May 24, 2019

"You Might Be A Right Wing Extremist If..."

  1. Describe themselves as "Patriots"
  2. Add 'istan' to British place names
  3. Describe multicultural towns as 'lost'
  4. Have tattoos with overt and covert XRW iconography
  5. Look at opponents as 'Traitors'
  6. Use the term 'Islamofascism' 
  7. Discuss the creation of 'white only' communities
  8. Become increasingly angry at perceived injustices or threats to so called 'National Identity'
  9. Refer to individuals ready to challenge their XRW views as being 'indoctrinated' 
  10. Make generalisations about Muslims and Jews
  11. Claim that immigration is the root of injustices against vulnerable people (e.g. old age pensioners, veterans)
  12. Involve colleagues in closed social media groups
  13. Refer to Political Correctness as some left wing or communist plot
  14. Make inaccurate generalisations about 'the Left' or Government
  15. Threaten violence when losing an argument, although claiming that XRW groups protest peacefully
  16. Actively seek out impressionable individuals to indoctrinate or recruit
  17. Use blatantly untruthful or incorrect references to immigrants, Judaism or Islam
  18. Talk of an impending racial conflict or 'Race War'
  19. Claim that it is acceptable to abuse Jews or Muslims as Judaism or Islam are not 'races'
  20. Have extreme XRW group stickers or badges on clothing and personal items


  1. Learn to use the goddam menu. This looks like an old Billy Joel song.

  2. your favorite heeb singer

  3. I made a clean sweep - 19 out of 19.

  4. hey Scorpio let's see the tattoo

  5. I have a big tattoo of a dolphin bursting through a wave.
    Got it when I was in my early 20's- 8 hours of pain.

    Maybe it was a bad choice putting it on my forehead - lol (joking)

  6. tattoo 8h on foreskin, sounds nasty alright lol

  7. So let's push back and gurn the warning around:

    They might be a Traitor or Extreme Left
    Wing if they:

    -Describe themselves as "Multi-cultural"
    -Consider those from the 'istan' as English/Europeans.
    -Describe multicultural towns as 'normal'
    -Have tattoos with overt and overt abnormal iconography
    -Look at traitors as 'being right'
    -Use the term 'Islamophobic.'
    -Discuss the creation of 'multi-national' communities
    -Become increasingly angry at perceived injustices or threats to so called 'Multicultural Identity'
    -Refer to individuals accepting their abnornal views as being 'proper'
    -Make generalisations about Europeans, Whites and Nationals.
    -Claim that immigrants are to be accepted no matter what, and do not care about their vulnerable people (e.g. old age, women, children, veterans and pets)
    Push to exclude Whites, Europenas and Conservative out of social media groups
    Refer to their left wing and communist group as Politically Correct.
    -Make inaccurate generalisations about 'the Right or Independent" groups.
    -Threaten violence when losing an argument, and claim that their groups protest peacefully
    -Actively practice threats and violence.
    -Use blatantly untruthful or incorrect references to White, Europeans or Pagans.
    -Push for a racial conflict or 'Race War'
    -Claim that it is acceptable to abuse Whites, Europeans, and that Islam and Judaism are 'races'
    -Have extreme violent groups, recognizable by clothing and stickers or badges on clothing and personal items.
    -Claim that Europeans / Whites and their accomplishments, originated from the other Races.


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