March 22, 2019

Is It Dangerous To Report The Truth About Christchurch? subtitles might be needed for some


    "911... it was Al Queda." What? Let me get my q-tips out and play that again.

    And we are listening this guy? If he can miss the mark that far what else is he dead wrong about? Plus he was was against assault weapons? I am sure he said something useful but...

    My question is if we don't need assault weapons then why is that there a world wide attempt to take them away from us? Just exactly what are they planning and how many of us do they intend to kill? Having no other number to cling to, the Georgia guide stones say they intend to kill everyone but 500 million.

  2. Don't let this interview dissuade you from listening to Vinny Eastwood's shows. Vinny is well informed about false flags and hoax attacks.
    Expert on False Flag Terrorism, Kurt Haskell & Dean Ryan, The Vinny Eastwood Show

    Why I Now Believe the New Zealand Event Was a Complete Hoax With Zero Dead

    I noticed almost all of the things that Kurt Haskell did before I read this article. I too believe this attack was a complete hoax. New Zealanders are being deceived and lied to.

  3. the shooter was shooting with blanks

  4. blanks, in a game, cgi whatever

  5. I hear you Ergo. It was his guest that made my head pop. Thanks. I understand the host has little control over the the guest. I was just commenting so I don't feel so alone in all this. I tried to tell the guy behind the Publix liquor counter that the shell casings evaporated into thin air. I might as well have told him that I am pregnant with a three headed alien baby by the result of a UFO anal probing and now have three rows of man tits to feed the bastard for the good it did.


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