December 17, 2018

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2018.12.17

E. Michael Jones on the Jewish Question and the Culture War

E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss Civilta Cattolica’s 1890 series of articles concerning the Jewish Question, Nostra Aetate and the role of Catholicism in the Culture War.

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars and the author of many books including The Slaughter of Cities, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History and Barren Metal.

Timothy's Podcasts



  1. c150years, c100years and 75years+ since the best of the goy got slaughtered in their respective turfs. that means it is mission accomplished. Jones is like a stylite. Perhaps Gildas would be a better analogy.

    Very good show.


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