May 29, 2017

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2017.05.29

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Blake Sawyer - Trump's Betrayal Grows…Opens Gates For Muslims

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Betty Martini - Common Killer Drugs…Statins & Tamoxifen

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Herbert Dorsey - The Dark & Deadly Deep State

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  1. Dr. Martini on "Hour 2", was of critical-importance for EVERYONE to hear.

    The situation with aspartame is fucking nuts, nuts, nuts.


  2. A few years ago, I was taking this crap:

    When I found out about aspartame I looked it up because that pill was sweet tasting and sure enough, aspartame is listed in the inactive ingredients.

  3. The situation is just out-of-control, in SO MANY WAYS.

    I have family members whom take statins, and I have mentioned how toxic the drug is, but they do not listen, because I am not a physician. That segment during "Hour 2", dealing with statins and CoQ10, were something that everyone really needs to hear. MILLIONS of people are being harmed with that class-of-drug, and almost none of them have any idea that any of the things that Dr. Martini discussed are happening to them.

    As for "Hour 3", it was nothing but "the Jesuits are the ones", and NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION OF "jew" or "israHell", as related to what is happening, was to be heard. It was full of information, and facts, but it was intentionally intellectually-dishonest, because without dealing with "the chosen" elephant-in-the-room, one is NEVER able to fully-explain all of this malevolence.


  4. @Lindsey, I caught the last 15 mins of that clown, who pushes these claims; Jesuits, the 4th Reich, Nazis in Antarctica, Nazis started/control the CIA, and I think he pushes the Hitler escaped to Argentina as well. And Jeff agrees with this guy as well he does with all the others who push the "anybody but the Jews" lie. He really should get a whole new lineup of guests.

    I mainly listen to Jeff when he has on Texe Maars, Devvy Kidd (pushes normie right wing bs, but does cover upcoming important legislation), and sometimes Terrible Tim (funny and crazy). I will listen to shows where he has on people who are not part of his regular lineup. For example he had Phil Tourney and Dave Gahary last week to discuss their movie project for the USS Liberty, which I donated one Benjamin and I will receive a signed copy of Phil's new book, Erasing the Liberty: My Battle to Keep Alive the Memory of Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty.

    If you haven't read the article by Lieutenant James M Ennis, Jr regarding the Wisconsin Library Wars, which shows how Jews attacked towns people and the survivors with verbal insults, I highly recommend it.

  5. It appears that he will no longer have Gordon Fluff on as a guest, and I have no idea what happened. The thing is that ever since that ex-wife of his, or WHATEVER-THE-HELL she is/was to him, exposed a lot of shit about Mr. Rense, he has had more and more trouble filling those three hours. He lost A LOT of guests, after she said all that she did.

    Mr. Blues, I think that we are, all, simply at-the-point where we do not need to hear, or know, anything more, but need to see things changing, since the malevolence and BLATANT-CRIMINALITY are at-the-point where they can not be ignored, by ANYONE, and that includes the stupidest and most "previously" unaware of common-humanity.


  6. Could you please elaborate, Mr. Narrates. What woman said what?

  7. Her name is Mindy Kellogg, and she had an actual site with a MASSIVE number of links, each one detailing something either weird or untoward about Mr. Rense, in-general. A few of the links showed photos of them together, and what-not.


  8. I need to explain something, so that you, Mr. Paul, are not terribly-confused: Miss Kellogg, as she is divorced from Mr. Rense, and is no longer "Mrs. Kellogg"--she kept her name--, REMOVED ALMOST ALL OF THAT SHIT ABOUT MR. RENSE, A COUPLE OF YEARS, AGO, OR SO. HOWEVER, the information is still out there, if you want to read it, but THE point is that A LOT of people saw that shit, and it caused big problems for Mr. Rense, especially as it relates to guest-relations.

    Now, Mr. Rense and Miss Kellogg have been seeing each other, off-and-on, since all of that shit with them happened, AND AFTER MISS KELLOGG POSTED DEVASTATINGLY-REVEALING DETAILS, AND EVEN AUDIO-TAPES, OF MR. RENSE, HER THEN-HUSBAND. What does it say, that a man will want to have, not just not anything at all to do with a person whom did so much damage to him, BUT ALSO WANT TO BE INVOLVED WITH HER???!!! It is just fucking NUTS, NUTS, NUTS, even today, as I think about the situation.

    Here is her detailing her FIRST marriage, but what is of-importance to read and know in that article, *laughs* is to keep-in-mind that they STILL WERE SEEING EACH OTHER--Mr. Rense and Miss Kellogg--, AND THIS IS WHAT SHE THOUGHT OF HIM!:

    ..."Please respect my ex-husband who was absolutely 100% kind to me during our 5 years together. He does not wish to be harassed. It is not his fault I married Jeff Rense."

    Ain't this all the craziest shit you people have seen?


  9. Blah blah blah BLAH! Blah blah blah blah. BLAH BLAH, BLAH blah BLAH!!!


  10. Wow! Interesting narrative Mr. Narrates, I had no idea. So you think this has something to do with the non appearance of Lady Duff-Gordon?

  11. No. I think that Gordon Fluff is FULL-OF-SHIT, and it doesn't really matter, period, if Mr. Rense never has him as a guest, again.

    I have no idea what is going on with Fluff, but I know that anyone admitting that 40% of what that person says is DIS-INFORMATION, means that he is either crazy, AND/or doesn't care about his credibility.



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