July 28, 2018

Trump vs Talking Heads


  1. Same as it ever was
    More fool me

    Hope was cheap, not anymore
    The right to cheat, bought and paid for
    The right to lie, to get your pay
    Repeat the right words, pronounce the right way

    More fool me as cheap as possible
    Talk right, sound right, look right
    They must be right, right?

    Alright Allbright...Was it worth it?
    Was Lybia worth destroying too?
    Like a standard rotchild infant psychofant
    The Hildabeast came, she saw, they died

    Obamanations bombing all day, that was OK
    Millions traumatized, Billions hypnotized
    Trillions embezzled, minions empowered

    Q'anon Ball Adelson's Robin Hood phony
    Is threatening Iran with a lot of baloney
    Bibitte Nutin'Yahoo! is getting lots of money!
    They are so very good at making a killing

    In actors they trust
    Same as it ever was
    More fool me


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