November 17, 2018

The Alan Buttle Radio Show 2018.11.17

Mixed bag: Stop The War Coalition; End of Theresa May?; How sacred is Israel to the Jews?; Was Hitler the Jewish messiah?; United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples



  1. Interesting show, thanks.
    This guy will never be on Renegade talking about AH like that 😂😂

  2. The other side of the coin was that Hitler was the last holdout for the civil war of Europe. Germany was marked for destruction regardless of whosoever would've been their leader

  3. You started out being interesting, I've listened through lots of "erms" and "you knows" only to be told with such authority that AH was the greatest traitor to the White race ever! Erm, Wtf. You are so dumped, you know.


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