March 27, 2019

Insider Information: Hebrew Roots, Noahidism and Anti-Christ Law...

To get right to the heart of this discussion, scoot up to 59:30, which is, pretty much, the wind up.  Then you might want to go to the beginning and listen to the whole thing, which i, personally, got a lot out of.  Here are some Cliff's notes:

- Even those who adhere perfectly to the Noahide Laws are not fit to live because gentiles are not human, according to the King's Talmud.  (side note:  Noahide Law is enacted US Law, passed by both house and senate in 1991)

- Donald Trump is likened to King Cyrus right on down to having his image cast on  a coin right along with King Cyrus.

- In the Talmud, every single person who is not a Jew is considered an idolator... and the punishment for idolatry, according to Noahide Law, is decapitation.  You are already guilty... get that.

... and more... writing intros are difficult some times... lol.  I'm having difficulty waking up this morning.

The Noahide Laws are a big deal... this is insider information, for real... and i forgot to say the most important thing...
these laws do not apply to the Jews... Jews are exempt... these are for gentiles and Christians only.


  1. I like your Cliff notes and directions Wanda. Excellent effort. For most of us, I suspect, we do want to know. It is just painful to suffer the truth.

  2. *** I forgot to say "these laws do not apply to the Jews... Jews are exempt."

    ^^^ I'm going to fix that.

  3. I suppose it's somewhat of an archaic expression... it might still be in use today...

    cliff-notes definition: Noun (uncountable) 1. A summary of a much longer work designed to allow a student to quickly learn the key points of the longer work.


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