April 06, 2019

The Alan Buttle Radio Show 2019.04.06

New Horizon, Hollywoodism and Holocaust conferences in Iran and how they connect to the Western alt-right, Russia, international Jewry etc.



  1. You have me confused. You listed all the people at the Iran conference and and inferred they were shills. Are you a shill?

  2. Jim Fetzer seems very sincere, I do not agree on everything he says, but he has opened my eyes to many things.The same for Kevin Barrett and ae911truth (even though Fetzer thinks ae911truth are "a limited hangout").If all those people you suggest are shills, there is nobody left.

  3. Kissinger was reported to have said one day Israel will not exist, it was second hand so it it may be false. But I can't see it happening. Why would China or Russia want to take over the world, it is america that has been attcking everyone.

  4. I hear you Bill, Alan calls everyone a shill off hand. I suspect he just needs to grow into the discerning, I know I did...

  5. ^^ Insightful comment, Unkown

  6. How many of those people openly criticise Iran in any shape or form, or Russia for that matter?

  7. All i'm doing with my research is trying to see how all these kind of organisations and individuals fit together. I can see a clear line between Trump - Infowars - Dugin (-Putin) - New Horizon - friends of New Horizon. A very large proportion of the people who are featured at the conference are regulars on RT and/or on Press TV. We see Jewish organisations like CODEPINK and Neturai Karta International (Jews United Against Zionism) meeting up with all these organisations. Why would these Jewish groups keep attending if the meeting was a real challenge to Jewish power? Why would they keep getting invited if it was suspected they were attending to sabotage the event or gather intelligence for the Jews? Why would they be allowed to come? I'm just presenting the evidence. I haven't called anyone a shill directly. I'm potentially open to the idea that some of them are not shills. That is vaguely feasible in my opinion. All i'm really doing is presenting information, information which clearly doesn't sit comfortably with people who believe in some of the characters i have mentioned.

  8. "I haven't called anyone a shill directly. I'm potentially open to the idea that some of them are not shills"

    We can detect the certainty you have, that's the thing. You say you can make a line between Trump - infowars - dugan/Putin but I think it's pretty tenuous, even Trump to Infowars is pretty tenous at this point because it looks like Jones was just used and abused.

    Keep presenting the information I'm fine with that I'll make up my own, personally I feel like you have tendency to beg one question then follow it up with speculation. Which is fine, you do you, its just my observation.

  9. There is only one money power in this world.They have a long term plan to shape it the way they want.Didant the money power go from Spain to Portugal,then France,Britan,America now the baton is being passed to China.U S A./ European,white people will be deluged by the third world which runs the U.N.

  10. Fair comment, Unknown. I have been certain about things in the past which i've changed my mind on, so i try to bear that in mind. Admittedly when i change my mind about a person it's never a case of going from believing they are a shill to believing they are genuine. It's always the other way round. I admit - I do find it highly implausible that any of them are not shills. Your suggestion there is correct, but while i didn't want my radio show to be about outing shills, in this case it was part and parcel of this particular agenda i was looking into. I wanted to bring Iran into the picture. I'm really not that bothered about individuals, but agendas. Obviously these do overlap a lot, and you can't talk about agendas without mentioning individuals. Additionally there's obviously an imbalance between the level of certainty I express and the weight of evidence I present, naturally because i don't present all of the information i have used to come to my conclusions. It's a result of years of very personal research, and that's not to say that i am necessarily right. I just have this opinion because of the way i have analysed the information i have come across.

  11. Hey Alan,

    You are doing a great job. Right or wrong, your perspective is appreciated.

    Most of the conspiracy culture will always find and be supplied with new characters to latch on to and follow for a bit.The truth vs lies ratios stays pretty much the same accross all the truth spealkers. Why don't we just drop the minutia and go after Usury, and occult law. Thats is really the only true conspiracy. Just hard to keep everyone interested in that because the soap opera gets dull. All those heros of old that you mention are all there to bring in a questioning mind and wring it out and mop up the bullshit they create for you.

  12. I'm with on usury and occult 100%

  13. I find Alan's "Sweeping": a) Blanket-Label b) =Exactly-SAME... "Troubling" !
    Unknown's Point: "I feel like you have tendency to beg one question then follow it up with speculation..."
    I NOTED: "It is Illegal to Question/Deny-The-Holocaust in Russia..."
    -- From WHAT I Heard that HAPPENED Recently in a Russian TRIAL (Of maybe the ONLY "Holocaust-Denial" Trial There Recently): Was that it was RULED: that to TRY to STOP Historians from Questioning 'History' was NOT-Tenable, and that SUCH Could NOT be Considered-a-CRIME!
    -- THIS RULING-in-Russia: is a Precedent which SEEMS to Have RULED that One SHOULDN'T be Brought-Up: On: "Holocaust-Denial"-CHARGES! -- in Russia... :-)
    Yet Alan ONLY Tersely-STATES that: "Holocaust-Denial is Illegal in Russia" -> Ergo Putin is EXACTLY-the-SAME as the MOST-Shilly-or-Jewy-Scumbag-Leader-Ever! (To "Paraphrase")


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