June 15, 2019

Jean-Marie Le Pen : "La 3ème Guerre mondiale est commencée"


  1. In the face of knowledge, wisdom, common sense and seniority, the annoying interviewer adopts the attitude of a 3rd grade school teacher scolding an embarrassing pupil. She reacts like a conceited, ignorant and flippant media bitch!

    What else is new?!

    She put words in his mouth and he had to tell her she was wrong in her assumptions a number of times.

    She never acknowledges his patient, diplomatic, intelligent and informative responses; she jumps to the next question on her list, chosen to distract from her inability to find fault or find an excuse to attack his position.

    What else is new?! They're all the same: inane and insane.

    Le Pen is a good guy.

  2. More News Comedy:

    Columbus, Ohio | An 83-year old woman was arrested this morning and accused of training dozens of cats to steal jewelry and other valuables from her

    "The Columbus Police Department opened an investigation on Ruth Gregson and her 65 cats in October after several neighbors reported small objects being stolen from their homes.

    According to Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs, dozens of cats were constantly coming and going, bringing home “anything that shined”.

    Upon searching Ms. Gregson’s house, investigators found $650,000 worth of jewelry and precious metal among piles of worthless shiny baubles.

    Chief Jacobs says the elderly woman confessed to training her cats to steal, saying the felines had to “earn their meals”.

    “She would only feed the animals if they brought home valuables, so the animals had to steal every day in order to survive. Most were voluntarily malnurished so they would easily gain the neighbors’ pity and be allowed inside their houses.”

    According to the Columbus Police, Ms. Gregson’s animals could have stolen from more than 5,000 houses and apartment in the area, and investigators invite possible victims to contact them."



    The Beaver:
    Wally, I wonder if that old lady was a zew?

    Wally: I think so Beav, these zews have so many tricks to get free money & stuff...

    The Beaver:
    Gee Wally...

    An 83-year old woman was arrested this morning and accused of training dozens of cats to steal jewelry and other valuables from her neighbors


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