January 27, 2019

The Iron Curtain's Enduring Darkness


  1. Thank you "zapoper" and John Kaminski
    for this excellent video showing the takeover of the USA by a clique of JEWISH Communist Red Rats, Judeo-Masonic-Bolsheviks, and their gentile lackeys

  2. Btw...
    The author of "Iron Curtain over America", Mr.John Beaty, became in 1942 one of the two editors of the daily secret "G-2 Reports", which was issued each noon to give persons in high places, including The White House, the world picture as it existed four hours earlier. He hold the military rank of a Colonel.
    In his book, published in 1951, is a detailed chapter on Jews. Not one word about a "Holocaust", or 6 million Jews murdered by Nazis.
    The chapter 'The Khazars Join the Democratic Party', is an absolute eye opener !
    An estimated 95% of Jews worldwide, are NOT Semites, they are Ashkenasi Khazars, originally an Asiatic Mongolic tribe that was driven out by other tribes, ending up in South Russia at the Black Sea and making a living by raiding passing by caravans from India ("Silk Street")... Later on they mixed, mainly with eastern European People

  3. apropos Khazars....
    In the 740s AD, these Khazars under their tribal chief Bulan, converted to Judaism, mutilated their 'Dicks' and became "JEWS"....
    The leader of the Bolshevic USSR Mr.Joseph Stalin, this Marxist Communist red rat-loved and admired by Eleonore Roosenfelt,(she called him "uncle Joseph")-, gave his Khazar 'Jews' a home land in far East Russia, called 'Birobidjan'!
    It still exists, check Wikipedia !!

  4. OT, sort of...

    zapCo, today 1/27 is Sixth Annual Holohoax Revisionists Commemoration Day, as founded by Carolyn Yeager at

    be good to remind our peeps so they can drop links around soc media; try to keep the flame alive & growing.

    meme 'em if you got em; David Dees images are good; just image-search "David Dees Holocaust".

    I notice this blog page collects them:


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