March 20, 2019

jew Gordon Duff admits to Veterans Today disinfo. Dislikes White people.



  1. Doesn't this Duffstein character claim to be ex-special forces?
    I call Bullshit on that. I've known quite a few ex-special forces guys, and all of them are into physical fitness, weight lifting, etc.
    None of them are a fat sack of lard like Duffmesiter.

    Also, this douchebag has gone on about how wonderful multiculturalism is.

  2. Henrik of Red Ice interviewed Duff in 2014. It didn't go well...

  3. He is Jewish and he claims to lie about 90% of what he says. This must be the 10% of when the sack of shit tells the truth. Fucking Duff! I used to like him until I wised up.

    White People have bred ourselves back into the trees? Oh Really? I know we have been dumbed down with Fluoride, mind-fucked by the media into being faggots and self-haters, vaccinated into autism, and perverted by forces taking over our religions and turning us into Zionisttards dreaming about seeing Jesus and our own destruction. But I find Duff's state highly disturbing. White's have an average IQ of 83? Where is this data coming from?

  4. IQ of 83 is where congresswoman omar lives

  5. The_Mad_Subtitler wrote: "He is Jewish and he claims to lie about 90% of what he says."

    Duff: "I don’t know know any imaginable way you can get information…First of all…Because, about 30%, based on what I believe…and you know what? Who says I’m right? According to my belief, and I have as good of, uh access to information as anyone in the world, probably, anyone I know of. About 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn’t write false information I wouldn’t be alive. I simply have to do that. I write…anything I write I write between the lines."

  6. So in other words, reading VT is a big waste of time - lol.

  7. yep VT have hundreds of employees, wtf is with that

  8. All Jews are raised with a fear/hatred of rural whites going back to the old country and "oy vey the Cossacks".


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