and, for that matter, that most Jews don't either.)

  8. What astonishes me is the number of otherwise credible people in the "movement" who have bought into this delusion or are considering it.

  9. Yes, I hear you;
    but, on the other hand, maybe not so astonishing after all, if you think, as I tend to, that Jews have had this f.E. psyops PLANNED (up their sleeve) for a very, very long time.

    People, it is indisputable that; THE JEWS THAT THINK THE WORLD IS FLAT !!!

    Read your old Testament, for god sake !!! It's ALL you have to do !

  10. correction * "THE JEWS THINK THE WORLD IS FLAT"

  11. Oh , but I forgot, we should all be listening to (who we love to love) C.G. and be applauding, and crying for, a "book burning" ceremony quickly, of all the Bibles.
    Now, can you see, maybe, the wisdom in what I stated in the related blog earlier today on mamis:
    That "book burning" per se, is ineffably stupid:
    It is exactly what the Jews would love, to burn all the books, like the Old Testament, that reveal to us, thankfully, what Jews are about.!

  12. its amazing people are so bored with their life that they will jump on every bandwagon that comes along and then get as many others they can to jump on with them.

  13. Thank you Emily! I came to the same conclusion. It especially became clear early in the conversation when someone said how the FE ppl acted like they were being "persecuted" by anyone disagreeing with their bullshit - where have I heard That before!
    I have thought of a very simple way to debunk this crap. It is simply that If the earth was a plane (flat) then the sun would be at the same angle from whatever point on the planet at the same time. That is it would be the same time everywhere. Same applies to the seasons.
    I find it stunningly unbelievable that anyone can believe it. It's not an accident that they have picked such a, literally rediculous story. The Flat Earth theory has been, since I was a kid (50 years ago), the symbol of stupidity.
    Their goals are to discredit the other "conspiracy theories" that the suckers probably hold by making them look like fools.
    This is a major psy-op, it is Not a believable story, it took major effort to spread. Only the Jews have the people resources to pull this off.

    P.s. what the FUK Do they think the edges look like? Like is the ocean spilling over it? I can't believe Anyone believes such insanity...
    P.p.s. maybe a serious effort to track down and expose the hasbara agents would be worth it.

  14. Too many words (time) expended on this.
    But maybe there's a bright side:

    FE would end Globalism !!

  15. How the HELL would f.E. do ANYTHING WHAT SO EVER for Globalism !!!
    You need to try to expend a few more words, (if you can!)my friend:
    With an completely mindless, and ridiculously baseless, irritatingly self satisfied idiotic statement like that !!!

  16. Name just ONE thing it would do! Just One.

  17. Ooooooooooooohhhhhh, unless you're joking! In which case that was very clever!

  18. Sorry, I'm way too literally minded for clever American humor. My bad.

  19. However, when I bother to put out extremely original and intelligent information for you here, it is stupidly rude, ignorant and needlessly insulting to mindlessly comment about the number of words or time spent;
    until you can come up with, just one thing; something; anything, that can come, even close, to comparing to what I've said here to you.

  20. I will stick with the flat earth possibility until we get some basic proof thats its impossible. However to me it doesn’t check out on the surface. It seems there is a lot of selective denial of certain things, selective picking of other things, and then sleight of hand or fallacious misinterpretation of the latter. It seems easy to disprove in that if you have a flat map of the earth, the distance between two points on the circumference is way longer than if it were a sphere, and shipping/airplane routes that travel between those points have trip times that match seem to match a spherical geometry. Also the moon, sun, and planets are spherical it seems. Also, neutron beams sent through the ground apparently hit their targets as predicted based on the earth having a curvature (could this be fake?). Also weather patterns with their coriolis swirls indicate a spherical geometry.Could other things cause this? Maybe. Also the constellations circulate about the north star and the further south you go the more the north star gets down to the horizon, and at the equator it’s right on the horizon, which wouldn’t be the case if earth were flat it seems to me. That being said I'm not threatened by this theory like so many old Jew hating fossils.

  21. Interesting lack of substance to any comments here. How many times can we say, "THEY want us to believe that the earth is flat so that we won't notice what is really going on..."?

    Wouldn't it be more useful to have one of these guys debate Eric Dubay?

  22. *calibre of intelligence; that IS my substance, laid out for you, in what I said above.

  23. Let's NOT. Let's talk about the evil of international jewry instead.

  24. On another comment page that similarly decried the evils of FE theory, I noted the lack of substance. I pointed out that the Chicago skyline should not be visible from across lake Michigan:

    To which, Erik Paul responded:
    "Visible light is electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy follows a geodesic path, not a "straight" path. That light travels in a straight line is only apparent and not actual due to just an infinitesimal section of the geodesic arc being observed.

    The speed of light and the curvature of its path vary with the medium through which it travels. The denser the medium the slower the speed and the greater the curvature. The atmosphere is producing a "lensing" effect allowing one to see well beyond the horizon.

    That this FE BS is happening is a testament to the stunning success of their dumbing-down agenda."

    I replied: "Huh? What does "horizon" mean then?

    I remember back when I was a kid, the teacher told me that things disappeared over the horizon, and that this was proof that the earth was a globe. Now it turns out that we can see on the other side of the earth because the light bends. Things used to disappear, but now the light bends.

    And why does the lensing effect always place the object along a flat plane, and not in the air above the plane? This is a very convenient, unverifiable, magical effect."

    Erik Paul responded: "Your statements serve to corroborate my assessment of the situation as expressed in my last paragraph."

    i.e. --"You are a dummy Christopher Marlowe. I can't answer your question, so you are a dummy." This is essentially Emily Peterson's answer to me now.

    There is an inability to engage in substantive debate, and tendency to use ad hom, which is the last bastion of those without an argument.

  25. "Marlowe" deceptively omits the link I provided him that more than answers all of his silly questions:

  26. Oh, that is what substitutes for an argument these days? Posting a link?

    Posting a link in response to a specific question is like saying, "I don't know. Here is a big bag of words. Go find it there."

    I asked, "why does the lensing effect always place the object along a flat plane, and not in the air above the plane?" You didn't answer the question. The Link you posted doesn't answer the question. Why doesn't the Chicago skyline appear in the sky sometimes? Why is it just on a flat plane? Am I a dummy for asking a question that you don't know how to answer?

    Christopher Marlowe

  27. I just finished listening to this. Typical atheists with their constant fucken while they search for next word. Chemtrails are another false claim according to these Fucken guys talking about the fucken flat earth.

  28. Somebody needs to get back on their medication and take a few english classes. :) Its ok Emily we still love you. I've selected a song or you, peace.


  29. Because your behavoir here today has been far from decent as I just explaned as I have always taken the time to explane.
    Which is why my words had no logical fallacies in them.
    You couldn't handle that could you, your not honest enough

  30. here is the translation to the song above my sweet Emily.

    Oppa is Gangnam style
    Gangnam style

    A girl who is warm and humanly during the day
    A classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a cup of coffee
    A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes
    A girl with that kind of twist

    I’m a guy
    A guy who is as warm as you during the day
    A guy who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down
    A guy whose heart bursts when night comes
    That kind of guy

    Beautiful, loveable
    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
    Beautiful, loveable
    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
    Now let’s go until the end

    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
    Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
    Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

    A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays
    A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes
    A girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all
    A sensable girl like that

    I’m a guy
    A guy who seems calm but plays when he plays
    A guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comes
    A guy who has bulging ideas rather than muscles
    That kind of guy

    Beautiful, loveable
    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
    Beautiful, loveable
    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
    Now let’s go until the end

    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
    Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
    Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

    On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
    I’m a man who knows a thing or two
    On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
    I’m a man who knows a thing or two

    You know what I’m saying
    Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
    Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

  31. This site has ZERO interest in honest intellectual debate!
    You have to ask yourself why ?, or don't you care either folks.
    I have a feeling you don't understand the importance of honest intellectual debate.
    If you don't see that I gave it to you and it was stopped, as sure as ferrets are ferrets, right here for you, at your "friendly" "truth" site; mamis.
    How can you pretend to yourselves that these are good people and I am not.
    I worked so hard to give you good honest integral debate folks. I won every argument I made so FAIRLY to you and you couldn't even acknowledge or recognize it.
    You had the real deal, here, it was me, that probably wont come around again for you, but you didn't know how to appreciate me while you had me, and this is exactly the place you'll be in when i check back in 2017.
    How can you possibly be able to make any growth here when honest compassionate debate here is brazenly squelched.

  32. Chainsawmillerman now you've made me cry.
    Thank you Sir, thank you so much for posting that

  33. Thank you for all your posts also.


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