Charles Giuliani is a writer and radio host who is best known for his show Truth Hertz on Oracle Broadcasting. Giuliani was previously an Evangelical but during the latter part of the 2000s became an atheist and his show is strongly critical of religion, particularly what he calls "The Jew Book." Giuliani discusses a wide variety of topics including Jewish supremacism, revisionist history, religion and false flags. After Oracle, Giuliani spent some time on Waking America Radio Network, but moved to the Mami's Shit affiliated Outside Radio. In May 2014. He moved to American Nationalist Network, then to Renegade Broadcasting in September 2015.
Today: Charlie talks a bit about the weather and lets out a few rants before wrapping up his notes on how upper echelons of the church are actually Satanic. Although Satanism is a bit hard to define, essentially they are just evil.
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Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
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Get angry mate! Good stuff, most are indeed worthless fucking hypocrites who, if truth be told, join in out of fear of it being them that gets ridiculed next. Pussy fucks.