May 12, 2019

Porn: another Jewish golem...


  1. IMO, porn and even more perversions, pedophilia, child sacrifice (also, 18 yo soldiers are STILL children. When the jews psuh the U.S. into wars, it is child sacrifice) existed in the talmud already, so what the jews are doing is to have the non-jews practice the same, becoming as corrupt as they, the jews.

  2. Another zewish golem brought to you by...

    The Council on Porn Relations.


    Speaking of depraved and perverted freakazoids...

    "Mike Pompedo, "The Malignant Manatee" threatens the planet with fire and brimstone.

    Flabby amorphous ass, Mike Pompedo, is parading his Christianity; John Boltoff, a mean sonofabitch who belongs in a strait jacket, at least doesn’t pose as someone having a soul. The Golden Tufted Cockatoo, Donald Tramp, too weak to control those around him, is preening and tweeting. God save us."

    - Fred Reed (modified)

    "Our malignant manatee sure is on a roll! Just this week he managed to threaten Venezuela, Iran, and even Russia and China together. I think that it is high time to declare that Kike Pompeso is a bona fide nutcase, a dangerous, arrogant and ignorant psychopath whose crazy statements represent a direct threat to the entire planet. Not to say that his pal Boltoff is any less crazy. Now combine these two rabid thugs with the spineless “Golden Tufted Cockatoo” (to use Fred Reed’s equally hilarious but accurate characterization) and you see that the planet is in big, big trouble."

    - The Shaker

    "The world is now ruled by a most dangerous gang of ignorant thugs who are very rapidly losing their grip on our planet and who is simply neither intellectually equipped to understand, nor deal with this very complex and rapidly changing situation.

    What we are seeing is a full-spectrum collapse of the unipolar world and its gradual, but also inexorable, replacement with a multi-polar world in which things like “speaking with your adversaries or even enemies” becomes the norm rather than the exception. Even more importantly, this is a world in which US threats always fall on deaf ears simply because nobody takes the US seriously anymore. While the US military probably has the capability to re-invade Grenada or “bring democracy” to the inhabitants of the North Sentinel Island – no adults in the room will be impressed (least of all the Iranians!).

    It is this quiet indifference which enrages the likes of Pompeo, Bolton or Trump – for all their narcissistic chest-thumping – they are, and will forever remain, the ultimate losers – folks who simply couldn’t get *anything* done. Even more terrifying is their sense of total impunity.

    - The Saker

    A Week in the Life of the Empire
    By wmw_admin on May 12, 2019
    The Saker – The Unz Review May 9, 2019

    The Three Stooges, Pompedo, Boltoff and Grump...
    Coming a war theater near you.


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