March 15, 2019

Full Video: New zealand Christchurch Mosque Shooting (Update And Graphic Content) PDF Added


  1. Weird how he says "sub to Pew-De-Pie" within the first minute... that's the real deal, looks like, very hard to watch... in fact, i couldn't get past ten minutes. We're having a war waged on us and most are completely unaware... it's freaking sad.

  2. Looks like a psy-op to me.

    Lights on in New-Zealand, lights out in Venezuela.

  3. I know the old folks, which I include myself in, are mostly disinterested in or avoid the 4chan politically correct (/pol/) image board as it's mostly a millenial hangout, but go take a look at the massive flood of obvious troll threads either pinning blame on or cheering on this false flag in an attempt to discredit the political opposition to immigration and Judeo Bolshevik rule. I initially heard it was five shooters, then four, and now is it one?

  4. Shouldn't have Tommy Robinson been heralded by the actor as a influence?

  5. I went and looked at Pew-De-Pie's YouTube channel and from what i can tell that guy is just an attention whore wanna-be celebrity. I think the reference to sub to him was a message to keep sleeping, stay distracted and not paying attention... just speculation on my part though.

  6. Very astute comment Panzerfaust.

  7. The Great Replacement — Manifesto of New Zealand Mosque Shooter, Mar 2019

    [Here is the “Manifesto” of the alleged shooter in the killing of, so far, 49 persons at Christchurch mosques in New Zealand today, May 15, 2019. It’s entitled “The Great Replacement” in reference to the mass invasion of White societies by non-Whites that is set to racially and culturally replace our societies if continued at present rates.

    Posting this manifesto is not an endorsement of what has occurred, but rather to present his thinking, for better or worse, of why he carried it out.

    — KATANA]

  8. Wow, those vids didn't stay up long.

  9. This is the epitome of a false flag event. Shots are blanks, nowhere near as loud as live rounds. No blood from wound immediately after shooting victims. When he shoots windshield with SHOTGUN, there are no cracks. Too many people just standing around after shots fired, waiting to be shot, too lengthy a period with no outside response, and more. This is exactly why you cannot allow jews to monopolize anything, especially your mass media. Joe McCarthy tried to ward us back in the 50s...NOW LOOK!

  10. Final analysis... a hoax... first person shooter scenario.

    Comment from under the video...
    4 hours ago
    Totally Fake, point blank with clean walls oh please, no wonder they don't want it viewed. Attack on my intelligence.

    Another important point:

    4 hours ago
    Were men and women together? Because men and women are not in the same place in the mosque. So if the shooting that you saw shows men and women in the same area together it's definitely fake.

    Observations from a friend:

    a) 1st gun no actual fire, 2nd gun fires projectiles
    b) bodies in that room could be dummies after gun replacement and finally blood is seen
    c) woman shot, we see some movement and we hear the plea, then we see the shot and the pieces and blood. Our minds fill in the blank.

    Reasons for two different versions of his motives?

    Because they need something to seep into the underground alternative media... they would need the story to infiltrate those circles who would not be sold by the mainstream.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks Wanda. NZ video


  14. Pretty obvious that it was a Psy-Op to get Pewdiepie knocked off top Youtube slot.

  15. Hello Grizzom,

    Speaking of hoax shootings, there was an amazing video posted here years ago that blended a video game with the shooting of Alison Parker and photojournalist Adam Ward, employees of CBS affiliate WDBJ in Roanoke, Virginia. If anyone can find it, please post the link. Thanks!

  16. "there was an amazing video posted here years ago that blended a video game with the shooting of Alison Parker and photojournalist Adam Ward"

    Welcome to the jungle.

  17. Hellpizza NZ there are two in Christchurch

    Wayback Machine link live this morning now unavailable

  18. This is typical of what the U.S. Military does in the M.E.

  19. Spare us the holier-than-thou moralising, thanks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Here's what appears to be a rehearsal for the crisis actors... standing around with play blood on them and practicing their "in shock" faces...

  21. "Unfortunately not, there was a much larger work written, roughly 240 pages long that spoke on many issues and went into much depth, but in a moment of unbridled self criticism, I deleted the entire work and started again, two weeks before the attack itself."

    No way in hell could someone write that manifesto in 2 weeks. I mean maybe if he didn't do anything else and sure there are some typos and repeated sentences. But I just can't see someone doing it.

    Would someone with fits of "unbridled self criticism" rewrite a manifesto and then shoot up a mosque before having another attack of "unbridled self criticism"? This might be some kind of operation to take our rights. Maybe he didn't delete his 240 page work... maybe it never existed.

  22. That video is amazing Wanda, what is going on there?

  23. For what it's worth on Feb 25 youtuber Mike The Cop posted this video where he gives people a choice. One choice is subscribe to PewDiePie or a ticket.

    cop abuses power for pew die pie

  24. 1 - If people are moaning, it means that they are still alive and that their hearts are still pumping. We should be seeing pools of blood which are not there.

    2 - After all that shooting no platter on the walls?

    3 - Call me crazy but if I were to do something like that, I would have at least fifteen magazines on me. Then I wouldn't have to run back to the car like a retarded dude.

    4 - The guy tried not only once or twice but three times to shoot the windshield without even making a dent in it. He then proceeded to shoot the passenger window which shattered like a regular window. The car windows have multiple layers of plastic to avoid shards of glass flying all over and injuring you in the event of an accident. If you don't believe me, go to a junkyard and use different calibers while shooting at car windows. You will see something completely different than what you saw in that video.

    5 - Don't get me started on the 14 written on his riffle. It might as well be 14/88 LOL

    Do not get fooled. They manipulate you through your emotions. Trauma based mind control has been employed with success in the MK-Ultra Monarch program.


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